Supreme Naruto

Chapter 158

The explosion shook Naruto and turned to the head.

Naruto accepted the nine-tailed Chakra, and did not know if he had caught up. The thrust generated by the explosion then shot Naruto like a cannonball.

Four 15 degrees above the diagonal, the most ideal angle for parabola throwing.

“sōu!” flew into the sky, then fell across a great distance…

The nine-hot flaming Chakra crossed a slash in the sky, as if the dazzling pop was flashing in the sky.

“hōng lòng !”

Naruto squatted on the ground, and the eyelids turned over. It was really fainting and I didn’t know anything.

When I woke up, it was on the carriage.

The carriage of the carriage was crushed on the ground, and there was some bumps. Who made this carriage even a shock absorption system?

Naruto opened his eyes and looked at it, and his heart immediately jumped.

It was a wave of white flowers, of course Naruto was shameless, but not very lascivious, so what shocked him was not the scenery in the deep V dress, but the face of that person.

Beige hair, goose egg face, forehead A diamond diamond mark!

Is this Tsunade?

Is this progress too comedy? I descended from the sky and was picked up by Tsunade?

I am afraid that I am not living in a dream… I am not dreaming of it…

Thinking like this, a lazy voice rang in the ear, it was an old man’s voice, and very familiar.

“Hey, Naruto, you finally woke up.”

Naruto looks for the sound. The guy who has a hair like Akabane is not Jiraiya.

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and looked at Tsunade again, then turned to look up.

A girl, because of the horse on the chest, Naruto’s eyes were not obstructed to see the person’s face.

Black short hair, bangs are sparse, eyes are quite big, and round and very cute.


So are you lying on the mute legs?

Wow! Knee pillow in Legend! So comfortable…

There is also a hint of aroma, the aroma of dry clothes, and a hint of other good smell.

Naruto smells it, it is the taste of herbs.

Not a kind, but a lot of mixed, this taste is also on the teacher’s body.

“How long have I been in a coma?” Naruto asked.

Silent Kaidō: “Exactly seven days.”

Seven days… So Naruto seems to be able to guess some of the things at the moment.

After he was in a coma, Jiraiya found him, then took him on the road and found Tsunade.

Then persuade Tsunade to go back to the village.

“Is it comfortable to lie?” Jiraiya asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto didn’t get up, start to talk: “I feel that I have been injured, I have to lie for a few more days…”

Jiraiya corner of the mouth took a pump and told the truth that he envied Naruto.

Then I looked down at Tsunade subconsciously, not knowing what was unrealistic.

Tsunade was interested in looking at Naruto and asked directly: “What was the explosion that you made?”

explosion? Ah…explosive…

I don’t know if the ghosts are dead or dead…

I think it should not be so easy to die.

Naruto felt the body situation and tried to sit up.

Silently very gentle said: “The injury on your body is very heavy, you can lie down for a while, and you will soon be in the village.”

Then Naruto, who was going to sit up, lay down shamelessly.

Jiraiya’s eyebrows picked and picked.

But nothing was said, Naruto’s injuries were really heavy, and when I found it, the body surface wrapped the level 1 coke.

I thought it was cooked, but I found out that it was a new level of XIXX.

So Naruto is now more white than in the past.

And the beard has not burned yet, and it hasn’t grown yet, and… is what Naruto hasn’t noticed yet…

Naruto’s eyebrows are also burned, and now the head of the melon is a light egg.

Naruto lay down and answered Tsunade’s words: “Hey…Tsunade asked if the explosion in the town of Tubao was indeed me. It was urgent and I didn’t think much.”

Tsunade’s tone was severe and he said to Naruto: “Do you know how many people killed the explosion?”

The explosion was dead?

Ten thousand and two detonators, 30 low-level, together with the explosion caused by the village should be enough.


Although Tsunade’s tone is harsh, Naruto does not feel real anger.

There is also a calm performance of Jiraiya and Silence.

Is it numbness to death?

What character Naruto is mute is not clear, but Jiraiya Naruto is still clear.

If you really erase a Little Town, Jiraiya won’t be like this.

Then… the truth is that there is no dead.

It should be the key moment that Jiraiya blocked the explosion…

Naruto asked Tsunade: “Is it really dead?”

Tsunade didn’t expect Naruto to ask her.

When Naruto was asleep, Tsunade heard from Jiraiya that Naruto wanted to worship himself as a teacher, so he wanted to test Naruto’s temperament.

But she thought that Naruto would blame herself, and she thought about disregarding it, or shirking responsibility, but she did not expect to ask her.

Did this little guy see it?

Tsunade looks at Jiraiya, Jiraiya is still in the thigh of looks at Tsunade.

As long as people can see a kind of emotion called aspiration.

So the next moment, Jiraiya was kicked out of the carriage by Tsunade.

Tsunade took a deep breath and turned to Naruto and asked, “How did you see that there was no dead?”

Naruto looks at the hole in the roof of the carriage, swallowing, 乖乖 Kaidō: “Because the expression of Jiraiya is very easy.”

“And the Tsunade adults have no real anger despite their harsh tone.”

Tsunade’s eyebrows are picking up, and my heart is saying that my acting is not good?

Then the expression was serious: “Even if there were no human lives, but many people were shocked by the explosion!”

Naruto sat up and said, “That is really sad.”

“But I think I should cure them with the healing skills of the adults of Tsunade.”

Tsunade looked strangely at Naruto: “You see it too? How do you see it?”

Naruto is right: “It’s not seen, because Tsunade is the best medical shinobi.”

Tsunade heard, satisfied nodded: “Look at your smart content, I don’t care if you have to pay for labor, then you will be with me.”

Jiraiya climbed into the carriage and disagreed: “This decision is too sloppy. I think Naruto is not suitable for being a medical shinobi.”

Tsunade asked: “Do you mean to worship you as a teacher?”

Jiraiya just nodded, the next moment Tsunade shot, Jiraiya flew again.

Tsunade sat down again, Haki (domineering) said absolutely: “Dare to rob me, the courage is getting fatter.”

Naruto took a deep breath, although I was mentally prepared, but this teacher is more violent than I thought…

So worship Tsunade for the teacher is it fortune or misfortune?

Is it still time to repent?

If you repent… you are afraid that you are not going to take off like Jiraiya…

So…but I’m going to meet for the first time.

Naruto, who is thinking of doing it, is really hand-to-hand, after all, Naruto’s exercise is used as an insole.

“Tsunade teacher, I think you told the teacher to call you old, or I will call you an elder sister later.”

“pū!” Silently sprayed, then coughed up, she was picked up by her own saliva.

But Tsunade was very happy and touched Naruto’s head: “Okay, this title I like, it’s accurate.”

Naruto, a glimpse…

Because of the feeling on the head… how weird… bare…

Naruto mechanically raised his hand and touched his head…

Very scared: “What about my hair?”

Then touch the face: “What about my eyebrows?”

Tsunade took a breath and slammed Naruto’s bare head and said: “Nothing, it will be released soon, wait until you go back to the elder sister to prepare a supplemental medicine to ensure your hair is long.” Better than in the past.”

La la la, the fourth is written out~ (Sahua ~ Sahua ~)

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