Supreme Naruto

Chapter 163

On the roof top of the Hokage building, the Tsunade stands on top of the entire Konoha.

Exclaimed: “Konoha has changed a lot.”

Naruto and Jiraiya stood behind, and there were two Konoha’s current management, Konoha’s two elders, Utatane Koharu and Homura Mitokado, and two shinobi ready to go.

Um… There is still a bit of silence in the eyes of Naruto from time to time with a dolphin…

Since the fart sugar incident, the attitude of mute to Naruto has changed 100 by eighty degrees.

Originally that gentle and considerate, the gentle elder sister of Naruto’s knee pillow can no longer be found…

Homura Mitokado looks at the Tsunade, which stands on the edge of the roof of the Hokage building, sighs: “I can’t think of you, please call her…”

This sentence is obviously what Jiraiya said.

Jiraiya wow haha’s laugh, very proud: “This is nothing, how can she refuse to be my big guy? Ah Hahahaha!”

Utatane Koharu looks at the back of Tsunade, her heart still wants Jiraiya to be the fifth-generation Hokage, but now that Tsunade is back, it can only support Tsunade according to the agreement with Jiraiya. I think that this Utatane Koharu has some feelings about Hokage. When I couldn’t send it out, “It seems… we have to ask the names of the countries… to celebrate her fifth generation Hokage…”

“Mysterious, Aoba, let everyone know about this.”

With this voice, standing on the side waiting for a long time, I don’t know the fire, and there is a mountain green leaf that is simultaneously replied: “Yes!”


Utatane Koharu said yes, Naruto also heard it very clearly.

But whether it is tone or demeanor, it is more like another word: “Let.”

But these are too lazy to tsukkomi.

Naruto touched his head, the wind on the Hokage building was not small, blowing on the top of the head…

Therefore, my heart is also a bit cool.

Tsunade said that the village of Kaidō gave him a potion… It’s all back for half an hour…

In fact, Naruto can also try to prepare it yourself, but after all, it is related to the major event of hair, or be careful.

Tsunade blew for a while on the roof of the Hokage building, followed by a variety of handovers.

Naruto is like a small tail, running around behind.

Helping you from time to time, but Naruto’s real idea here is not to express himself, but to… medicine…

Jiraiya looks at Naruto, and I can’t help but ask: “Naruto, isn’t your sword usually stored? How to take it outside today?”

Mainly Jiraiya saw Naruto carrying a sword on his body and moving things back and forth, feeling very inconvenient…

Naruto didn’t go back directly to Kaidō: “It’s natural to cut people outside.”

Jiraiya didn’t understand and asked, “Who is it?”

Naruto didn’t return, but snorted in my heart, who dared to laugh at my hair, who I cut!

Just saying, behind thinks of cry out in surprise, “Naruto?”

Naruto looked at the eyes with her eyes turned around. It was Haruno Sakura.

This is not important… the important thing is that there is Hinata around!

damned! What Naruto wants to see most now is Hinata.

Because he feels that his appearance is really too bad…

So I immediately turned my head and pressed down the voice: “Sorry, you have mistaken people.”

But this move is obviously not good.

Then the two were still surrounded.

Hinata’s little hand continued to poke on his chest and praised him: “Naruto’s bald head is also very handsome.”

Naruto feels that he has been cured…

Which pot of spring wild cherry does not open? “Naruto How did your hair get?”

Naruto corner of the mouth, pumping, black face Kaidō: “Don’t worry about how it is, I just want to know how to make it come back soon…”

Then transfer the topic: “Do you have a business here? Leave me alone, go to business.”

When it comes to business, the expression of Haruno Sakura is suddenly dark.

Somewhat weeping: “Naruto…Sasuke, he was taken away by the snake…”

This is ……

Think about it too, it’s only Sasuke that makes Haruno Sakura on the heart.

Naruto nodded Kaidō: “I know this thing…”

Chunno Sakura eyes with tears: “Then you go with me to find Hokage, ask her to get Sasuke back.”

Naruto comforted: “The current Hokage has not yet officially taken office, and she already knows about it, so I don’t have to look for it, plus the newly appointed Hokage is very busy now.”

Um… super busy, I will allocate medicine to me when I’m done…

So today there is no time for leisure time.

Haruno Sakura said: “Is the Hokage adult decided to get Sasuke back?”

get back? Look for…

Even the most powerful underground exchanges don’t know where Orochimaru is hiding.

And even know who is going?

Jiraiya last time let Orochimaru escape once, this time with Tsunade and Jiraiya?

I am afraid that Orochimaru will get the news disappearing without a trace…

Moreover, Tsunade will soon succeed, and I have not heard of Hokage going out to do Quest…

And the most important thing is that the Sasuke family upgraded their experience in Orochimaru. What kind of excitement you have to make, isn’t it messy?

Naruto organized the language and advised: “That Sakura, don’t worry, go back and wash your face and sleep, wait until there is news, I will tell you.”

It turns out that Naruto never persuaded people…

Haruno Sakura stared at Naruto: “Do you even perfuse me?”

and also? It seems that Sakura hit the wall a lot…

Naruto spit in his heart and rescued his mouth: “It’s not about perfunctory, but something that’s too urgent. You mess up yourself and things won’t change.”

Chunno Sakura looks cold and shouted: “Naruto! How can you be so cold-blooded! Sasuke is your teammate!”

I am cold-blooded… Ok…

Naruto had no choice but to persuade Haruno Sakura. Naruto shifted her gaze to Hinata and asked, “Are you also because of this?”

Hinata feels that the atmosphere is not right, and some are afraid of nodded.

“What did Kakashi say?”

Hinata fingers pressed together: “Kakashi teacher went to perform Quest…”

Kakashi performs the scorpion Quest? With the class shinobi, Quest also carries the players… Well, Sasuke is not there, he is not there, only the Hinata is really not as convenient as his own action…

“Then you go back to practice, and it is better to waste your time on these meaningless things than to upgrade your own Strength.”

Hinata was hesitant to answer, Chunno Sakura grabbed Hinata’s hand and walked inside the Hokage office. “Hinata, let’s go, don’t ignore this scum!”

I am scum…

Ok, look at what you guys have done for you. I don’t care about you.

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes) and continued to hold a bunch of paperwork and walked into the Hokage office.

Jiraiya looks at the back of Naruto and sighs: “I can endure the anger of Nass, and Naruto is a lot more mature, but why is it not my Discice?”

In Jiraiya’s view, Naruto’s daily practice is to get Sasuke back.

He still remembers Naruto asking him the expression of whether the underground exchange could buy Orochimaru news.

With this at the same time, Orochimaru’s secret Base.

The painful snoring seems to be a curse from the abyss that makes people feel the scalp numb.

Orochimaru stares at his own hands.

At this point, the both hands are bad and can see the bones.

The bones are dark, so it’s very weird: “Sasuke…hasn’t it cured yet?”

This sentence was asked by biting his teeth. Yakushi Kabuto was careful with Kaidō: “The operation is only half done, at least nine times, and that is the case that he can persist… I am afraid…”

Orochimaru’s painful body muscles are uncontrollably trembling, he is almost going to keep going…

It is accurate to say that this body has not persisted, and the frustration of the arms is spreading to the body.

Yakushi Kabuto also saw that “Orochimaru-sama, I have already prepared a few bodies for you, and…”

“If you need it, I can even offer it.”

Orochimaru Low Kaidō: “Non-Sasuke’s body can’t… I don’t have to wait for two days a day!”

Then there is an uncontrollable low-key…

Yakushi Kabuto clenched the fist: “Can… it’s urgent!”

“Three generations of Hokage’s technique for you… the power of the spell is far beyond our imagination!”

“If you don’t get back to life, everything is over!”

Orochimaru didn’t answer, he couldn’t speak.

He really can’t hold on…

Yakushi Kabuto made up his mind to arrange a reincarnation as soon as possible. If Orochimaru suddenly died, everything will be finished.

“Elite needed for reincarnation, I will filter it out for you, please give it to me!”

Orochimaru is absolutely not dead…

Leave Orochimaru’s ward and walk all the way to the cell on the ground floor of Base.

The young experimental bodies that Orochimaru captured were held here.

The cell is opened and the voice of the bag spreads through every cell.

“You all listen to me!”

“From now on, you start killing each other until the last person is left!”

“If you finally survived, you can leave here.”

The seal on the iron gate burns into ashes, and the people inside the cell have raised the head. The pair of green eyes are not like people coming out, more like beasts, more fierce than wolves.

The first one is sent! Start writing the second. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards for all bookings~ (Come to a few of you dancing together to cheer for the author ~)

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