Supreme Naruto

Chapter 145

The three generations of Hokage did not immediately display the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. He was breathing and resting.

He is really old…

Old people are things that humans can’t avoid because they can’t be avoided, so most people have become accustomed to it.

But…looks at such three generations of Hokage, Orochimaru laughed uncontrollably.

Three generations of Hokage both hands, he is gathering enough Chakra to prepare for the next Ninjutsu.

But listening to Orochimaru’s pleasant laughter, I was somewhat dissatisfied.

No matter how he is also the teacher of the little beast opposite, and he does not think that he is ridiculous now…

action? At this time, his boss hands are slightly squatting, and half a squat is because the both legs are in the reserve, and they are on the alert. Once the opponent has any action, they can counterattack or evade as soon as possible.

So there is nothing ridiculous in the action…

However, Orochimaru is still laughing, staring at his face and laughing, laughing can’t stop…

Three generations of Hokage finally couldn’t help but asked, “What is so funny?”

Orochimaru gasped slightly, calming down some excitement, starting to talk: “You are old, I have never seen you so painful…”

“You, formerly known as Dr. Ninjutsu, are not my opponent because of their age…”

“It’s really pitiful…”

Saying, Orochimaru raised his right hand and licked his face, as if the Sichuan opera had changed his face, and changed into a white, young and tender face.

The three generations of Hokage were shocked, and at the same time were amazed by the Anbu Ninja of the Four Violet Flames Formation.

And… a pigeon not far away.

But compared to the surprise of the three generations of Hokage and the few Anbu Ninja, the pigeon is surprised that this is a… woman’s face.

For this point the pigeon is very convinced, because the lines are not as strong and gentle as the man’s face.

The nose is small and the bridge of the nose is not obvious…

It is said that a woman’s nose will only begin to develop twice after being married by her husband’s androgen.

Um… Orochimaru should have no men yet…

Thinking of this, the pigeons feel that they are a bit off the mark.

Anyway, such a small and delicate face, coupled with the long black hair that has been waisted, Naruto can not be associated with men…

In the Four Violet Flames Formation, three generations of Hokage carefully analyzed the face. The more I saw it, the more I didn’t know the Orochimaru he knew. The start to talk confirmed: “Who are you?”

Orochimaru laughed again. This time, even the voice became a female voice. It was not hard to hear, and there were some hooks.

But the pigeons outside are a little bit fried, and the whole body is uncomfortable.

The woman said: “Because it is too sudden to understand?”

“I am Orochimaru…”

The pigeons listened to this sentence in the heart of tsukkomi: The class reunion suddenly found that the past buddies became sister paper, no matter who changed it, they could not understand it…

Or maybe the New Year 30, the son who has been away from home for many years, wearing a women’s dress, even if it is beautiful, their parents will be very messy…

It may not be a year, just take the kitchen knife and clean the portal.

However, the pigeons look forward to what Orochimaru will look like for a women’s dress. It should be enchanting…

It will become the kind of little goblin, the kind of awkward.

I don’t know if Sasuke can’t stand it…

Or will Sasuke be infected as well?

The picture is too strong, Naruto decided to shut down and restart, clean up the brain memory.

On the Chunin test venue, next to the fire in the world of ice and snow, the Sasuke body couldn’t move, and he used the eyes to slash to Naruto: “What do you always do with me?”

Naruto chuckled said: “No, it’s your illusion, I didn’t secretly look at you, hehe…”

Say Naruto, don’t overdo it, but I can’t help but glance at Sasuke again.

Next to Haruno Sakura can’t help but start to talk: “Naruto, you are really watching Sasuke.”

Next to the wind between the flowers and months nodded.

Naruto’s smile is a bit stiff, and some worry that it won’t be misunderstood…

Then I was just looking and moving my attention to the side of the pigeon.

At this time, the three generations of Hokage finally turned into a female from their own identification… Oh no…

It was finally the people in front of me who turned out to be really shocked by Orochimaru.

The three generations of Hokage’s expressions were extremely serious and asked: “Don’t you… have you successfully learned the taboos?”

The pigeon blinked and the expression was bright.

Because the pigeons found this sentence, if they understood it in another way, there is no sense of disobedience.

Kaidō, who is a big snake, smiles: “Hey, I have been away from the village for so many years… I have had a hard time…”

The pigeon’s mouth was round and his face was amused.

In my heart, tsukkomi said: This sentence has no contradiction in understanding from another angle.

After all, a boy suddenly becomes a girl, whether it is on the body or psychologically or in the eyes of the outside world.

Three generations of Hokage sullenly said: “You are a terrifying alien.”

Hearing this, the pigeon’s eyes smiled and bent.

If it is an ordinary pigeon, it is naturally impossible to have such a rich expression, but because it is Chakra, you can have unlimited possibilities if you want to.

But there is no doubt that the painting style of this pigeon is very different from the ordinary pigeon.

At this point, even if you change your mental retardation, you can recognize that this pigeon cannot be a real pigeon.

Fortunately, everyone’s eyes were gathered on Orochimaru’s face, so no one noticed this and let the pigeons avoid the ending of being eradicated.

The three generations of Hokage are serious: “I don’t choose you to be a four-generation Hokage, it’s because of your distorted soul.”

The pigeons are more broken…

Fortunately, the dialogue behind is normal.

Orochimaru proudly said: “This technique of immortality is the technique of letting soul forever, that is, finding a new flesh and letting its soul invade the physical reincarnation.”

“Hey, I dressed up as I used to, just want to meet again and let the teacher miss your previous things.”

The three generations of Hokage’s face was very poor, and they breathed out a sigh of anger: “Bastard.”

Orochimaru didn’t want to continue to say: “Aging, this empty Hollow thing, seeing you let me feel this deeper…”

“You will die here… and I will get a younger and stronger body…”

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips voluptuously. “Konoha has really brought me a lot of fun…”

Three generations of Hokage heard more intense young and strong meat behind, eyelids twitched, “I understand… is Uzumaki Naruto…”


The pigeon’s originally funny expression suddenly petrified.

In my heart 10 sentence MMP is in the Pentium, shouldn’t it be Uchiha Sasuke?

I have a relationship with Lao Tzu!

Fortunately, Orochimaru helped Naruto to make a name: “No, no, I am looking at Uchiha Sasuke.”


The pigeons are so tired, the pigeon liver hurts…

I can understand it after I think about it. After all, Orochimaru didn’t make a spell on Sasuke until now. Three generations of Hokage suspected that the wrong person is justifiable.

But… absolutely not a certain commonality with the big snake.

Well, the snake said that young and strong, he is really young and strong.

Naruto comforted himself in his heart.

Four Violet Flames Formation.

Three generations of Hokage stared at Orochimaru’s face: “Rejuvenation with the body of others to make you immortal…”

“Whose face is the first few people?”

Orochimaru doesn’t shy away from Kaidō: “The second one…”

“I plan to develop Sasuke into what I like and then take him… oh…”

The body of the three generations of Hokage trembled and shouted: “Bastard!”

Orochimaru’s hand once again turned his face and turned back to Orochimaru’s appearance: “It’s better to let your life regret it and curse the fate and die with this face.”

At this same time, Edo Tensei’s first-generation Hokage suddenly hand seal, instantly bringing out the tree world, and then seeing the twisted tree trunk from the surrounding ground once again broke out and entangled the three generations of Hokage.

The tree grows incredibly fast, and the blink of an eye will be like a barrier packed with branches.

The big snake chuckled: “Teacher, don’t care, how can you always be so naive.”

At the crucial moment, the golden hoops that the devil turned into suddenly changed a few, and the cages that were superimposed to form a cube only protected the three generations of Hokage.

After saving the three generations of Hokage, the demon complained: “What happened to you? This is not like you…”

Three generations of Hokage have a bit of a face, “I’m sorry…”

There is still some sadness in his heart…

After all, it’s his discipline… the once cherished discipline…

The last time he had another chance to kill Orochimaru… but… he couldn’t go…

He is also a bone hand full of blood, accurately saying that the whole person is a person who is in the blood pool…

Maybe the older the person, the less used it is…

The three generations of Hokage were a little sad and slowly closed their eyes.

It’s time to make up your mind…

Opening his eyes again, the eyes of the three generations of Hokage became firm.

“Now I will kill you to correct the mistakes of the past…”

Orochimaru didn’t think: “Everything is too late…”

The three generations of Hokage make the technique of splitting and splitting into one.

Then hand began to seal: 巳 亥 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Dead Demon Consuming Seal!

For a time, the three generations of Hokage only felt that the behind suddenly cooled.

So I looked back.

Shinigami is a double-horned, face-to-face, purple skin. Shinigami is a bone hand open in the three generations of Hokage’s behind.

The air-conditioning is from the body of this thing…

Although he summoned himself, the heart of the three generations of Hokage still could not help shaking…

Muttered to himself: “This is what the four generations of Hokage said, only Shinigami can be seen by contracting with this technique…”

Four Violet Flames Formation Out of the line, watching the lively pigeon body on one side, a stiff, staring at the three generations of Hokage’s behind, because he actually saw the so-called Shinigami!

Doesn’t it mean that the operator or the person being treated can see what is dead?

How can I see it myself? Naruto’s heart is a little hairy.

At this time, the sound of the nine tails sounded: “It turned out to be this technique, it really makes people miss…”

Although the mouth said nostalgia, but the nine tails are gnashing teeth.

Naruto suddenly realized that he was able to see it because Jiuwei had this technique!

Now Jiuwei and himself are one.

I want to understand that after Naruto could not be relaxed.

But I know that Shinigami, who had a dagger in his mouth, turned his head and looked at him.

Naruto’s bottom of the heart suddenly cools… the feeling of being finished…

Third, the chapter on the 3000 word continues to write the fourth chapter. (Speak about the amount of money subscribed to is related to the number of words, children’s shoes do not misunderstand) Seeking recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards 喽~

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