Supreme Naruto

Chapter 184

Even if you are a shame, you still have to go out.

Because… Naruto is hungry…

Then I hid Kakashi to recast my white teeth and hid in the boiler room on the outskirts of Konoha.

However, when they learned that Naruto was going to cast a sword, the five girls also came to the suburbs.

The reason for Sakuragi’s sisters is to give Naruto a shot, and the other three are justified to watch the fun…

Naruto feels that my liver hurts…

Then, according to the original appearance of white teeth, Naruto called the broken sword to be recast, and I don’t know what it would be like Kakashi knew.

This should be regarded as one of the few relics left by his father.

In the sense of a re-casting… In a sense, it’s no different from going to the store to buy the same one. In practical terms, it’s natural to buy new ones better, but in terms of nostalgia, it’s not a thing to miss a fart. .

“Let’s finish! The mold is ready, I will definitely create the same one… short knife.”

The short edge of 30 cm is not a sword in Naruto’s view, although the World knife is the same as the Sword Intent…

In addition to the kitchen knife…nail clippers…

The knives are done well, and then… smelting, decomposing, adding materials, recalculating the proportion, alloy forging, pouring, inhibiting the regeneration of the live steel, polishing the cutting edge, removing the live steel suppression… Dissatisfied? Forged? Returning to the furnace to extract the live steel… Then I went to the process again… until the knife was born!

For seven days, Naruto, the “white tooth” that was cast, was very satisfied and felt a little less than the blue-sleeve sword, but because of the materiality and cost, Naruto finally created the “white teeth” that satisfied him.

But in fact, the knife was re-boiled down five times… In other words, the original material of seven or eight eight has become the slag in the stove… most of them… 99.99%, the materials are added of.

The last 0.01% is the name of the white tooth.

In the end, this knife has only the handle and the shell is originally…

When Naruto was worried about inserting the knife into the handle, it was like a newlywed groom. The groom was afraid that there was no obstacle to unimpeded. Naruto’s fear was that he could not insert it.

So at the moment of insertion, Naruto was greatly satisfied.

Very proud to say to the Sakuragu sisters around me: “How? Is this knife after the knife is closed and the past is not the same?”

Sakuragu Sisters may be the only person on the World who is still standing on the side of Naruto.

Sakura Valley Summer: “elder sister, elder sister, the master is very powerful, this knife is exactly the same as the past!”

Sakura Tani: “younger sister, younger sister, the owner is really good, this knife does look exactly the same.”

The two men were interlocking, and their faces squinted at Naruto.

Watching the lively monks and nuns on the side: “Hey…”

大咕尼 follow closely from behind : “噗…”

Xiao Ni Ni Wang Tian…

Naruto directly ignores the ridicule of Dazzini and Muni.

With a sigh of relief, the triumph of the heart is beyond words.

Then pull out the knife again…

“How can you not pull out the knife?”

In the air…Chakra five times the strength of the explosion!

“ka-cha ……”

The scabbard has cracked…

Davidi: “Hey…”

Muni: “Hey…”

Little Muni held back and didn’t smile at the sky…

Naruto Bean Eyes at the broken knives, blinking, asked Sakuragi sisters: “Which…has the surviving super glue in the store manager?”

Sakura Valley Xia Qiao said: “Yes, I will take it.”

Naruto thought about calling Sakuriya Summer back: “Forget it, I will make another scabbard…”

After the scabbard is done…

Naruto found that the scabbard and the handle style are not very suitable…

“Let’s make another handle…”

When the new “white teeth” were done, Naruto proudly said: “Is it looking more handsome than the white teeth of the past?”

Sakuragi Sisters continue to Strangth Pet Naruto.

Sakura Tani: “younger sister, younger sister, the master’s knife is more handsome than in the past.”

Sakura Valley Summer: “elder sister, elder sister, the master casting knife is the most handsome.”

Naruto sighed with enthusiasm and made a name for himself: “This knife is called a big white tooth.”

One of the three little monks and nunni looked at each other: “Hey…”

On the same day, Naruto crept in the wind and the moon.

“Hua Yue teacher, Jianghu emergency, help.”

The windy month puzzled the look at Naruto, who was a thief, and then looked at all around and whispered: “Is it a river?”

Naruto waved his hand: “That doesn’t matter, you give this to Kakashi, saying it’s white teeth, um… white teeth when you grow up, I gave it a new name called Big White.”

The wind between the flowers took over the 50 cm long dagger in Naruto’s hand, which was a bit heavy, and the scabbard was dark and could not see where white…

However… the handle on the handle is twisted and twisted… “Great white teeth.”

The wind is notdded, and promises: “Okay.”

Naruto warned repeatedly: “And, you must exaggerate this white tooth in front of him.”

The wind is blinking, “How do you boast?”

Naruto touched his chin and was very shameless: “You can boast how fine this knife works, see it… it seems to see father.”

Father ? Why is father? The wind and the moon do not understand, but this sentence is a bit shameful… Hesitantly asked: “This sentence is very important?”

Naruto nodded seriously.

The value of the “big white teeth” can only be saved by the wind and the moon!

The wind between the flowers and the moon is awkward.

“Then I am still looking for the Tsunade elder sister to practice, so I will go first.”

Naruto’s sole was smeared.

Five minutes later, the Windy Flower Moon came to Hatake Kakashi’s ward with Naruto 50 meters long as a “short knife” that burned a fire stick.

Kakashi saw the stick in the hands of the wind in the wind and praised it: “Good chic stick.”

The wind and the moon handed the “big white teeth” to the Kakashi road: “This is Naruto, let me give it to you.”

Naruto? Bald 屎 郎?

What he sent… suspicious… isn’t it a 100 detonator?

Kakashi’s eyes fell on the stick, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart…

The wind and flowers continue: “Naruto said, this is your white teeth.”

“It is now growing into a big white tooth.”

Saying that the wind between the wind and the moon turned “stick” body, leaking out the “stick” handle on the twisted “big white teeth” three words.

Kakashi’s eyes are sluggish…

Staring at the stick in the hands of the wind, I saw 30 seconds…

Spirit shouted: “Naruto says it’s white teeth?”

The wind and the moon are sure: “Naruto said so.”

Kakashi hesitated to take over the fire stick, and there was a trace of luck in his heart… Maybe… the fire stick was just a disguise, the real white crow was inside.

Thinking of this, Kakashi smiled and said to himself: “Well… it must be like this, Naruto is so naughty.”

Then I pulled it out, and the sharp blade slowly opened…

After pulling the head… the sword blade is square at the end…

Kakashi feels that she is all right…

Kakashi wanted to throw the sword away, because seeing the swaying sword blade, he thought of Naruto’s sinuous bald head.

Looking at Kakashi in the wind, I thought of Naruto’s entrustment.

Start to talk: “Naruto told me to tell you that the work of this sword is really good, that you think of father when you see it.”

Father ?

Kakashi gas shivering…

Whispered: “Where is Naruto now?”

Kaide of the Windy Flower Festival: “Naruto went to Hokage to practice.”

Hokage ……

Kakashi suddenly wants to cry… I want to cry for the white teeth that he destroyed.

And himself…

Are you going to take this fire stick to find Naruto?

Kakashi threw the fire stick in the hand on the ground, and the square tip of the sword was inserted on the ground, as if it was inserted in the tofu. The sword blade was unobstructed and slipped to the end without a handle.

Kakashi stunned, and the windy month was also stunned.

Such a sharp sword is still seen for the first time… Kakashi leaned down and raised his hand to draw a sword…

“Actually… this sword… seems to be a good look…”

The wind between the flowers and the moon nodded and praised: “Well, work beautifully, you can think of the father’s sword at a glance.”

Kakashi’s face is black, not to mention father, but also to chat…

Father, which father? Ming father? He is jealous!

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