Supreme Naruto

Chapter 137

“Have you seen Orochimaru?”

This sentence is really sudden, if not Sasuke’s temper is calm enough, temperament is strong enough, this single question may scare the soul is not attached.

If you have a heart disease, you may be directly ill.

Sasuke feels that he really wants to thank himself for having a good heart, took a deep breath, and calm down the uncontrolled pulse: “Do you know him?”

This sentence is asked from the mouth, obviously Sasuke has not had the experience of the Spirit link.

Naruto explained: “You don’t have to say it, control Spiritual Force, as long as you want to tell me this sentence, I can hear it.”

Sasuke tried it and asked, “So?”

Naruto returned: “Yes, I heard it, then let’s continue to talk about Orochimaru.”

Nara Shikamaru, who sat in the Ino location, glanced at Sasuke and Naruto on the side of the stands.

Intuition tells him that the two are stupid, but he is lazy.

After Haruno Sakura was screamed out by Sasuke, Idena went to comfort…

He sat here rather than watching the game.

Of course, the most important thing is that the icicle cooling effect next to the Ino seat is wonderful.

On the other side, Sasuke and Naruto continue to secretly communicate.

Learning to communicate with Spiritual Force, Sasuke asked Naruto again: “What did you mean before?”

Naruto answered very succinctly; “literally.”

Sasuke looks at Naruto. From Naruto’s look, he can see that Naruto knows Orochimaru and is sure he has met Orochimaru…

How did Naruto know?

Did Orochimaru find him too?

Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense, because even Kakashi doesn’t know that he has met Orochimaru.

Or is Jiraiya talking to him?

Sasuke remembers that Orochimaru told him that Jiraiya had to accept Naruto.

But there is no reason. Orochimaru and Jiraiya are both one of Konoha Sannin, but Orochimaru is a rebellion…

If Jiraiya knows that Orochimaru is in Konoha, why not contact Orochimaru with himself?

Or is it waiting for the opportunity? Will it be the time?

Sasuke’s head was garbled by the words of Naruto.

I don’t know how to answer…

At this moment, Naruto answered for him. “Don’t answer, change a topic. Your reaction has told me that you met Orochimaru, or Orochimaru found you.”

“So you have already planned to go with Orochimaru?”

Sasuke is so arrogant that there is an 10 sentence in my heart. MMP doesn’t know that when it’s not properly talked about, Naruto is not asking questions at all, but telling him about your plans, I know all about it.

Sasuke even has some doubts that this Spirit link will not be mind reading?

In that case, Naruto is really insidious.

So what is next? He was sent to the interrogation room to let him confess.

Then use him to fish Orochimaru?

Sasuke’s head is more chaotic…

Naruto urged: “You are talking, I let your sister-in-law give you time to grind below, but it is not to make you dazed.”

Sister-in-law? Refers to Hinata?

That means you are my big brother?

This time, Sasuke finally couldn’t help but start to talk: “You are really shameless. Although Hinata is good for you, but it has not risen to a higher level? Also, I am bigger than you, I want to talk about you, I am you.” brother.”

Sasuke and Naruto are the same year, but Sasuke was born on 7 month 23 Day, Naruto is 10 month 10 day, and it was more than two months old, so this sentence is not a problem.

This problem seems to have been emphasized before…

Naruto Rogue Kaidō: “Hyuga Neji is a whole year older than me. I am not calling my brother now?”

Sasuke is speechless, I don’t know how to get back, just taunted: “The guy who hates you hate almost wants to eat you now?”

Naruto doesn’t matter: “That depends on him having the ability to beat me.”

Then Naruto turned the topic back to Orochimaru again and asked, “You really have made a decision? You can rest assured that I will not talk to others.”

Sasuke was helpless, and eventually broke the cans: “Oh, it’s almost a decision. If Konoha can’t let me get stronger, it doesn’t make sense to stay here.”

Naruto continued to ask: “What is almost a decision? What are you hesitating?”

Some of the irritations that Sasuke was questioned, plus the fact of Haruno Sakura, were actually very annoying, so Kaid said: “No hesitation, I am waiting for a while and then teach you a meal, so I can leave with satisfaction.” “”

Naruto nodded, sighed: “So, don’t you have to regret for life?”

Sasuke’s eyelids jumped.

Why is he going to tell the truth?

Maybe it’s too annoying, maybe it’s like Naruto really knows…

So now that I have admitted it, is it necessary for someone to take him away for detention?

I don’t know why Sasuke feels that he has some expectations, but unfortunately there is no one who took him away.

Naruto still ran his train in his ear: “In fact, I admire you a little. Tell me the truth. I also think of World outside. After all, the outside world is so big, the village is so small.”

Sasuke looked at Naruto and didn’t feel like a fake, but still asked: “The truth?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Nature is the truth, I tell you, the last time the director sent me a letter, saying that I was invited to be an actor.”

Sasuke’s next sentence was unexpected to Naruto, and he slammed his heart.

Sasuke raised her eyebrows: “The guy sent me a letter, but I didn’t have any interest in being an actor. I was so right. I heard that Hinata also received one.”

Have it? Naruto blinked, and the imposing manner of Buffalo B instantly disappeared and muttered to himself: “How can I do this… I thought I only received it…”

Sasuke is speechless and he feels that Naruto is joking with him.

At the same time There is also some confusion that can’t tell which Naruto is true.

However, Naruto immediately emphasized again: “But I want to leave Konoha. It is true that in my opinion, shinobi is a profession. It is okay to be a fun in five or six years. It is too hard for three or four decades. “”

Sasuke, no matter what Naruto is, tells the truth: “When do you leave? Do you want to team up?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Now, Orochimaru doesn’t suit me, although I also like to do research, flowers, grass, plants, animals, swords… but before I have to upgrade my own strength. , um… the requirements are not high, and it will be at the level of Jiraiya Tsunade Orochimaru.”

Sannin level?

Is this demand not high?

Ok, Sasuke can already confirm that Naruto is nonsense.

Sasuke didn’t talk, Naruto said to himself: “Well, I admit, I am joking, eh? Why don’t you ridicule me? Do you agree with genius like me, this requirement is not high?”

Sasuke some can not stand silent for a moment, and urged:. “Let Hinata quickly resolve the fighting, and I now can not help but want to beat you.”

Naruto shook the head: “Let them play for a while, I still have something to say to you.”

“Well… wait until I see Tsunade as a teacher and look at Konoha. If I am still comfortable in Konoha, I will stay a little longer. If I am not comfortable, I will slip away.”

Sasuke frowned: “The truth?”

Naruto is serious nodded.

Sasuke is more confused. “Why tell me?”

Naruto said with a smile : “Because you are a little psychologically prepared, if there is no place to go after leaving Konoha in the future, you can help me.”

This reason… very formidable.

Sasuke doesn’t know how to get back…

Naruto sneaked in his ear: “Yes, I tell you, Orochimaru has cultivated a kind of Ninjutsu that can be reborn. If you have the chance, you can learn it, then teach me, I will Ninjutsu is very interested because it seems to be immortal.”

“And, there are some good people in Orochimaru. You should pay more attention to it. Don’t stare at a few good ones. There are both poor and bad uses.”

“There is money, Orochimaru’s money is not polite, you can lick a little more in your pocket.”

“There is a lot of Base or something in Orochimaru. Don’t fall down, don’t fall down, understand and say, where to do what, especially in the lab, I have a hunch that I might use it.”

“And ah…”

Sasuke’s face is dark: “Is it finished?”

Naruto stuck the shell and said: “The last thing to say, the first sentence, Orochimaru chose you, is to let you do his container, that is the reincarnation, he wants to reproduce your body, so Don’t be polite with him.”

“The second sentence, there is the location of Ryūchi Cave, one of the Three Great Holy Lands. It is said that Orochimaru has been there once. Going there can learn something called Senjutsu. If you want to improve the Strength, pay more attention to it. Of course, most. The main thing is that I may need to go there when I get there.”

Naruto is going to Ryūchi Cave?

Well, Naruto intends to go to Shikkotsu Forest first. According to Naruto’s speculation, the first generation of Hokage’s Senjutsu was studied at Shikkotsu Forest.

Because this is only a speculation, so the insurance can not let Ryūchi Cave.

If Ryūchi Cave is still not working… then consider Mount Noōboku’s embarrassment.

Sasuke was indulging for a moment and couldn’t help but start to talk again. “Are you sure you have a few words about these words?”

Naruto said seriously: “All is the truth, I use my personality to guarantee.”

Sasuke: “Your personality is not worth it.”

Naruto changed his mouth: “Then I guarantee with Hinata.”

Sasuke nodded, “Well, I believe, but why should I help you?”

Naruto grinsaid with a smile : “Because you owe me three bets.”

Sasuke’s face is dark and dark…

This more original 2000 word, changed to three thousand … four more sent! Start writing the fifth! Ask for a ticket! Monthly ticket! Reward support!

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