Supreme Naruto

Chapter 138

In the fifth game, there is no doubt that Hyuga Hinata wins.

But in the eyes of the audience, the win is somewhat inexplicable.

One jumped on the wall and one threw a dart on the ground.

This dart is not sure… every time I don’t cut a few hairs, I cut a few pieces of clothes.

Say it right… and even a piece of skin is not scratched…

Anyway, it is a glimpse of what I don’t know.

In the end, the autumn road surrendered, and then… Hyuga Hinata won…

Because the game was really bizarre, when Hinata and Ding came down, the audience was as indifferent as Naruto…

Watching the two leave, I don’t know if Xuanjian looked at the race and confirmed that the first round had ended. It was the second round.

The winner of the first game was… Uchiha Sasuke.

I don’t know the nodded fire, and his impression of Sasuke is still very good.

There are ideas in the battle, and the shots are vigorous and vigorous.

In his opinion, that is the style that shinobi should have.

Then… the winner of the second game is… Uzumaki Naruto…

“Hey…” I don’t know if I took a breath of cold air.

This game is also enough for him to demon…

One of the fastest, one of the most ink…

This game will not be finished again?

If Naruto hides in the ice hockey… then he is Haha.

Not only is he Haha, but the three generations of Hokage may also be Haha.

So bad game, will Konoha and Quest be picked up next year?


Look at the four winners of the four games, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Neji, Hyuga Hinata.

He is the most optimistic about two people, one is Uchiha Sasuke and the other is Hyuga Neji.

The two people played in his opinion is still very interesting.

I hope the finals will be what he wants.

“The next round of the second round! The winner of the first game, Uchiha Sasuke, and the winner of the second game, Uzumaki Naruto, please come to the venue!”

Sasuke and Naruto have long since left, and after all, Ding has conceded Naruto.

Naruto didn’t cancel the Spirit link, and continued to chat with Sasuke on Heavenly Dao with a link: “How much do you think you beat me?”

Sasuke Kaidō: “50 percent.”

Naruto taunted: “Well, Hollow, I thought you would say 100%.”

Sasuke didn’t answer.

The two went to the venue.

Sasuke asked: “You really don’t wait for the cloud this time?”

Naruto confirmed: “I haven’t waited, I just watched it, and the recent clouds have to take half an hour to blow.”

Sasuke sighed in relief, if he is waiting for him to stand outside the ice hockey like Gaara, he feels crazy.

I don’t know if the fire between the two people is in the middle of the two, the voice is already hoar, just like the vocal cords have just been sanded. “Do the two players have any objections?”

Naruto Sasuke at the same time start to talk: “No objection.”

Under the Spirit link, the two answered the gods in sync.

Sasuke frowned and asked with the Spirit link: “To compete, is this not lifted?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Nothing to do, just chat and chat.”

Sasuke is silent…

I don’t know Fire Xuanjian announced: “The game begins!”

Sakra of Sasuke has already gathered and is ready.

Therefore, at the moment when the fire was announced, Chakra directly carried out the change of the Ray attribute, and the instant was launched, and then a whip leg was drawn to Naruto.

The upper part of the whip leg, copy Xiao Li’s Body Technique, Konoha whirlwind.

The speed of speed is a thunder blow, and even the chance to release Naruto to release Clone Jutsu is not given.

The ice wall at Naruto’s feet rises, but it’s not as fierce as Sasuke’s instantaneous state.

Directly hit Naruto’s face, but the scene of the nosebleeds fluttering around the teeth did not appear.

Just listening to “bang!”, Naruto was blown up.

It’s a shadow…

Sasuke eyes is round.

Shadow split? How could it be a shadow? When did Naruto use Clone Jutsu?

From the stands to the stands, he has been with Naruto, and it is certain that Naruto has not left his sight from start to finish.

Naruto disappeared into view and Sasuke double Magatama Sharingan opened, alerting Naruto to launch Attack on him.

At the same time Ask Naruto: “When are you using Clone Jutsu? What about you?”

Naruto Kaidō : “Sasuke children’s shoes, we are fighting well, you are so cheating too much.”

Sasuke continued to ask: “We have been together since the end of your game, I can’t think of how you escaped my sights using Clone Jutsu.”

“Unless you have been with me before, it has always been your avatar.”

“But at that time you… can’t be a avatar…”

Really impossible?

Naruto can build a Spirit link with him… So… can you build a Spirit link with a avatar?

If the avatar’s actions are controlled by Naruto…

It is still possible.

Of course, these are not important now. What is important is where Naruto is now?

There is no place on the field…

Just when Sasuke is on guarding all around.

Sasuke didn’t notice that the ice wall that Naruto used to make a pool of water was quietly approaching him, and then a man made of water was sticking out of the water.

A hand bounces and a drop of water hits Sasuke’s back.

Sasuke was alert for a moment, and the blink of an eye escaped the water droplet.

After the hardship, I saw that the water droplets fell on the ground in a natural parabola.

It seems that there is no power at all.

In the Spirit link, Naruto laughed heartily said: “A drop of water, as for scaring you like this?”

Sasuke suddenly thought of a possibility, looking at the ground Kaidō: “Are you below?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Congratulations, you answered correctly, but do you know where I am?”

Sasuke Sharingan looks to the ground.

Unfortunately, his Sharingan is not Byakugan (roll eyes), without perspective.

At this time, a sparrow fell in the corner of the arena.

No one noticed.

“bang!” The sparrow turned into Naruto.

No, it’s accurate to say that Naruto’s avatar turned into a sparrow and changed back. “Hey! Sasuke! I am here!”

He shouted a scorpion.

Sasuke Sharingan looked over and Sasuke was sure it was a avatar.

Because Chakra concentration is too small.

I couldn’t help but ask Naruto with the Spirit link: “Your body will not be on the field?”

Naruto Kaidō: “How do you say it? Isn’t it, wait, I will go up right away.”

This time Sasuke is really speechless… although he doesn’t take this Chunin exam too seriously.

But isn’t Naruto too taking the Chunin exam seriously?

And when was he not there?

After the end of your own game?

Still has been a avatar from beginning to end?

If it is only Naruto’s avatar that beats Gaara… Is Naruto too terrifying?

I have to say that Sasuke wants more.

Naruto was still on the body when defeating Gaara.

It was only later that I got Fūton (Wind Release) from Shukaku, so… Naruto went to the place to practice Fūton (Wind Release).

This time is going back.

Um… From the underground of the stadium, the icicle elevator is rising upwards.

The so-called icicle elevator is a one-meter-thick, straight and straight hollow icicle, filled with water, and then there is a frozen bubble in the water column.

Naruto sits in the frozen bubbles by the buoyancy of the water, and the bubbles generally float upwards.

In fact, Naruto can be less troublesome. He can completely freeze the water in the hollow icicles into ice, and then Chakra makes ice Attribute changes to cover the whole body, so that he can move freely in the ice, and the speed is fast.

Naruto is a hollow icicle, a watering, and an ice bubble elevator.

It can only be… his idle egg hurts.

Just as Naruto floated up in a self-made icicle bubbling elevator, Sasuke’s mind sounded Naruto’s voice: “The enemy has ten seconds to reach the battlefield! Crush them!”

Sasuke is so aggressive…

Ten seconds later, Naruto floated to the head, and said a little bit of a lack of interest: “Is it true, or do I let the confession admit defeat? I don’t want to fight with you, I always feel that I am bullying you now…”

Sasuke’s whole body shivered. “Naruto, if you dare to let the confession pass, I will give you the three bets!”

Five more sent, today is the first five. However, I will write a chapter and put it on the zero point to automatically update it to be the first one tomorrow. Finally, thanks: “Kalcalcy Hydrate”, “kkmmkkmm”, “Sign”, “Black Corner”, “Book Friends 20180102122518007”, “Only I Tao Ge”, the six big singers, I wish six big new years, Liuliu Dashun! (Occasionally ~)

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