Supreme Naruto

Chapter 157

Tundish town.

Little Town, on the edge of the country of the earth, Naruto came down from the carriage and looked at the yellow scorpion.

Or in addition to the khaki, this Little Town has no other colors.

The architectural style, Naruto has seen in the past, is a cave dwelling directly from the loess bag…

Accurately speaking, it is a sinking cave, where people walk on it and build it in the ground.

The coachman of the carriage was a man with a very long back. He gestured loudly and shouted: “We have to go down and let the horses rest. By the way, you should rest.”

Naruto nodded is a promise.

Then the father skillfully pulled the carriage to a guest shop that specializes in receiving people outside.

“The next road, let’s go, I feel the carriage is a bit slow.”

Naruto said to Jiraiya, but did not respond, and turned around and found that Jiraiya was having a good time talking to a delicate girl.

Is Jiraiya so a woman?

Naruto’s surprised eyebrows picked it up.

Then Jiraiya seemed to have reached an unspeakable relationship with the woman, and threw a bunch of keys to Naruto: “I am going to collect the news, you should take a break here and wait for me to come back.”

That girl is… chicken? Naruto looked at the girl, a very watery girl, a little bit of plateau red on her face, not very heavy, but added a few lovely.

Hey… looks good girl… a pity…

After Jiraiya and the girl left, Naruto looked down at the keys in her hand.


Go and see the room?

Naruto is still a bit curious about the cave hotel.

Is 404 Underground XIXX? Naruto thought maliciously.

After all, the cave was built down, but Naruto was wrong because the cave had only two floors.

Walking into the cave, a familiar feeling is always wrapped around the heart.

Not familiar with the cave, but…

The door opened and I saw Naruto, the person in the house, finally knowing where to be familiar.

The man was wearing a black trench coat against the fire cloud, and the sign was really hard to recognize.

It seems that the woman who led Jiraiya is not a chicken, but the Illusion Technique of this person.

Then… next is the dress up waiting for Jiraiya’s rescue?

This is a very sensible choice.

But Naruto suddenly died and tried to compare himself to the big man like Uchiha Itachi…

Uchiha Itachi: “Naruto… Let’s go with us…”

we? There is only one person in front of you, then the other person is behind…

Shukaku’s mystery opened instantly, the wind blade filled the body, and Naruto rushed to another corner of the room, looking at the door at the same time.

There is indeed a person standing at the door, who is two heads higher than Uchiha Itachi.

The skeleton of the body is also large, the shoulders are wide, and a handle can be seen behind.

Kisame Hoshigaki.

Sneaky look at Naruto 鼬said with a smile : “Hey, if he runs around, it will cause us trouble.”

Saying that the right hand raised the handle holding the behind and continued: “It would be better to cut off one leg.”

Naruto rushed to the same time at the same time. The second door of the eight-door armor was already open.

At this time, the right hand is pressed on the storage harness on the left wrist, the curse is triggered, and the blue sleeve sword appears in the hand.

No hesitation, no hesitation, no fear.

He decided that he wanted to see how much difference he had with today’s Strength, full power and the two people in front of him.

Even if it’s just a knife.

The wind Attribute Chakra broke out and Naruto smashed to the nearest Uchiha Itachi.

鼬 鼬 躲 躲 躲 。 。.

The eight-door armor opened the two doors to enhance the visuals, allowing Naruto to see the process of escaping, but the body could not keep up.

To finish…

But Naruto feels that he can still save.

Chakra gathers in the left hand and the spiral pill appears in the hand.

At this time, the spiral pill is just a fake piece of the watch.

After all, the full version of the spiral pill, released from the condensed Chakra road, takes up to a second.

That is still the case when the eight-door Chakra is active.

But at this moment of blinking, time is simply too late.

Fortunately, there is no rush in the visual.

In a second, Naruto’s right hand smashed through the wall.

The wall was torn by the wind blade, and a hole of one meter wide and four meters long was opened.


Just a knife, Naruto decided that he would not be the opponent of this person.

This is the right thing to do.

Only he will have a painful egg to die and want to give it a try.

Anyone with a normal head will not do this.

Naruto broke out of Chakra and decided to go through the wall.

But the sneaky figure is blocking the mouth.

The sneaky sneak peek is not much worse than 鼬.

This time it’s really over…

It turns out that if you don’t die, you won’t die…

The sneaky hand is held on the handle of the back, and it looks like it is going to wave the Samehada behind it.

The next moment Will you be cut off a leg?

Or a lumbosacral from the stomach?

However, the sneaky scorpion’s head should not be good. Although the hotel is really big, the height is more than two meters, but the sneaky height is two meters.

Samehada is a big knife, if the crosscut is ok, slash? It’s not good to do it at all…

Under the dynamic vision of the eight doors, Naruto sees clearly, his head is also fast, but most of them are useless tsukkomi…

The sneaky cockroach holds the handle and the hand sways, and Samehada detaches from the back knives, then slashes!

Ever since, as Naruto saw speculating, the poor Samehada was sneaky on the wall of the roof, the ceiling cracked, and a woman with a red fruit fell out of the bed…

There is a stupid man on the bed.

However, Naruto is somewhat disappointed because it is not Jiraiya.

Naruto’s sneak spurt to the extreme, and the sneaky smashed the ceiling to the level of 1.

So when he got to Level 1, he looked down on the pair of men and women and the bed.

The slamming slammed into the wall, there was no move, and the spiral pill in the hand was useless but kept in the hand.

The wind blade on Naruto shattered the walls.

A wall that broke through a five-meter-thick wall felt like a sour.

At the moment of rushing outside, Naruto praised how wise he was to choose to continue using this instant.

If you use Jiraiya’s garbage crap, you can hit it with such a collision, fearing that it is not directly fainting.

Even if you use the spiral pill to open the road, you have to delay it for two seconds.

Two seconds is not very long, but enough for him to die in the hands of the sneaky and Uchiha Itachi.

Naruto came out of the hotel, followed by the sneaky and Uchiha Itachi.

Naruto suddenly thought of it.

Why not use the foot to condense the spiral pill? That way you can hold the sword with the boss hands.

Thinking of this, two spiral pills condensed on Naruto’s instep, at the same time, the spiral pill on the left hand dissipated, and Naruto both hands held the blue sleeve sword.

Turned and cut a sword at Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi calmly escaped.

Looking for the angle, the characteristics of the green sleeve sword are excited, and the sword blade suddenly stretches three times.

But unfortunately, I didn’t stab people, just stabbed Uchiha Itachi’s clothes.

Naruto was a little disappointed, and this move was only the first time.

Jiraiya, Jiraiya, if you don’t come, I will hang up. I’m making such a big noise. Why don’t you come?

Although it only took two seconds, but the third second you will not come again, I will hang!

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, nine tails of hair blew up, urging: “Do you want to change me!”

Naruto consciousness Kaidō: “Give me another two seconds, I decided to struggle again, and two seconds later you sent Chakra to the door.”

Nine tails are full of fear: “I am afraid that you can’t stand for two seconds.”

Uchiha Itachi’s sprinter disappeared in front of Naruto.

The speed is even faster than before, but the eight-door armor has seen some traces under the two enforcement.


Naruto turned to the whip leg with a spiral pill on his foot.

“Boom!” A loud noise.

Without Attack to the raft, it was the earth wall behind it, shattered by the spiral pill on Naruto’s foot.

As the smoke filled, Naruto leaped and slammed at the same time.

Hand seal, the multi-shadow of the body of the beast, the white pigeon!

“bang! Oh…嘭bang!”

Five thousand white pigeons are spread throughout the behind of Naruto.

Then I pulled down from all directions.

The body has a fist in the left hand and a palm in the right hand.

Punch on the palm, ice Attribute Chakra broke out! Hyōton (Ice Release)! Thousands of miles of ice!

The cold spreads out around Naruto.

The white dove turned into a cold arrow and spurred down.

This trick was useless when he was on the Chunin exam. This time it was a virgin war of the Hyōton (Ice Release) secret.

1 seconds!

The smoke has not dissipated, the ghosts leaped and flew up ten meters in the air, and Samehada liberated from the bandage to the Naruto’s white pigeon ice arrow.

Ramp: “Useless!”

Where Samehada passed, Chakra on the white pigeon’s ice arrow was swallowed by Samehada and disintegrated.

But is it really useless?

As the ice arrows were shattered and the cold accumulated, Naruto’s eyes had seen the sneaky body slow down, and the clothes on the same time body had already begun to freeze.

and also……

A white pigeon’s ice arrow was swept away by a sneaky scorpion, but a detonator wrapped around the ice arrow was shot from the pigeon’s mouth before the pigeon disappeared and then frozen on the sneaky body.

2 seconds!

In the nine-tailed Space, the nine-tailed Chakra rushed out of the cage.

Naruto hand seal: “Burst!”

Multiply the detonation!

This is also the first time after learning to multiply the detonation.

There was some tension in my heart, and there was some pain in my heart. Although this time he did not have many detonators, but there were ten tens of thousands of detonators.

Interspersed with the starter!

A detonator is attached to the sneaky body. At the moment of detonation, all the 30 low-level detonators on Naruto and ten thousand high-order detonators are psychedelic.


For a time, a big round of light was lit up over the town of Tubao.

Naruto, which uses the multiplicative detonator in the sky, is also in the cover of the big day…

Is this… dying?

“hōng lòng !”

The explosion swept through.

Naruto’s last thought was: “The gap is big, but it’s so cool…”

3000 word! Start writing the fourth, hope to catch up… ask for encouragement!

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