Supreme Naruto

Chapter 135

Dingji got to the wall under the advice of Naruto, and Chakra gathered in the both hands, and there was a feeling of monkeys when he was moving up and down.

At the same time also reflected Ding times to give this name, gibbons!

In the Spirit link, Ding has a leisurely with a smile: “Naruto, I feel like I am flying now.”

Naruto didn’t say a word in his heart, no, you are not flying, you are just from a fat Evolution to a flexible fat man.

Commanding on the mouth: “Ding, how does the body feel? How long can it last?”

Ding may be so happy, and think of Naruto’s shouting at the opening, Kaidō: “Potato potatoes, I am a sweet potato, I feel that I can fly now…”

Naruto corner of the mouth, not Ding called his potatoes, but the sentence can continue to fly.

From this sentence, Naruto analyzes a hidden Attribute, and people are crazy.

In short, it is simply not reliable.

In order not to let Ding Xiaohuo – always tired on the wall, Naruto decided to start observing the opportunity to end the battle as soon as possible.

It’s just… how much toughness Tenent has with him…

Is she a mobile arsenal?

And how is her Chakra so much?

Don’t look at the storage Scroll. You can hoard your pockets. Every time you store them and call them out, you need Chakra. The number of times that Tenten has summoned the harness from the storage Scroll is not calculated, and each time it is a big summon. A piece of Attack, this kind of Chakra that is burned out of the Scroll is much more than a single call.

Hey…Tenten, this girl’s Chakra… I’m afraid it’s higher than Kakashi.

This is terrifying…

It’s just this fighting style that makes Naruto a little liver pain.

The strength of the ninja depends on the person you use, and how it is used. It is different to throw the Attack Power and the perfusion Chakra.

At the same time Chakra The change of nature and the ordinary Chakra are also different.

There are also differences in various Attributes.

So can’t say that shinobi, which only uses ninja, is weak.

The example here is the best proof of the group of warriors in the Iron Kingdom.

But the pursuit of quantity like Tenten is obviously very Idiot’s approach, and it can be said to go astray.

Waste Chakra, don’t say… still burn money…

The timing seemed to be almost the same. Naruto saw that Tenten’s breathing rhythm had started to mess up and the Attack frequency dropped significantly.

However, what Naruto didn’t expect was…

Haruno Sakura came and … suddenly locked from the back of the field, the eyes of the fire shouted: “Hui Ye, long time no see!” Then depressed the voice: “I did not expect you this small slut actually sneaked to Sasuke By the side…”

Although it was a low voice, several people present including Sasuke Naruto Shikamaru did not hear it.

It’s not a day or two since the two women were jealous because of Sasuke, and Naruto has long been used to it.

But… MMP! What a mess now!

When Haruno Sakura attacked Ino…Spirit link… Broken…

Naruto turned his head stiffly, looks at the two Idiot women who wrestled together…

Haruno Sakura continues to lock the throat of Ino, and raises his head and greets Naruto: “long time no see, Naruto, your game is really in line with your character.”

Naruto corner of the mouth took a pumping. Is this a boast or a loss?

Ok… Naruto is also somewhat self-aware. Among all the audience, the person who really praises him should not exceed the number of five fingers.

The only thought of Naruto is that it is awesome. Can you throw the javelin into the clouds? Can you rain? Can you beat Gaara?

If you let Gaara fear that you are not just meeting, you will be destroyed by the opposite side…

Uh… I don’t understand my excellence is not your fault. After all, you are just a mortal, but if you don’t understand it and pretend to understand it, it means that you are all awesome…

Well, Naruto said that the pink hair of the female stick, and the beige hair of the female stick 槌 2.

Sasuke came over to Naruto and seemed to be interested in the game below. Ask Naruto: “Do you think the following two people can win, do you want to gamble?”

Naruto didn’t answer, whispered: “Don’t pretend to be stupid, I am stupid, I am low-key, deep and cynical, you can only prove that you are a fool, don’t tell me you don’t know that the girl is coming to you, you are like this. Too cold girl heart.”

“And, ah, I tell you that it is a disease and a cure.”

“Too small, it is not mature.”

“Go to the big, prove that you are not a man.”

See Naruto 嘀嘀gū gū Going on, Sasuke’s face is already black and black, and he’s black: “Naruto, I found out that you’re smoking this mouth.”

Naruto calmly said: “You want to smoke me to show that you are angry, and the more angry you are, the more you say that I have poked your heart.”

“Recognize it, in fact, you are not a man, right.”

Sasuke feels that he is on the verge of blackening.

Naruto’s mouth was still on the go, and continued to swear: “And, I’m telling you, you want to smoke, I want to see if you have the ability to smoke me. If I don’t have the skills, I’ll be sucked. The result is very shameful and shameful.”

The blues on Sasuke forehead jumped, and the voice was low with hoarseness: “You better shut up now, otherwise I will block your mouth with a thousand birds, so that you can’t speak again.”

Naruto blinked and suddenly smiled. Turned his head and said to Haruno Sakura: “Sakura, Sasuke said that I want to talk to you alone.”

Sasuke’s face was pumped, and Chakra gathered on his hands began to change the attribute of Ray.

At this moment, he really thought about bringing Naruto to the right.

However, Haruno Sakura came over and said: “Sasuke is looking for me?”

Sasuke took a deep breath, scattered Chakra, looked at Haruno Sakura, wanted to say Naruto nonsense, but suddenly thoughts turned, indifferent looks at Haruno Sakura said: “Well, I want to tell you, see you I am very annoyed, can you stop swaying in front of me?”

Naruto originally intends to take Hinata’s little hand to the other side to watch the game.

It’s good to have two people pour out Space, but when I hear Sasuke’s sentence, the whole person can’t help it.

Sasuke Sasuke… you brat… enough!

Does Sasuke not like Haruno Sakura?

If you don’t like Naruto, you won’t have to work hard, but… the situation in front of you is very painful.

Wait… Sasuke is so determined… Is it… Have you seen Orochimaru?

Naruto thought sinks into memory.

Because Naruto found that his thinking in memory is much faster than usual.

At the same time Bring up the memory about Sasuke and start watching.

I finally found that I didn’t see Sasuke’s mood for a month and the difference a month ago. Some… I’m gloomy, I don’t really want to talk about it.

Always stand by and think about things.

Although the past Sasuke is also this virtue, but today is even worse.

The main thing is that he refused to respond to Haruno Sakura…

In the memory, a picture flashes: “Because I have to win you anyway.”

That was what Sasuke said when Naruto came down from the field.

When playing against Xiao Li, Sasuke and other young Lee opened eight battles, but they were not willing to wait for themselves to call the rain.

This information seems to have no connection.

But Naruto smells an unusual taste.

Finally confirmed that Sasuke has seen Orochimaru! And… there is the meaning of walking with Orochimaru.

Naruto’s enchanting IQ is online in the memory bug bonus…

At this time, the results of the game came out… Tenten finally took all the ninjas and shot them, then took the initiative to abstain.

According to the original script, Ding will admit defeat…

Then Hinata wins directly…

Then… the second round, the first game, he…played against Sasuke…

Today continues to erupt, this is the second, continue to write the third. Ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward!

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