Supreme Naruto

Chapter 147

In the early morning fog, Konoha, who experienced a bloody rain, was filled with blood and blood.

A drop of dew on the tip of the leaf refracted some golden orange light in the light of the station.

The two silhouettes flashed like two ghosts of erratic.

“Oh, I didn’t expect it, it was so simple to come in…”

I brushed the hair of Moxigan, the skin was a little blue, and the men on both sides of the cheeks did not know whether they were painting or really sharks and sighed.

As for what is the Mosi dry hair style… I can imagine a handsome green onion…

The man, who is called a sly, looks down at the village in front of him.

At this time, the two stood on the wall of the thick wooden stakes on the edge of Konoha. The light wind blew through the black windbreaker with the red clouds and clouds.

These two people seem to wear lovers, because they are exactly the same.

There are also couples fighting… There are also tassels of the same style on top of the fight…

The collar of the windbreaker is very large, and when the wind blows, it will gently pat the cheek… a weak “啪啪…啪” sound…

“Because Konoha has not changed into the surgery…”

This answer is somewhat plain, somewhat random, and is not proud of Konoha, who can quietly enter one of the five great villages.

Instead… there is some sadness…

Under the sight of the two, Konoha was still shrouded in the morning fog, and only a few faint yellow incandescent lights were on. Most of them were food stores that needed to get up early to prepare materials, and the other one was gray. I can also vaguely see some traces left in the past few days.

The wreckage is broken, and there are some houses that collapsed half…

The man with the hair dryer of Mosigan glanced at the village below and sighed: “Although I have escaped the destruction, it seems to have been greatly damaged…”

He also sighed: “The village that was originally prosperous…”

After a pause, maybe I can’t think of a good vocabulary, so I didn’t say it. It was only summed up in a summary: “It’s really pitiful.”

This sigh made the eyes of the person around me grow up for a moment, then sarcastically said: “It’s not like you…”

“Even if you are, you have some nostalgia for your hometown…”

The sound suddenly became cold: “No! I don’t miss it.”

Kisame Hoshigaki, Uchiha Itachi, two Admiral of the Akatsuki Organization came to Konoha, Naruto and Jiraiya had been staying in Little Town near Konoha for one night.

Naruto’s resentment is very strong, and he strongly believes that he can camp and stay on the road overnight.

However, it was rejected by Jiraiya.

Little Town’s Inn 龋绯 惆耄堇锏 惆耄堇锏 sodium rim

Jiraiya tightened the quilt on his body, but this quilt was just a summer cover for the summer, and it didn’t have much warmth.

The final successful wake up…

Open your eyes, a world of ice and snow…

Can you imagine what kind of scenes of snow falling in your own house in the morning?

A piece of white, the most important thing is that the house is not leaking, the season is still summer!

“Naruto! What are you doing!”

Jiraiya yelled at the scorpion, but saw that Naruto was dressed neatly, standing at the side of the hook and looking at him…

Jiraiya corner of the mouth.

I want to say something and go back.

Sighed, and finally got up, he muttered: “Looking for someone, not rushing to reincarnation.”

When Jiraiya brushed his teeth, Naruto leaned against the door of the bathroom. Start to talk: “When you slept, I found the whereabouts of Tsunade. Near the short street of the country of fire, we just set off.”

Jiraiya was excited to bite the toothbrush, spit out half of the toothbrush in his mouth, and put his head out of the door and shouted: “How could it! You have never seen Tsunade! How are you…”

When you didn’t finish it, you saw Naruto holding a photo of Tsunade: “Isn’t this person?”

Jiraiya feels that the photo is very familiar and seems to have seen it…

Not familiar with people on photos, photos are familiar…

Then I was shocked and said: “This is not in my wallet! How did you find it!”

Naruto said casually: “You and Tsunade are both Discicles taught by three generations of Hokage, so I guess you must have her clues on your body… but… even if you guessed it, you didn’t expect that you would put Tsunade’s photo in your wallet. in.”

“Not a photo, but a separate one…”

“You are against Tsunade… is it…” Naruto smiled.

Jiraiya’s face suddenly burst red.

The wit shifted the topic: “How do you know that the person on the photo is Tsunade?”

Naruto said with a smile : “I saw your photo in the third generation of Hokage.”

Then Naruto turned the subject back: “Are you always in love with Tsunade?”

This sentence is straightforward, and it should be like a shoe scorpion on the face, without the room for dodge.

There are still many questions in Jiraiya’s mind that have broken into the majority of this violent blow.

Finally, I blushed and said: “Whoever is 50 old lady will like her.”

Naruto sarcastically said: “Not an old 50 lady, I heard that Tsunade adults can stay young forever.”

Jiraiya surprised look at Naruto: “Do you know this?”

Naruto calmly said: “Three Hokage told me.”

Really three generations of Hokage told him? Wool.

However, after three generations of boxed lunches, this problem is clearly dead.

Unless one day three generations of Hokage were released by Edo Tensei.

But at that time Jiraiya wanted to come and forget this question.

Naruto asked for the third time: “Do you like Tsunade? How can a big man not admit it, so you don’t deserve to be my teacher.”

“I immediately kissed a girl after I saw a girl.”

Naruto is quite stinky.

But in fact, his brain was still in the circle that day, thought it was a dream of a Hokage scene.

Dreams can naturally do whatever they want.

But this does not affect him to take this bragging.

When Jiraiya heard this, the soul of the gossip seduce and asked: “What is the result? Are you flying by a mouth?”

Naruto’s contemptuous look at Jiraiya, “The only scene that has decayed is that you can experience it. My results are naturally successful, and then the girl becomes my female friend.”

This story is really bizarre, Jiraiya asked: “Who is the girl?”

Naruto proudly replied: “Hyuga’s home, Hyuga Hinata, who teamed up with me.”

Naruto is very stinky, Naruto is very proud.

Jiraiya didn’t dare to set the channel: “The girl from Hyuga Head of Family? Did she fly you?”

Naruto continued to be proud: “No, I feel that my father-in-law should also feel that I am handsome and handsome, and that Talent is a good man who can entrust life.”

Jiraiya heard that this could not be heard, and suddenly felt a squirm in the stomach.

There is a feeling of seeing sea and vomiting…

I have never seen such a brazen person…

At this time, Naruto asked: “Do you like Tsunade in the end?”

“Don’t Grandma Mama, if you like, then I will become the Tsunade’s discipline, I can help you do it.”

Jiraiya despised: “How do you know that Tsunade will definitely accept you as a disciple?”

Naruto self channel: “Because my medical Ninjutsu Talent Konoha is the strongest.”

Jiraiya stayed for a long while, and finally couldn’t help but say: “Have anyone ever said that your face is very owed?”

Naruto thought about it carefully, and there were people, such as the poisonous tongue of Tenten, such as the long tongue girl in the field…

Naruto self-channel: “Even if it is also… oh… 嫉妒 ugly…”

Hey, I plan to explode today, but the quality is guaranteed. Although I want to say five chapters, but only four chapters have been issued for two consecutive days… Today I feel that it is not even four chapters… Hey, Xiaozhao needs motivation! Seek recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, full order, support!

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