Supreme Naruto

Chapter 131


Big brother, the kindness between relatives, the name of revenge or ridicule or contempt.

There are also polite names between two people who are not very familiar.

Today, Naruto has heard a new name.

It seems that the belly of a week is broken, the name of constipation…

But no matter how ugly the big brother is, how many emotions are under pressure, Naruto is very happy.

Dress up the generations, carry hands, pleased nodded: “Xiaoningzi, the game is going to cheer, you Naruto big brother look at you.”

GodTM’s Naruto big brother! Naruto wool a big brother!

Neji’s face was redder, and the blue veins on her face leaped.

Resist the urge to move with Naruto and walk around Naruto.

At this same time, Gaara and Naruto just passed by, Gaara is picking up and going back, this Naruto big brother is also very clear.

The bang of the “bang!” was sprayed out.

He wants to try again if he can kill Naruto, but surprisingly, Shukaku with the body didn’t take the opportunity of his anger to lobby for help to kill him, but with a sigh of dissuasion: ” Forget it, don’t mess with that brat, there is a guy at the end of the nine, really angered that guy, you really have to explain this time.”

Shukaku Gaara, who is so painted, is the first to see it.

The voice that is full of unwillingness and unhinderedness seems to be the old man with the candle in the wind, and some of the calmness of the great realization is full of goodwill.

Gaara was silent for a long time, and the heart became more and more complicated.

He knows that Shukaku is only afraid of his death and he is guilty of himself…

However, this dissuasion was unexpected and did not make him resentful.

Kaidō: “That is what you look at today, you can’t shoot…”

Gaara now also understands Shukaku’s feeling of seeing nine tails.

Can’t beat it… I’m tired…

The cork floated back and the sand hyacinth was re-plugged.

Gaara sniffed her nose and sniffed the bloody scorpion after the opening of the sand hyacinth…

Ah… it was washed once by the rain… surprisingly, he found that the bloody smell of the sand was also good.

However, as a murder weapon, is there any other value after the defeat?

Thinking of this, some of my love is lost and lost…


A familiar sound is heard.

Gaara raised the head. Looking at the past, Temari is preparing to participate in the competition, and is also his elder sister.

He did not answer, and he re-directed his gaze to the stone steps and continued to go up. The two passed by.

Temari stopped and looked at Gaara’s young back. This was the first time she saw Gaara defeat, and it was the first time she saw such a Gaara.

At this time, Gaara gave her a feeling of difference, like… helpless child…

But before she could understand the mood that was different from the past, Naruto’s smiling face came together.

“Sorry, Hyuga Neji was provoked by me, so this game…”

“In fact, I want to talk about it, or surrender early.”

Naruto is telling the truth, but it is humiliating in Temari.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Naruto: “I will win this game, I…”

The last half of the sentence has not been said yet, Naruto has passed her by the side and said: “Then you will cheer, don’t be optimistic about you.”

Not optimistic about me? Do you like me?

Fire big…

Temari’s hands were pressed against the iron fan on the back, and she now has an impulse to blow the guy who is so arrogant that no-one else matters.

“Participant Temari, please enter as soon as possible!”

In the scream of referee, Temari coldly snorted turned his head and walked to the arena.

In the stands, Naruto walked all the way. When passing the auditorium, there was no applause for the triumphant Hero, only a neat Byakugan (roll eyes).

“It’s a good luck brat, it just happened to catch up with the rain.”

“Hey…luck is also a kind of Strength…”

“But thank you too, if it wasn’t for a rain, this boring game didn’t know when to go.”

“When you look at the guy’s smug look, it is clear that it is a dog’s luck to win, can’t you keep a low profile?”

“Oh… the dog is also envious of envy, do you have the ability to go on and fight one?”

“I am buying salted fish, let me play the game? Is there a problem with your head or is there a problem with my head?”

Everything in disorder sounds in my ear, at this time Naruto doesn’t like eight armor…

Because the hearing is strengthened, the sounds that are originally inaudible are also exceptionally clear.

I am old.

Forget it, the words that are said, the more excellent people are, the easier it is to attract jealousy around them.

They are just jealous of themselves…

So those who didn’t listen were all turned into applause under Naruto’s special filter.

Going to the top of the stands, Hinata ran over and pointed his fingertips on his chest. He was full of worship: “Naruto Jun, Sasuke said that the rain was brought by you, is it true?”

Nest grass! Did you finally meet Bole?

Naruto suddenly felt a little excited.

The repressed mood immediately eased.

Compared to those who are irrelevant, Hinata’s compliments are the most precious.

For a time, the waist plate was quite straight.

The nodded road: “Ah, that rain, I summoned it with some small hands.”

The eyes of Hinata’s eyes are even better. “Naruto Jun, you can really summon the rain, can you summon snow? I like to watch the snow.”

Naruto’s eyes were turned into peas eyes, and they slammed a few times, looking up at the sky with a certain uncertainty.

The current season… looks like summer…

It’s still far from winter…

It snows in summer?

Hinata, don’t you let me pick a star for you to play?

Then honest Kaidō: “If it’s winter… I can try it.”

In other words, I can’t do it in the summer…

However, Hinata was not disappointed, but the eyes became brighter. I was surprised and said: “When I waited in the winter, wouldn’t I have to think about snow when I saw it?”

Naruto’s Peas licked his eyes and nodded. “Oh, in theory, this is the case… But Hinata, when do you want to see snow…”

Asked this sentence, originally intended to secretly remember on the small book, and then waited for the winter to surprise Hinata.

But Hinata’s words made him desperate.

“When is it… I want to see when I am happy, because the snow is so beautiful, do you know? Every snowflake is different.”

Naruto heard this understanding. Hinata likes to watch snow, because Byakugan (roll eyes) has a microscope of Ability.


Hinata’s fingers poked on each other’s chest and continued: “I want to see snow when I am sad… Because the snow is so beautiful, I can forget about the unhappy things…”

I want to see when I am happy…

I want to see when I am not happy…

Hinata, are there other emotions besides being happy and unhappy?

These two emotions cover all the emotions?

That means you want to see snow every day throughout the winter…

Naruto feels like he is going to smash…

It is really a slave who can’t do it!

Five more sent, I feel the next… It seems that I can report a six more… But Xiaozhao needs to cheer! Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, all can be!

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