Supreme Naruto

Chapter 149

Jiraiya’s speed will not match a little guy who hasn’t been promoted to Chunin yet?

This unreasonable thing can’t be believed from any angle.

Who is Jiraiya?

That is one of Konoha Sannin, what level is Konoha Sannin? Orochimaru is also one of Sannin. He has killed four generations of Kazekage and three generations of Hokage to explain everything – Konoha Sannin is the same as Kage level.

But the truth is that Naruto is really one step ahead of Jiraiya to the city outside of the country of fire.

Maybe this is no way.

Who made Jiraiya meet a little madman.

In the woods outside the main city of the country of fire, Naruto’s clothes have long been smashed by the wind blade, and the broken beggar is not as good.

There is blood stains in that body…

It seems to be smashed by people.

Multiple shadows!

Four avatars appeared next to Naruto.

Naruto fell to the ground straight, but did not fall to the ground, but fell on a sudden ice bed.

Four well-behaved use of palm Senjutsu began to treat Naruto…

The a path of or a deep or shallow wound begins with the speed to heal visible to the naked eye.

After five minutes, a roar, Jiraiya sat down on the back of a huge cockroach.

It was a huge cockroach, ten times bigger than the Hokage building, and a real behemoth.

Naruto felt like he was standing on the opposite side of the body, which was a snare drum on the back.

Jiraiya saw Naruto. After all, he was chasing after the bloody taste, and Naruto ran very straight, and the branches were cut off by simultaneously, leaving traces that were incomparably obvious.

But before Jiraiya learned Naruto, the cockroaches under him suddenly shook and Jiraiya slammed down. The rough voice shouted: “This is the last time, and next time I will use me as a means of transportation, I will break with you!”

Then the sound of “bang!” disappeared.

This makes originally want to install a J’s Jiraiya, B grid fell to the bottom.

I was taught by my own psychic beast, but it was very poor.

Naruto was lying on the ice bed and said, “How? Is my blink is cool?”

Cool? Cooli Mama’s legs and legs!

Jiraiya turned and glared at Naruto. “Which animal did you learn from the sequel?”

Uh… This question is a bit difficult to answer.

After all, if you want to say Shukaku, you have to mention nine tails.

So you can’t tell the truth, or transfer the topic.

Naruto decided to shift the topic first: “How? Isn’t it a cool thing that you can’t catch up with it?” Naruto blinked.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto’s body, and the blood of the look at him hurts at him.

The anger in my heart is stronger.

It’s like a naughty baby accidentally scratching his hand. Being a parent is definitely not a comfort, but a blame, even a scolding.

For example: let you not play with a knife! Not listening! This is just great? cry? Cry what cry! Still not made by myself!

Another example: deserve it!

But the real emotion is definitely not taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, but the incomparable worry and distress.

“I won’t be allowed to use this crap in the future!” Jiraiya looked sternly and took a sigh of command.

Naruto subconsciously wants to refute, no need to use this one, after all, he will be such a.

But Naruto is not a real child after all. His mind is mature and he can feel Jiraiya’s concern for him.

But there is no promise, or the sentence, which one is not used?

Konoha Fūton (Wind Release) He checked it and found nothing at all, because this technique is too high for a Genin.

Perhaps it is the entanglement of Naruto, maybe it is planned, Jiraiya continued: “I teach you another!”

Some people are moved, but Naruto can’t retreat if he can’t worship Jiraiya.

Start to talk: “I can’t worship you as a teacher.”

Jiraiya has a tone of voice and is full of stubbornness: “Don’t worship me as a teacher!”

So… do you want to learn?

Ninjutsu is not a teacher, and this kind of good business is not unacceptable in Naruto’s character.

But after learning, how does Jiraiya play the snake on the stick and teach him?

It’s so annoying… sure enough, people can’t be too good…

I don’t know Jiraiya, I want to know what Naruto thinks about Zephyr (assembly) at this time…

What is the mood of those who admire Jiraiya.

There is also Utatane Koharu and Water Humenyan that make Jiraiya Hokage.

And Hokage’s position, Jiraiya, doesn’t want to be able to turn to Danzo and think about it…

Maybe Naruto will be killed by sight…

Um… The Sharingan transplanted by Danzo can really kill him.

After the injury was cured, he changed his clothes and Naruto and Jiraiya stepped into the main city of the country of fire.

This fire country is the most prosperous place, where the name of the country of fire is inhabited.

Unlike Konoha, Konoha’s road is a dirt road, and here it is covered with marble from the gate.

Although not completely covered, there is marble.

The buildings around all are also very standard, not as messy as Konoha.

What is the square of the high, short, messy.

It’s very neat… and Naruto likes a whole simple thing, and looks at comfort.

Naruto walked to the short street with the map.

Jiraiya is on the side and wonders: “Who is your message? Is it accurate? Don’t you rush to live a busy life?”

“After all, the Little Town we used to live in is a relatively remote Little Town…”

inquire about?

Naruto has never inquired about it.

Then he ran his train and said: “A lonely businessman who has just returned from the country of fire is said to have won a fat sheep in the Legend, so he turned around and made a big profit. He will see the future going to life peak.”

Jiraiya looked black and hearted: Tsunade lost again…

If it’s a fat sheep in Legend… that’s right.

This World has only one fat sheep in the Legend.

With this at the same time, another entrance to the short book street, Orochimaru and the pocket went up from the bottom of the mountain.

The mountain road is very flat and has sturdy steps and planks.

Take a step up and talk casually: “Tsunade adults, I know a little bit, after all, I also stayed in the medical class.”

A butterfly flies past the pocket and brings a touch of floral fragrance.

I glanced at the butterfly and said as I stepped up the Level 1 step: “She seems to be the first to come up with what has been widely adopted today, and must be equipped with a medical shinobi expert in a four-person squad.”

Orochimaru is silent.

There is a kind of worship in the discourse: “This proposal is very necessary. What is the result of a team that does not save the Ability on the battlefield? Now everyone knows.”

Perhaps it is the reverence of the words, Orochimaru coldly snorted, and the respect for the pockets is somewhat awkward: “Oh, it is just a lot of experience in the battle…”

“If not a large number of people die… she would not want to implement this proposal.”

The butterfly suddenly stopped flying because it hit a spider web.

I looked at the net and waited for Orochimaru’s next words.

Orochimaru looked at the front of the mountain road, and the words paused for a while, taunted: “People can only see the essence of things when they are lost.”

“Become a so-called medical shinobi expert, and one of the so-called Sannin…and it is because of her sacrifice.”

At the end of the mountain road, you can see an ancient city.

It was the ancient city of the short book street, and the city’s Jiraiya and Naruto were eating popsicles.

Jiraiya was bought on the street, and Naruto was homemade.

The self is to swallow the stomach, Naruto is a noisy cockroach on the tree.

Jiraiya looked at the ancient city and said: “Today’s hot stuff makes people feel chest tight.”

Naruto Kaidō: “The cockroaches on the tree are also a bit annoying.”

Three more to offer ~ continue to write the fourth chapter ~ full order, the big guys must be fully ordered, we are already on the battle list, everyone can not set a full set can not be down to the small call to dare to make a more explosion ~ Please complete! Full order! Full order! Everyone cheers on Xiaozhao!

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