Supreme Naruto

Chapter 148

The morning sun was not shining, and one was still in the dark cabin, and the painful whine came from time to time.

The voice was a little bit thin, like a female voice, but there was still some hoarseness.

“Orochimaru-sama! You…you should take your medicine!”

The waiter eagerly urged, but the next moment a black shadow flashed, the plasma splashed, and the man fell directly to the ground. The blood seemed to be a blooming rose in the dark, silently blooming under the man.

The man sitting on the bed did not go to see the man’s body, still endures great pain, and the blue-faced face of the exposed face is like a snake-like cock.

The pupils are shrunk and fascinating.

At this time, the door was pushed open.

The incoming person was Yakushi Kabuto wearing round glasses and a pony tail.

“Please take your medicine!”

Yakushi Kabuto glanced at the low-lying body and frowned, sighing: “Hey… I have to clean the room just after I came back…”

also? Yeah… Since Orochimaru came back, I don’t know how many people died…

The life of the weak is like the fart of Expert. Although it has a noble origin, it is also worthless…

Orochimaru endured pain coldly snorted and said: “Hey… I don’t want to take the medicine that doesn’t last long!”

Yakushi Kabuto reluctantly pushed down the glasses: “That was what I prepared… it should be able to alleviate your pain…”

Orochimaru interrupted: “Don’t say these nonsense! Did you find that guy?”

See Orochimaru, some anger and no nonsense, directly replied: “Found, I heard that it is in the short street.”

Short book street? Naruto also wants to go to the short street.

Both seem to be looking for Tsunade, but the difference is that one is to cure for himself, and the other is to treat people who have accidentally pitted.

The sky was a little bright, and Naruto dragged Jiraiya out of the hotel.

“Come on, even if you don’t want to see Tsunade earlier, Sasuke’s hand will be a long time.”

Jiraiya’s face is reluctant because his breakfast has only one soldier’s grain…

Is this what people eat?

Um… Although it’s really people who eat, but it’s not a Quest that’s doing nothing, is it so rushing?

In a bad mood, Jiraiya couldn’t help but sneer: “What is the use of anxious now? Isn’t that your hand?”

Sasuke’s injury Jiraiya glanced at the hand bone and twisted it, recognizing it as a spiral pill.

Then the wind and the moon will know, after all, the wind is the doctor of Sasuke, and is very beautiful.

As a result, Naruto was ridiculed by the wind.

Naruto ignored Jiraiya’s ridicule and started to talk after the door: “Let’s compare speed.”

Jiraiya glanced: “What are you talking about?”

Naruto pointed to the map: “The short book street is in the main city of the country of fire. This Little Town is still three hundred kilometers away. We ran over.”

Jiraiya’s face is black.

Pointing at the two Little Towns in the middle: “There are two Little Towns in the middle, run straight without a break?”

However, Naruto has already ran out…

Look at Naruto Back to the wind, Jiraiya decided to educate Naruto.

He wants to overtake Naruto easily, and then ridicule it.

Then Jiraiya chased it up.

It was easy to catch up, then go beyond, taunted on the mouth: “On this point, Strength dare to speak in front of me?”

Naruto glimpsed, then understood, and asked: “What are you talking about?”

Jiraiya accelerated a few more points, and Naruto took a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

Naruto took a deep breath, he does not run fast now, can only lift the load by 10%.

After the weight was lifted by 10%, Naruto caught up with Jiraiya.

Jiraiya sighed, praised: “Physique is not bad.”

Then continue to accelerate.

What Jiraiya had to do was to get tired of Naruto and then let Naruto take the initiative to rest on the next Little Town.

So he can go to Little Town to collect the material…

Thinking of this Jiraiya’s heart is like a kitten’s claws catching it, itching…

Naruto was once again dropped by Jiraiya, and the disappearance of the look at Jiraiya was lost with a smile: “This guy really wants to race, and originally wants to take the opportunity to exercise the body. If so… just relax.”

Naruto’s weight has been added to the overall load of 60%.

That is 1200% of 60 kilograms, 720 kilograms.

It is already considered to be the second door of the eight-door armor. The demand for the second door of the eight-door armor is the body load 750 kilogram.

However, Naruto has not tried to open a second door.

The load is lifted by 20 percent.

Naruto caught up with Jiraiya.

Jiraiya speeded up.

Naruto adjusted the amount of Chakra’s delivery and took back one point from Chakra, who had dissipated the body and grew into a net.

After adaptation, the load is released by 30 percent.

Go beyond Jiraiya again.

Jiraiya snorted and then speeded up again, and praised: “Not bad, I didn’t expect you to do a good job in refining.”

Naruto didn’t answer, he was adjusting the body.

Adjust the balance of Chakra and load bearing outside the body.

After the adaptation, the load is lifted by 40%.

Speed ​​is raised again.

Jiraiya’s eyes lit up and praised: “Very good.”

Very good?

Then let you see more good.

The less the load, the less Chakra is maintained, and the easier it is to control.

Naruto’s speed to lift the weight is also getting faster.

The load is lifted by 60%.

Load off 80%.

Load off 100%.

Naruto was like a dislocated wild horse, and began to sing with joy.

Jiraiya stared at eyes looks at Naruto, who blinked in front of her eyes, and sweared: “Wo Wo! Is this guy driving eight armor?”

Then, mobilize Chakra and rushed to catch up.

Speed ​​is even faster than Naruto’s full weightlifting.

After catching up with Naruto again, Jiraiya didn’t talk, and he walked side by side with Naruto to observe Naruto’s body.

Naruto smiled slightly and began to pour Chakra into the body.

Speed ​​rises again.

Jiraiya’s expression was dignified and caught up again.

In front of the Little Town, when the two raced, they unexpectedly arrived, but Naruto had no plans to stop.

Jiraiya felt a bit sad and felt that she had lost a place to collect material.

Why does Jiraiya not want to hurry so fast?

Because once he finds Tsunade, he can no longer freely collect material…

That girl must stop him, and still use the most rude method…fist.

Nothing… there is a Little Town behind.

Jiraiya comforted herself, and Naruto ran so fast that Stamina consumed so much, maybe halfway through it, he had to hurry.

It’s a bit easier to think about Jiraiya.

Then began to compress Chakra, and the speed broke out in Naruto’s behind.

Naruto looked at Jiraiya around and licked her lips. Jiraiya was a bit strong. He decided to use the secret technique learned from Shukaku.

However, in order not to suddenly hit the tree, the first door of the eight armor must be opened before this.

The first door, open the door, Activate!

The vision has become more sensitive.

At the same time The physical limit removes Naruto’s speed and pulls out again.

Come on again.

Naruto Chakra Wind Attribute Nature Change.

A wind blade crossed Naruto’s cheek, leaving a blood mark.

Naruto didn’t take care of it, this is the inevitable damage of Shukaku’s mystery.

He only needs to focus on protecting some important positions without being scratched by the wind blade.

For example, eyes, such as Little Naruto.

Wind Attribute Chakra continues to gather, flooding the body, compressing!

The wounds appeared several times in different positions on the body, and Naruto continued to compress.

Then… broke out!

Shukaku secret technique, storm injury!

In a flash, Naruto disappeared in place, and speed increased by dozens of times.

Wherever they pass, the branches and leaves of the trees are smashed by the wind blade.

Jiraiya was shocked, “Breakthrough?”

Once again, there is a drop of blood on the ground…

After using Shukaku’s secret surgery, Naruto felt that he could really fly.

This feeling is very smooth, and I don’t care about the wound.

But if this scene falls into the eyes of others, it seems a bit strange…

For example… Jiraiya.

Jiraiya also used the blink of an instant to break the speed, he decided to catch up with Naruto to kneel down the brat, and then told Naruto that the blink is not so useful!

And this version of the blink is not right!

After using it, you will spurt the blood, which is exactly the sorcerer!

But what made Jiraiya feel tired was that Naruto ran fast, and gave up the official road, and cut the road into the woods.

Go straight to the main city of the country of fire!

When Jiraiya finally caught up with Naruto.

Naruto turned his head to grinned.

The second door of the eight-door armor, Hugh, Activate!

Speed ​​is rising again!

It is reasonable to say that the usual Ninjutsu in the open state of the eight-door armor is not used because Chakra is extremely unstable.

But Naruto’s sneak peek does not require much control of Chakra, only the compressed wind Attribute Chakra, and then erupt.

The speed is generated in a “explosive” word!

Naruto speed is improving again.

Jiraiya was anxious, and the next moment accidentally hit the tree.


Jiraiya saw countless Naruto flying overhead…

Second, 2700’s small chapter, continue to write the third. Seek recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, full order, support!

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