Supreme Naruto

Chapter 159

Mute said that it is coming to the village…

However, even after a day of driving, I didn’t go to the village…

What is the point of this time concept so bad?

At night, the four people also raised a campfire to camp under the stars…

If you count the young man who is driving, you should count five people, but I don’t know what the odd rules are. The young man is not willing to take the four people too close and rest on their own.

Naruto guessed that he was afraid to hear the slam dunk.

Sitting in front of the campfire, Naruto sat down with the silent row, and the beating bonfire reflected on Naruto’s bright brain, and there was still some reflection, so that the mute would look up from time to time.

Naruto is very tired about this, at the same time

Of course, even more stressful is that Jiraiya called Tsunade aside, 嘀嘀gū gū did not know what to say.

The first is definitely not a love story.

Because the two of them will look back at Naruto from time to time.

This made Naruto guess that the content of the two conversations must be related to themselves.

So Naruto is very worried…

He still can’t open eight doors to enhance listening, because the body surface is not a problem, but now it is painful to use Chakra whole body.

Uh… my lips are not closed… I have the opportunity to study lip language…

After ten minutes, Tsunade and Jiraiya seem to have reached an agreement, and the two finally came back from the dark night.

Tsunade looked serious: “Naruto, do you really want to worship me as a teacher?”

Damn Jiraiya, definitely doing something again…

Naruto glanced at Jiraiya and turned to Tsunade seriously: “I have made up my mind.”

Tsunade nodded, then said to Jiraiya: “If you have anything to say, let’s talk about it tonight. After Naruto tonight, if you haven’t changed your mind, then he is my Disciple.”

Jiraiya stared at Naruto seriously and asked, “Naruto, you used the in the body when you were bombed and exploded. Is there another Chakra?”

Then Jiraiya can feel it in a moment?

And still in the explosion of the detonator, a lot of Chakra’s stirring moment…

Naruto laments Jiraiya’s instincts about Chakra as a dog…

Stupid: “I don’t know, my consciousness is not clear after the explosion.”

Unconsciousness is a fact. After the explosion, Naruto’s eyes only had a blaze of fire. The consciousness sank into the nine-tailed Seal and accepted the nine-tailed Chakra.

Then there is almost no memory.

I don’t know how far I have been blown up, and I don’t know where it was blown up.

The whole brain is in a state of chaos, and there is a strong burning sensation on the body.

Originally Naruto thought it was the feeling of the nine-tailed Chakra wrapped in the whole body, and now it has been determined that the real reason is that he was cooked…

The skin of the whole body was carbonized by Level 1, and then the nine-tailed Chakra repaired him again.

It can be said that it is really going to the door of the ghost door.

Jiraiya came to Naruto to pull Naruto’s sleeves, and the fire reflected a whiter and smoother skin than the girl.

After all, this is a new one, and it should be comparable to a baby.

Jiraiya pointed to Naruto’s skin: “When I found you, your body surface was burnt with Level 1, which is like a sweet potato in a fire.”

Said, Jiraiya pulled the carbon ash on the side of the fire, pulled out a baked sweet potato, and pointed to the surface of the blackened, black-scented baked sweet potato with Mars: “It’s like this.”

Naruto eyes has been turned into a beanie eye, and it is slanted to sweet potato. There is a saying in the heart that MMP does not know when it is said inappropriately.

I have an old heart…

Jiraiya continued: “At that time I thought you were dead, and when you were ready to collect the corpse, you accidentally broke the surface of your body.”

“Your skin is like this…” said Jiraiya, who opened the skin of the roasted sweet potato, and leaked the yellow tender and tender sweet potato with sweet flavor…

“… leaked new skin.”

Naruto’s corner of the mouth twitching…

Interrupted: “If you want to say anything, just say it, your metaphor is not vivid. If I have played you, you are flying now.”

Baked sweet potato with egg!

Naruto decided to wait for Jiraiya ink to finish eating two to solve the hatred.

Jiraiya said seriously: “My consciousness is that if you are not with the body of Chakra, you are now dead.”

Naruto nodded: “And then?”

Jiraiya stared at the eyes and said, “This is the Strength that saved your life. You shouldn’t hate it. You should accept it and turn him into your Strength.”

“Strength itself is not good or bad, just use the people who use it!”

“Plus, don’t you want to save Sasuke?”

“If you can accept this Strength, I will teach you how to use it, and then you will be able to achieve what you want.”

Jiraiya’s dignity can even be said to be heavy: “If you want to save Sasuke, you must defeat Orochimaru. Orochimaru’s formidable is far from your imagination. You know that he killed three generations of Hokage, but I don’t know if he killed three generations of Hokage. Killed the four generations of Kazekage in Sharon Village and then pretended to be four generations of Kazekage to Konoha.”

Naruto looks at the fire, and the beating Flame reflects some emotions in Naruto’s eyes.

The fire of vengeance?

But in fact, Naruto is very painful…

The attachment to Jiraiya is hurting.

Of course he knows how many Oridimaru is forformable. If you don’t know, you won’t kick Orochimaru out in the first exam…

It’s just that the stupid B of three generations has a resurrection game. If it’s not enough for his wit, he has been miserable by Orochimaru…

Naruto doesn’t talk, the look at the fire looks like another Level 1 in Jiraiya’s line of sight.

He thought Naruto was heartbroken.

Then continue to add strength: “And, the danger you are in is not only Orochimaru, Orochimaru has been following the investigation after he defected out of the village. During this time he joined a mercenary organization called Xiao, you met The two people are members of Xiao.”

“I don’t know what they are going to do, but what is certain is that the Strength you have with the body has been targeted by them.”

“You are also fighting with them. The explosion should be enough for you to solve them, but what I want to tell you is that the two are not at all.”

The more excited Jiraiya said, the Naruto looks at the fire.

My heart sighs that Jiraiya is not afraid to write a novel. Although he writes a novel that is unsightly, his speech is still very well-conditioned.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it has already been moved.

But… he has his own plan.

His plan is thousands of times more expensive than Jiraiya’s insurance, so Jiraiya’s plan will not be considered at all.

“Are you finished?”

Naruto did not look at Jiraiya.

Because he is afraid that his gaze will reveal emotions that should not be exposed.

“When it’s over, then let me say a few more words. If the nine-strength Strength is strong enough in the sky, it is also the nine-strength Strength.”

“And what I want is the real formidable, what I want is my own Strength.”

“I am very grateful to you for your care of me. After the death of my parents, there are not many cares for me in the village. Even if there is a sympathy for the orphans.”

“And you made me feel deeper, family-like care, from the bottom of the heart, I want to protect my emotions, I can feel it, but… I have my will, just like a child grows up to learn Walk by myself, so I hope that you can respect my choice, support me silently, believe me.”

“I don’t want to reject you anymore, so this is the last time. I will worship Tsunade and learn what I want to learn.”

After Naruto finished, Jiraiya was in the same place.

At this moment, Tsunade screamed: “Good! I am discouraged! From now on, the elder sister is covering you.”

Naruto raised the head, a face prayed: “Tsunade elder sister, my hair, you must help me save it!”

“pū!” mute sprayed.

Originally a very serious atmosphere, which was instantly changed by Naruto’s last sentence.

The first one is sent ~ Thanks to “Happy 1”, “90 after the bachelor”, “Calcium hydroxy acid”, “Jin distance”, “Sign” five big scorpions have recently won ~ (small summoned fists thank you ~) Crabs and crabs~ Then a new week, continue to ask for tickets~ Ask for tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, full bookings~ Xiaozhao continue to write the second to go~

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