Supreme Naruto

Chapter 136

On the field.

I don’t know how many sputum swallowed the fire and dried up the scorpion, then took a deep breath, shouting the scorpion and shouting: “Tenten admits defeat, the winner is the autumn ding!”

“Please enter the contestants in the fifth game!”

Qiu Dading jumped from the wall and the doubled surgery was cancelled.

Lifting the foot and kicking the foot into a piece of the harness, clearing out a foothold, and then intend to admit defeat.

“referee !”

I don’t know if the fire is looking at the autumn road, and the voice is a little hoarse: “What is the matter? If it is a request for rest, there is no such option.”

“If you want to blame, you can only blame you for not getting a lot of 8 and 9. If you draw 7, you don’t have to work hard.”

rest? Ding really wants to rest, just didn’t feel like it on the wall, but when I came down, I found these shoulders a bit sour.

As for not being able to rest in the middle, Ding said that he was scornful, can not rest, can not abstain, stupid.

Then when Zhangkou was about to say that he abstained, Naruto’s voice suddenly sounded at the bottom of the heart: “Don’t give up, and Hitata for another time, um… it’s better to delay the time.”

Qiu Ding Ding suddenly realized, Kaidō: “Oh, do you mean to install it right? Or you want to be thoughtful.”

I don’t know if Naruto couldn’t hear him back.

Qiu Dading continued: “The original Spirit link is still there. I thought you broke when you didn’t talk.”

“I told you that I didn’t know how to fight when you didn’t talk. I thought I had to lose.”

“Which then I thought that the stupid girl across the face would have thrown the ninja out, and then directly admit defeat.”

“Naruto, you said that she is stupid, that is all the earth is a harness, just a few can continue to throw at me, but actually admit defeat.”

“If she doesn’t admit defeat, she insists on it for five or six minutes. I think I will admit defeat.”

“It’s running on the wall more than running on the ground.”

“I think I have to find time to exercise. This gibbons are good but I need arm strength…”

The autumn road Ding has a lot of time, I don’t know if this is also learned with Naruto.

There is another sentence I told you, Naruto’s idiom is that I tell you.

Uh… it’s also a mold.

However, the pseudo-Spirit link is destined for Naruto to hear these flaws.

Poor Ding did not know that he was talking to himself, what was the chat…

Naruto contacted the autumn road Ding times, then Spirit linked Hinata: “You go and Ding times to do the following, the longest time to drag the game, the better, I want to talk to Sasuke.”

Hinata blinks, then shakes the head of the shook, and this sign language is not a expression of style.

However, Naruto understood… or guessed it.

“You said that you don’t know how to do it? Um… that’s it. You can’t take it with your shots. This time, you just have Ding Ding’s practice. You can throw it on the field. You can throw it while you are throwing it.”

Hinata blinks, sly nodded.

Then Naruto contacted Ding: “You will play against Hinata in a while, you will continue to fly on the wall. You are not saying that you can fly all the time? Then continue to fly.”

On the court, the autumn road Ding looked far away to Naruto.

I raised my hand and rubbed my sore shoulder, and my heart spoke. I just said that I was tired with Naruto…

Oh, yes, I just told Naruto to exercise my arm.

Naruto means to let yourself take this opportunity to exercise, it is Naruto, the calculation is to draw water and not forget to practice.

“Received! I will exercise hard!”

However, the pseudo-Spirit link was broken.

Hinata played and the game was announced.

Ding times hands hands seal, local times!

The arms grow bigger again, become longer, and fall straight to the ground.

Then he slammed into the wall and began to scatter with the circle of joy.

The wind blew, blowing the hair of Hinata…

Hinata’s dull look at the circle on the wall, then suddenly remembered Naruto’s words.

I took a bite on the ground and shot it.

Without hesitation, he lifted his hand and grabbed five or six swords, then held one and shot it toward Ding.

One thing Naruto said wrong, Hinata’s ninja has been thrown very accurately.

Because she has a pair of very sharp eyes, there is also a pair of hands-on body techniques that are very stable.

So a shuriken flew over and shot off the hair.

Qiu Dading was shocked.

How exclaimed in my heart is really true!

But after thinking about it, maybe Naruto is interested in training me? It seems to be serious.

Then the autumn road Ding did not run around a circle, but moved up and down from time to time.

Hinata, who controls those, pick up the sword, bitter, and the large crazy sword, is shot.

It is said that the cover of the sword is very fierce and almost cut off the neck of Ding.

So Ding ran faster and hid more sensitively.

The time on the court was also hot, and the speed of the shuri in Hinata was getting faster and faster, and it was wonderful to throw all kinds of ninjas.

Ding has been hiding harder and harder.

But the audience is a bit aggressive…

Is this not the case for the last game? This is the situation in the last game!

Is there a change in the game?

Can the game be a little more watery?

At the same time It’s not just the audience that feels weird in the game.

There is also a referee who does not know the fire.

This year’s Chunin exam is a bit demon in his opinion…

There is also Hyuga Neji.

He originally wanted to see how much Hinata grew up, and then Hinata told him that I would throw a dart… and it was very accurate…

There is also Hyuga Hiashi who came to see the game with Hyuga Hanabi.

This time Hyuga Hiashi mainly came to see his performance of the nephew Hyuga Neji.

He has always been awkward about Hyuga Neji.

It was the third birthday of Hinata, and the shinobi of Kumo Shinobi village came to Konoha to talk about it.

The essence is the Kekkei Genkai – Byakugan (roll eyes) of the Hyuga family.

So on the third birthday of Hinata, sneak into the Hyuga Head of Family to kidnap Hinata.

Then he discovered it. He was very strong at the time, and he didn’t care who his identity was, and killed him directly on the spot.

But I don’t know how to make a big scorpion.

The person he killed was the captain that Konoha was responsible for.

Kumo Shinobi village used this to pressure Konoha, saying that Konoha killed the ambassador.

The war between the two countries is not enough. This is the bottom line. It is said that the name of Konoha has been smeared.

So the final result of the deliberation is the life of the person to be shot, that is, the life of Hyuga Hiashi.

In fact, it is still just to get the scorpion of the Hyuga family Kekkei Genkai.

Because Kumo Shinobi Village had Konoha had to hand over his body to calm the matter.

His own younger brother, Neji’s father knew that he took the initiative to replace him.

The two are twin, they look exactly the same. If the two people wear the same clothes, even Konoha can’t tell, not to mention the people of Kumo Shinobi village.

In addition, his younger brother is a family member who has a curse that can completely seal Byakugan (roll eyes).

In this way, even if Kumo Shinobi Village acquired the body of the Hyuga family, it is impossible to obtain the Kekkai Genkai of the Hyuga family.

This is a very good method in the eyes of Hyuga’s patriarch…

But he felt that he was sorry for his dead younger brother, sorry Neji.

I once thought that this matter was blaming Hinata, so I left out Hanata.

But today, he is also good for Hyuga Neji, and for Hinata, in fact, the bottom of the heart is embarrassing…

But he was not the one who admits the mistake. He did not tell Hyuga Neji that the Hyuga diver was voluntary.

Nor did he admit to Hinata that he was not for so many years.

This kind of inner suffering seems to him to be his own punishment…

But… even if he did, he couldn’t understand why Hinata was going to throw a dart…

Although it looks very accurate…but even if you are self-defeating, you should not give up the Body Technique of the Hyuga family…

Hyuga Hiashi couldn’t understand the game, his brow wrinkled and his face didn’t have a good face.


“Hanabi, you can’t learn from your elder sister, have you heard it?”

Little Hanabi was blind and blinked, I don’t know what father said, but he was still ignorant of nodded.

At this point, the leader of this oolong is trying to establish a Spirit link with Sasuke.

It’s not a pseudo-Spirit link, but a two-way. Naruto is still not skilled, so please ask the Lama to help.

Of course, the Lama is naturally rewarded to play, and a dessert is added for dinner today.

“Sasuke, I am Naruto, can you hear me? Don’t resist my Spiritual Force, I am trying to build a Spirit link with you.”

Sasuke didn’t resist, and the technology of the nine tails was good. Soon the Spirit link was passed.

Then Naruto asked directly: “Have you seen Orochimaru?”

Three more released, continue to write four more. Ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward!

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