Supreme Naruto

Chapter 164

Hokage office, Naruto holds the instrument against the wall.

He is going to see how Tsunade responds to these two gimmicks.

The result was unexpected to Naruto.

Sitting on Hokage’s office chair, Tsunade cocked his legs and dragged his gangster with one hand: “Sasuke’s departure from the village is still under investigation. There is no evidence that Sasuke was forced to leave the village, so there is an initiative to leave the village. may.”

“If you take the initiative to leave the village, then this kind of behavior can be classified as a rebel village…”

When the words were not finished, Haruno Sakura was panicked, and he said: “Sasuke is absolutely impossible to rebel! It must be taken by Orochimaru!”

Tsunade half-mouthed, uncomfortable swallowing the words behind her, then asked: “Who told you that Sasuke left the village, related to Orochimaru?”

Haruno Sakura opened his mouth and did not speak.

She couldn’t tell the eyes of Sasuke and the four shinibi villages of Shinobi leaving the village.

If you say… Is Sasuke not a rebel village?


Tsunade stared at Haruno Sakura, and Hinata also looked at Haruno Sakura. The scene was a bit nervous.

Naruto leaning against the wall turned a Byakugan (roll eyes), the Idiot’s gimmick…

Although Naruto was also keen to know how she knew it, Naruto felt that it would be awful for her to say it.

Get up, then put the paperwork on the desk and swear: “Tsunade elder sister, these are the documents that Grandma’s grandma asked me to take, saying that today Tenten is in front of you, you have to read all of them and then deal with them.”

The instrument fell on the table, and “bang!” screamed for a while.

There are still a lot of ashes, and Naruto estimates that it should be Homura Mitokado, the Old Man, who got the paperwork.

Um… these instruments are fortunate enough not to be littered.

Unreliable old guy…

Tsunade glared at the eyes of the eyes. At Naruto, the one-meter-high instrument screamed at the eyes: “So much! Did you want my life?”

Naruto shrugged. “Genfather of the door inflammation said that it was all Konoha reconstruction, and there were several compensation issues for the damage of the shops. If it was the Tsunade Princess, it would definitely come.”

Tsunade corner of the mouth took a pumping, then looked at Haruno Sakura and waved: “If you have nothing to do, let’s go to rest. Konoha’s Quest will be a lot from tomorrow, and you may not be able to do so.”

Haruno Sakura looked at Naruto with a complicated look, then turned and left.

Hinata was a little embarrassed, and finally waved with Naruto.

After the person left, Naruto start to talk said: “Tsunade elder sister, when is my medicine formulated? No hair is really uncomfortable…”

Tsunade’s corner of the mouth, another sigh, resentfully said, “Do you really want to force me to die?”

Then I saw the mute holding the dolphin and walked in. The eyes were turned, bad said with a smile: “It’s better to let mute help you prepare.”

The mute holding the dolphin next to it was going to refute, but after thinking about it, suddenly it was bright, and I promised it: “Okay, I will formulate this medicine.”

Does Naruto dare to mute?

Don’t dare to kill, the head shakes like a rattle. “Forget it, don’t bother to silence the elder sister. In fact… not urgent, Tsunade elder sister can make it for me tomorrow.”

If she is allowed to mute, she will prepare a miracle prescription that can be fart.

Head fart?

The picture was so deceptive, Naruto took a nap.

Then Tsunade started working, and Naruto served as a coolie to help the tea.

Jiraiya? The guy didn’t know where to go.

As Naruto was about to get bored, Tsunade suddenly screamed: “I rely on! This is a compensation for fake!”

Naruto took a look and almost squirted.

That is a claim from a ninja store with a total amount of one hundred million.

One hundred million! What concept! An S-level Quest is only a million.

That’s 100 S-level Quest!

Konoha has fewer than ten S-level Quests a year.

There was a little more in the war, and it wasn’t 50 in the sky…

Naruto looks at the name of the store, “Good to come back to the store.”

An old blood is almost squirting out.

Store manager’s shop, which store manager? Nature is the one that goes with the daughter to make a movie.

Sakurawara and Sakuragi are still dare to do…

This number is not written casually?

Then it’s fun, and even if it’s three generations of Hokage, it’s not approved for Alzheimer’s, let alone Tsunade?

“Naruto, help me sort out the attached files of this store. I have to look at what I lost and I have to pay 100 million.”

“Silent, you go to the store’s purchase order file.”

Naruto swallowed, looked at the catalog number, and then supported the body that was about to die, and pulled out the attached file, which is the list of claims.

This next document was actually cut in half. It took half a day for most of these documents to be one thing.

The pages of the book are flipped, and there are many eye-catching purchase orders.

After a minute, the mute was taken back.

Tsunade began to contrast, “Hey? This pile of purchase orders actually involved within five years, mute you took the first four years.”

This is followed by a dizzy contrast.

Naruto and mute help.

The end result is that the purchase order is true.

“Naruto, turn this store’s field investigation information out.”


The remaining half of the documents are now two-thirds less…

Regardless of whether this pothole thing can be done, Naruto is now admiring the two gimmicks. With so much information, even if it is done with shadows, it will take three days and three nights.

Most of the piles of information are photographed, collected, and asked by Konoha Ninja.

The first page was opened and it was the face that was blown up.

It’s really bad to look at the black smoke.

The next one is a pair of sisters who are crying together.

It was called a rain pear flower. Just looking at the photos, it seemed as if I could hear the cry.

This acting… These two girls don’t go to film with their Missy…

Then there is the wreckage of the detonated detonator that was burned. The bundle of one scorpion was burned out, and there were tears and dark handprints on it.

From this photo, Naruto seems to be able to see a slap in the fire and then a helpless girl throws himself into the fire, and the sadness of saving the money.

There are also a variety of Chakra test strips, shinobi smocks, and various types of Scrolls.

Every price tag is astoundingly high.

But after the search, the confirmation is indeed the actual price.

Of course, the most terrifying is the burning silver ticket…

The silver ticket is in the attached file. After the silence is firm, the throat is swallowed: “It is true.”

This is a pain in the egg, and the total number of silver tickets burned is 50 million two…

Half of a hundred million.

After three hours of waste, I read all the data and the three people were hard to find.

Tsunade only felt a pain in his head, and he had been poked at Sun’s hole with his hands, so he couldn’t wait to kill himself.

It’s really that Konoha doesn’t have much money…

What to do? She is desperate…

Tsunade closed his eyes and asked: “Is there any other lawsuit besides compensation of 100 million?”

Mute re-confirmed again, swallowing the saliva: “Nothing…”

“No, there is a note that says that Konoha is too dangerous, I want to go home.”

Naruto resisted the urge to turn Byakugan (roll eyes).

Is this going to take money away?

Not to say that you want a big free storefront, then take half of the pastry shop?

And it looks like there are shares he doesn’t tell…

Is it… what is it?

Take the initiative to let Konoha pay for the land?

Hey… In case Konoha didn’t come up?

Also, such a large compensation must be negotiated in person and then negotiated.

In other words, this is the real version of the sky to pay for the land.

Awesome, two elder sisters.

If Sakurazuka and Sakura Ichigo know that Naruto will only analyze the plan with his brain, he should also sigh and sigh my “master silver.”

The second is to send it, start to write the third more ~ ​​today can also four more? I have to work hard, (small call power is lacking, request support!)

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