Supreme Naruto

Chapter 146

Shinigami won’t suddenly come over?

Naruto had some hair in her heart, and her hair was a little hairy in her nine-tailed heart.

Then I saw the three generations of Hokage with the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal the original Hokage and the second generation Hokage.

Finally, I grabbed Orochimaru’s hand, and after I couldn’t hold it, I couldn’t hold Orochimaru’s soul out, and I took Orochimaru’s hand down.

After Shinigami disappeared, Naruto and Nine tails were sighed in relief.

The battle between the three generations and Orochimaru was fierce, but because Shinigami looked at Naruto, Naruto felt that time seemed to solidify instantly.

It was not until Shinigami disappeared that Naruto returned to normal.

“Is that look at us before that thing?” Naruto is still a little scared.

The moment Shinigami looked at it, although it only looked at the pigeons, but the feeling of giving Naruto was to lock his body.

That feeling is very strange, as if it has solidified for a while.

The body can’t move, the whole body is cool and cool.

Much like… hitting a ghost.

Naruto didn’t hit the ghost, but found it to be the most appropriate.

The nine-tailed expression is also very dignified, assuming: “Maybe because my other half body is in its belly?”

“For Naruto, when did you release my half body from the belly of that thing?”

Rescuing the other half of the nine tails with the Shinigami mask is a deal between Naruto and Nine.

It is also the bond that the two maintain a friendly relationship.

This agreement was made by the two when they went to the Quest of Poland.

Naruto Kaidō: “When will I have a way to unlock the seal on my body, or if it is not released now, can’t it be with you?”

It seems that this is the truth of the nine tails.

Then he asked: “When can you unlock this seal?”

Naruto pretends not to know: “Who asked me, who do I ask?”

Nine-tailed nodded feeling no problem…

Nine tails no longer ask, Naruto finally sighed in relief.

Why didn’t he worship Jiraiya as a teacher?

Just because I don’t like it?

Do not! He didn’t want to touch the key left by Jiraiya’s four generations of Hokage.

Now he and the nine tails can still be harmonious, but after getting the key?

Do you say that he is open or not?

Nine tails! The most ferocious Tail Beast in Tail Beast! Open fart! Not a joke!

Naruto didn’t dare to gamble. In his opinion, the most precious thing in World is his own life.

So when Naruto gave himself a plan, when did he get a strength that would restrain the nine tails and when to touch the key.

Restrict the nine-tailed Strength.

The first one: transplanted Mangekyō Sharingan, this is just a hypothesis.

Second: There is a trustworthy person who can use Mangekyō, and if Sasuke is credible, it will work in the future.

The third type: transplanting the first generation cells to obtain hibiscus, the next strategy, after all, many people have died after transplanting the primary cells… plus the primary cells are not the cabbage on the street, the feasibility is lower than the first one.

The fourth type: the soul of the rafter is acquired, and the raft is obtained, and the three generations of Hokage are sealed with the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal the soul of the first generation in the belly of Shinigami, or to kill Yamato.

These plans are the secret of his bottom of the heart.

Now that conditions are finally at your fingertips, then…

“Let’s go, the battle outside is over, we take Sasuke to the hospital.”

Out of the world of ice and snow, the wind smudged the quilt on the side and was about to hug the sunlight, but it was shaken by the scene of the foreign office.

The body of the land, there is Shinobi of Konoha, shinobi of Yin Ren Village, and shinobi of Sha Ren Village.

Criss-cross, where the broken limbs are broken.

There is also a burnt barbecue in the air.

That was the taste left by Katon (Fire Release) or Lightning Style Ninjutsu Attack.

The wind between the moon and the body shakes.

But Naruto helped her, “Hua Yue teacher…”

The wind and the moon are careful took a deep breath, she dare not breathe, and the burnt barbecue smell makes her sick.

“I’m fine, first send Sasuke to the hospital.”

The face of the wind and the moon is white, she used to be afraid of the body, but the surrounding scene is not as simple as the body, it is simply Shura hell.

The whole day, Konoha was very silent, and everyone was doing their own thing.

The inventory of the body of the body was counted.

The search for survivors to find survivors, the treatment of the disease.

Because there were so many injured people, Naruto was recruited to the medical shinobi team for three days and three nights.

But these are the things that his little guy should do.

The great men are responsible for diplomacy and appease the scared dignitaries.

There are also three generations of Hokage’s funeral.

It is worth mentioning that Gekkō Hayate’s sick scorpion survived all sorts of accidents…

Then I have to… choose the next Hokage as soon as possible.

Danzo recommended himself, but was rejected…

Utatane Koharu and Homura Mitokado found Jiraiya.

The reason is that today’s Konoha needs a prestigious person to shock the Konoha sneak peek, and to prove that Konoha has a strength to continue to commission, Jiraiya is one of Konoha Sannin, naturally in line with this fame.

And Danzo, because he is a person standing in the darkness of Konoha, he is powerful, but the people who know him are really pitiful.

But to everyone’s surprise, Jiraiya is not interested in Danzo’s coveted position.

Instead, I recommend Tsunade, which has been missing for many years.

Both the consultants Homura Mitokado and Utatane Koharu took Jiraiya, and the final agreement was.

If Jiraiya can bring Tsunade back, then Houmura Mitokado and Utatane Koharu support Tsunade as the fifth generation Hokage.

If you can’t bring it back, then… Jiraiya can’t escape this duty.

Jiraiya promised, so…

Outside the gate of Konoha, Naruto went out with the village of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya’s unhappy look at Naruto, “Why do you want to worship Tsunade as a teacher? I am also one of Sannin! You didn’t see them recommend me as Hokage?”

Naruto chews on the popsicles, others eat popsicles in the summer to understand the heat, Naruto is the idle egg hurts the teeth…

Or bite a section, spit beans usually shoot leaves to play.

It’s still infinite bullets, because a popsicle that is quickly bitten off will grow again.

“Because you have nothing to teach me.”

Speaking of biting a popsicle, Chakra gathers in his mouth, the ice in his mouth spins up quickly, and then shoots out.

“pū!”, the two-handed tree trunk was shot through a hole.

Then to Jiraiya: “How is this trick? Is there a taste of Bijudama?”

Jiraiya corner of the mouth.

Mind Bijudama, your uncle, have you seen Bijudama?

Then suddenly frowned and asked: “Do you know Bijudama?”

Naruto bit another piece of ice again, then chewed the ice this time, and then, “pū! 噗!噗!噗!” shot out.

This time, there is no power, it is purely a spit bean play.

Then Kaidō: “The spiral pill is not the four generations of Hokage. According to Ninjutsu developed by Bijudama, I have learned even the spiral pill. Do you know Bijudama?”

Jiraiya’s eyebrows are rising and it feels good.

Then Naruto opened his mouth and did not eat ice this time but gathered Chakra in front of his mouth and compressed it.

Jiraiya looks at it, because it is a spiral pill!

Nest grass! Still use the spiral pill that is released from the mouth!

However, the scene of the spout did not appear, and the spiral pill disappeared. Naruto took a bite of ice and said vaguely: “I haven’t found a good way to shoot the spiral pill.”

Then a piece of ice hockey swung and shot.

Half-sounding Naruto walked into the grass and proposed a rabbit that was shot through: “There was a roast rabbit in the evening.”

Jiraiya: “…”

He suddenly found out that he really had nothing to teach Naruto.

How is this guy’s control over Chakra so good?

Think of this Jiraiya try to gather a spiral pill with your mouth.

As a result, the lips were not cut and Chakra was scratched.

Suddenly, Naruto said: “Come and come to me for treatment! If you don’t break it!”

Naruto Obama’s eyes are surprised: “You have a sexy lip.”

Jiraiya urged: “It’s not sexy at all, hurry up and help me, or it will break.”

Naruto said: “Then you can’t raise my apprentices in the future.”

Jiraiya readily agreed.

Then I took Senjutsu and went to Jiraiya’s mouth to heal.

This chapter has been written three times, edited throughout, and repeated three times. (Heart tired…) But in the end, I was satisfied. What do you think?

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