Supreme Naruto

Chapter 162

There is a saying that is good.

For a moment of death, look at the Cremate field.

Naruto gave a fart to the mute front foot, and the rear foot was silent, giving Naruto a medical Ninjutsu.

Is it a mess?

It is the use of Chakra Medical Ninjutsu, which disrupts the nervous system by transforming the body Chakra into electrons to generate an electric field and then into the patient or enemy’s within the body.

For the nerve numbness effect that the patient can shield the pain, the enemy can disturb the nervous system and disrupt the body coordination.

For example, if you want to go, but your fist is shook, you want to punch, but your feet are lifted.

Naruto’s current state is the latter.

He wants to laugh, but the nerve feedback is coughing, and the coughing lungs must cough up…

In the end, there was no way he wanted to lick himself. The result turned to raise his hand and rubbed his hand.

This palm is still dead and lingering on the silent chest.

Tsunade didn’t stop, watching the fun was not afraid of big things, “Oh, oh…”

Jiraiya was stunned by Tsunade and said, “Oh, oh!”

Then the cute porpoise learns: “Oh… call…”

Silent eyes are huge.

Naruto was desperate and subconsciously closed, and the result turned his hand forward.

Although the mute is almost without a chest, it is a girl.

After the reaction, it was natural to give Naruto a ruthless slap.

Then the newly repaired carriage “Boom!” broke through a hole again.

Naruto rolled from the ground and hung his face to the ground.

Fortunately, when he wanted to look up, he kicked his foot down, then Naruto reacted spirally, and then did not know how many three hundred and sixty degrees of ass sat on the ground…

stand up?

Sorry, I can’t stand up…

Naruto feels that he can’t control the body at all.

Because he found out what the command was to try.

When he wanted to look up again for the second time, he manually.

The third time I wanted to look up, my head was in the ground…

Simply speaking, his nerve reflexes, regardless of the order issued, his body is a random response.

This is an eggache.

So Naruto was lying on the ground.

Wait for the carriage to stop and come to save him.

Tsunade said to mute: “Get Ninjutsu on Naruto untied. Naruto is not good yet.”

Although mute is not reconciled, it is not easy to violate the command of Tsunade, and rudely reorganized Naruto with the Neural System.

Naruto relaxed, sincerely explained: “Silent elder sister, I did not really deliberately, I did not want to model your chest, and then you have no Jiraiya chest, no good touch.”

“pū!” Tsunade squirted.

Jiraiya is black…

Mute… the whole person is blackened…

The next moment rushed out again.

However, Naruto is prepared, and although the body is not completely good enough to use Chakra, the strength of Naruto’s body is also very strong.

So it is very flexible to avoid the silent palm.

Continue to be sincere: “I really didn’t mean it.”

Mute the left hand across the front, revealing a hidden device with several syringes, and pulling a stretch line on the right, then “咄咄…咄!”

Several flying needles appear fanned like Naruto Attack.

Naruto Strength broke out again, the eight armor did not open, Naruto’s vision and the ordinary person did not differ.

Therefore, it is impossible to capture the trajectory of the hidden weapon with the naked eye.

However, Naruto can judge the path of the hidden device according to the direction of the pinhole of the silent hand.

Once again, I am flexible.

After five minutes, the mute saw helpless Naruto finally closed.

Tsunade reconciled: “Well, Naruto will mute the antidote quickly.”

Silent at this time, the desperate ass collapse sound has not stopped, and the more rich strawberry flavor…

Mute also looks at Naruto, she has so many girls who have put so much shame and want to find a place to bury themselves.

However, Naruto scratched his head and 讪said with a smile : “No antidote…”

For a time, Tsunade eyes widened and mute fell into the edge of collapse.

Tsunade replied: “Is that effect too fast?”

Naruto blinks, whispered: “20 is four hours after the drug is not effective…”

The sound is getting smaller and smaller, because he can’t help but rampage again when he sees mute.

Fortunately, Tsunade stopped silently in time to avoid a human tragedy.

Then, to Naruto, “Well, is there that medicine?”

Naruto’s effect is too bad, and I can’t let the girl connect with 20 for four hours.

Even if it is not stinky, I want to die.

So it’s better to prepare a drug solution quickly.

Naruto touched the storage harness on the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and then a sugar appeared in Naruto’s hand.

“This durian smell, or?”


Mute the corner of the mouth, twitching, there is a trace of happiness in the heart, fortunately Naruto did not give him the taste of durian, or really have to succumb to it…

Tsunade nodded.

Naruto threw the sugar away.

As a result, the dolphin did not know what nerves were in his head, but he jumped up and swallowed the sugar…

wanna play……

“bang!” The pig can’t stand the fart.

So the sound of this fart is very loud…

Also accompanied by the taste of this durian…

“bang! bang!” After the single ring, it was replaced by a double ring.

The collapse is called a hearty.

Still carrying the yellow smoke.

The yellow smoke spread into the horse’s nose, and the horse followed suit.

Naruto was so excited that I saw the breath of the yellow smoke subconsciously holding my breath.

Plus the wind is blowing from Naruto to the front, so I escaped.

Jiraiya was not so lucky, and she didn’t know if it was out of curiosity. He smelled it and then squeezed his nose.

But pinching the nose is no longer important. The important thing is that he smelled it, so the trio sounded.

No, the quartet, and the coachman of the carriage.

The only surviving Tsunade and Naruto jumped to the tree and said with a look of horror: “Do you have a fart candy?”

Naruto carefully breathed Kaidō: “Maybe the durian taste is a special effect sugar, and the catalytic gas produced a little more…”

Tsunade nodded, it feels like this should be the case.


Ok? What is the sound?

Naruto looked at Tsunade and asked, “Tsunade elder sister, have you just fart?”

Tsunade’s face is red: “I don’t have…”

However, the second sound started.

To finish…Tsunade is also poisoned…

Naruto ran away.

Tsunade stood in the tree for a long time, screaming and shouting: “Naruto! Give me back! I want to clean the door!”

Naruto, dare to stop and don’t go back to the scorpion.

Mouth muttered: “When it’s over, the Tsunade elder sister is offended. I feel that this Konoha doesn’t return, or rebel village…”

But even if Naruto can use Chakra, speed doesn’t have to be Tsunade fast.

Now Naruto is still running where he can’t use Chakra.

Just ran out of the three trees and was caught by Tsunade.

Then, holding Naruto’s feet upside down, put Naruto in his hand.

Naruto eyes, watery and pitiful, asks for mercy: “Tsunade elder sister, I am wrong, forgive me once…”

Tsunade is cold-faced and laughed: “Since I have also recruited you, I can’t run.”

Said to mention Naruto behind the dolphin’s buttocks.

Naruto is suffocating, but how long can you suffocate?

Finally, I still breathed.

He breathed when he was licking his dolphins, but he knew that the dolphins were waiting for him. The loud noise of “bang!”, Naruto was sprayed yellow…

When the odor is rushing, it will spit out foam.

After 30 seconds, Naruto couldn’t help but start to fart…


The side of the porpoise is satisfied with the match: “bang!”

Tsunade: “Hey…”

Mute: “Hey, hey…”

Jiraiya: “Hey…”

Ma: “bang! bang! bang!”

The groom raised his ass: “Hey…”

Everyone got on the carriage, and the carriage passed through a yellow cigarette…

The weasel squatting on the side of the grass took a sip, then: “bang!”

Bump into the rabbit’s nest.

The bun of the rabbit’s mouth fell down…

Rabbit: This fart is poisonous…

Weasel: “bang!” Bun spit foam: “This fart is poisonous…” (Wow! haha!haha!) Ask for a ticket, a monthly pass, a reward, and a full order! (Xiao Zhao: Don’t give it to you! Look at me, a fart sugar to solve your group of cockroaches) 嘿嘿…(black belly smile)

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