Supreme Naruto

Chapter 134

Qiu Dading played on the court.

In the middle of the mountain, I found a place where no one was in the eyes to maintain the Spirit link between Akita and Naruto.

Because I was afraid that people would find a blanket on the hot day, obscuring the gesture of the hand seal.

However, Naruto is also considerate, and has several icicles on the side of the mountain in the field to cool down.

Naruto through the Spirit link to Ding Xiaodao: “I am a potato, sweet potato, please answer.”

At this point, the game was just announced, and Ding was playing face-to-face with Tenten in the game.

As soon as I listened to Naruto’s shouts, Ding didn’t hold back Pūchī’s smile.

Tenten knows that Ding is laughing at Naruto’s shouting, thinking that he is laughing at himself, his expression is cold: “Dead fat! Who are you laughing!”

Tenten remembered that while she was learning, someone laughed at her head with two sticky bean bags…


Fat was originally a forbidden word for Ding, but now it has added a dead word.

Neji feels that he can’t control himself. He has the urge to flatten the opposite side.

Naruto quickly advised: “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, think about what women do, don’t you know that women’s hair is short-sighted?”

In the case of Naruto, Izuno was heard as a transfer station, and the blue veins on the forehead jumped.

However, in order to win the game, she endured it.

Naruto continued to command: “Come with me to breathe… exhale… yes, continue, inhale… exhale…”

With Naruto’s persuasion, Ding calmed down a lot, start to talk and explained: “I am not dead fat! I am just fuller!”

Tenten looked up and down a bit, tsukkomi said: “You are fat, you are still breathing up… If you are full, if the pig sees you, you are blushing.”

Naruto corner of the mouth

Say you are fat, you are still breathing, this sentence is used by Naruto to despise Tenten, I did not expect to be learned to use this.

This is called 啥? Moved a rock and licked your own feet?

Or is it true that Tianli Zhaozhao is not good?

Anyway, Ding was irritated again. This time, Naruto turned to think about it, and don’t let Ding control it. It was directly caused by the anger full of anger.

The Spirit share provided by Yamanaka is only a two-way voice, and there is no shared vision, so Naruto drives the first door of the eight-door armor at the game, and with the Spiritual Force command: “Ding does not have to endure, since the opposite side If the mouth is so stinky, then teach her once and let her be long.”

For this suggestion, Ding has agreed with the boss hands.

Like the guy who said that he is a dead fat man and compares him to a pig, he will not be soft, even if the opponent is a girl, he will not forgive.

Um… at the top of the game.

Surprisingly, this time, Ding was not in a hurry to use Ninjutsu, but asked Naruto: “How do you fight?”

Naruto introduced to Qiu Ding Ding: “Your opponent is good at long-distance striker Attack. All you have to do is not to be hit by the opposite side, or to prevent Attack on the opposite side.”

“In your case, using a meat bomber doesn’t necessarily hit your opponent, and overall multiplication will make you a target.”

“So the best option is local doubling.”

“My advice is to use local magnification to strengthen the arm strength, then stick Chakra in your hand, and use it to pull yourself to the point of fast movement… well… can you do that?”

Ding listened carefully, then thought of an animal and asked: “Do you say gibbons?”

Naruto stunned and wanted to understand and praised: “It means that the hand is more flexible than the leg. After the arm is doubled, you can use your hands to explode the amazing speed in a short time, and the degree of flexibility.”

Spirit communicates quickly, with almost no delay, and words are delivered instantly.

So it seems that Naruto and Ding have been communicating for a long time, but the reality of World is just a blink of an eye.

This is because there is a middle mountain in the middle to do the transfer, otherwise it will be faster.

Determined the combat plan, Ding praised: “Naruto, I feel that this combat plan is really suitable for me, I have a hunch that my Strength will be strengthened, um… since it is like a gibbons, this kind of tactic is called gibbons. The tactics are good.”

Said, Ding started hand seal, “local magnification!”

Ding’s both hands at the same time swelled up, not very exaggerated. People stood up and could just support the ground to push people up, then Ding gathered Chakra in his hand, and the body squatted and pressed to the ground.

On the other stands, the dog’s fangs were curiously: “How did this guy get down? Is he going to be a creature?”

Next to the red pill, holding his head, “Wang, hehe…”

The oily woman who is next to the Akabane is playing in the quiet look at the spring wild cherry.

But compared to Focus’s oil girl, Haruno Sakura is obviously absent-minded, and from time to time, she looks at the stands on the other side of the distance.

She is watching Sasuke.

I don’t know why, she feels that Sasuke is very unhappy and very heavy…

It would be nice if you could be with Sasuke in a small team…

Well, even if you have more Naruto, you can do it.

Look at Naruto, who is watching the game on the side of the movie, Haruno Sakura is more uncomfortable.

The originally recognized lowest ranking has not known since, and she has opened her far away. Maybe… I can’t catch up in this life…

Oil female is still looking at the game, but suddenly start to talk: “If you care about that guy, why not just say hello in the past?”

Haruno Sakura looked at the oil girl, and stunned: “Ah?”

However, the oil girl is no longer ignoring her, seriously looking at the game.

One month’s time, the oil girl’s injury has been good, but it has become more silent.

And the dog fangs next to it are completely different styles.

Haruno Sakura played with a few hairs and finally made up his mind to walk to the stands where Sasuke was.

“Then I will go over the first time.” It seems to say something to himself, then turn and leave.

The stands are not connected, but three independent longhouses of Biva, so she needs to go down Level 1 and walk past the connected knife.

The dog’s fangs and red pills were simultaneously turned to look at Haruno Sakura, and they greeted: “Go back soon.”

Haruno Sakura, a look at the dog’s fangs, the dog’s fangs have turned to look at the game.

Only Akaru called her “ao wu”.

For a time, Haruno Sakura felt that her thoughts were somewhat selfish. In fact, the current team is also very good.

There are no two big genius, but two more partners who will pay attention to their own mood…

“Ah, I will say hello, I will be back soon.” The footsteps of Haruno Sakura have already left.

The dog licked the head of the 揉赤丸, and the eyes glanced at Uchiha Sasuke.


At this time, on the court, Ding has repeatedly avoided dozens of Attacks in Tenten.

The earth’s ninjas don’t cost money, they are spread in the mud, and there is almost no place to settle.

Naruto complained: “Poor terrain…”

I completely forgot that this terrain is what I have to offer.

At the same time, the commander said: “Go to the wall, have the ability to let this girl shoot a wall!”

Thank you for your codewords. Thank you now. Thanks for “smooth sailing”, “Only my Tao brother”, “Sword of Heaven”, “Phoenix VC”, “Happy 1”, “Hao Qi”, “Sign”, “Jin distance”, “Children who don’t lie”, “Linging 999” ten big rewards! I wish the ten great new ideas, perfect, and everything goes well! (鞠躬谢谢!) Right! We will explode tomorrow!

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