Supreme Naruto

Chapter 130

On the court, everyone stretched their necks at the bottom of the game at the table.

Just see Gaara hiding in the sand ball.

Then Naruto put the double in, and then… there is no more…

The audience swears that this is the most amazing game they have ever had.

First, Gaara opened a big move and Naruto hid in the ice hockey.

Then it was dried up for ten minutes.

Then there was a cloud floating in the sky, and Naruto finally started by the rain.

Put a big move that doesn’t look like a big move.

Then Gaara indented the sand ball…


So the audience once again bombed, after all, watching the game not only shinobi and the solemn name, there are many wealthy businessmen, and Konoha villagers.

“What are you doing below!”

“Get to the next game!”

“It took me tens of thousands of tickets to buy tickets for this broken game! Or refund the ticket! Or change it!”

“Yes! Either refund or change!”

The shouts are endless, and the faces of the three generations of fathers are wrinkled.

It seems like an instant Shar Pei possession…

It is even raising your hand and holding the Sun hole.

Three generations of Hokage oh…

Originally intends to make Naruto’s Hyōton (Ice Release) shine some glory in the game, and then also make a strong voice for Konoha.

But this game… In addition to the opening ceremony of the Gaara in Sharon Village, I got a cheer…

Then there was all sorts of complaints against Naruto…

Purely black…

Three generations of Hokage couldn’t help but talk to themselves: “How does this Naruto like to do things like this…”

Next to the four generations of Kazekage’s face covered with a half-face veil, only a pair of eyes leaked, can not see the expression, but the tone is pretty good praise Naruto said: “very smart child, no guess, then the rain is his out ,interesting.”

For the three generations of Hokage in the rain, I guessed that it should be related to Naruto. I said haha: “The Smelly Brat will play some cleverness and can’t be on the table. This time, Kazekage adults laughed.”

On the occasion of the video chat between the two villages, the shinobi both hands, which specialize in serving various names and dignitaries, presented several volumes of documents.

The three generations of Hokage first opened the instrument of the name of the country of fire according to the honor of the scroll color.

The paper indicates the method of asking Naruto for rainfall on the field.

Then I opened several volumes in succession, and they were all similar.

Three generations of Hokage’s mouth pumped, how do he know what the rain method is…

However, there are no ways for the dignitaries to name the three generations of Hokage. Write a pen on each instrument. “After the game, talk about it.”

Then let the shinobi send the paper back.

Then I looked at the game again, and the wrinkles on my face were deeper…

This Naruto… I have to do something about everything in disorder…

The three generations of Hokage were even more embarrassed when they thought of asking for the rain method from Naruto’s mouth.

He had taken the Scroll of HyHton (Ice Release) high-end sorcerer before, and he was sure to guess with Naruto’s ghost of Brat.

The method of asking for rainfall this time…

Hey, how did things get there?

And he can’t use it too, because Jiraiya’s one-breasted brat is back.

Jiraiya wants to accept Naruto as a disciple. Where can he not see it?

Three generations of Hokage glared at Sun’s hole, and more and more felt that this Hokage was a little powerless.

It’s time to think about who to pass to…

So who wants to be Hokage?

Three generations thought of Danzo, shook the shook head, and whoever was Hokage couldn’t let that guy be Hokage.

That old thing is not good, Hokage can come up with the Uchiha family of things, when it is Hokage, what?

I am afraid that there will be another village of blood mist in this world…

That kind of result is not what he wants to see.

Then… Jiraiya…

That brat seems to be a bit safe, but… let him be Hokage, most of the guys are still not willing.

Thinking of this, the wrinkles on the face of the three generations of Hokage became deeper and deeper.

Is there any good candidate?

My own son? Asma has been much more stable since she came back from outside.

When he was Hokage, he was the family of three children, Ino–Shika–Chō, who would support him.

At the same time Under his arrangement, the relationship with Kurenai Yuhi is getting closer and closer, and the good development of the two people’s emotions will eventually come together, so that in the future is also a big stretch.

Kurenai Yuhi has no background, but the children she teaches are personally chosen by three generations, oil girl, dog and dog family… Haruno Sakura…originally is the Hyata of Hyuga family…

But it was stirred up by Naruto that brat…

Thinking of this, he felt more and more that Naruto was a stir-fry stick.

Wait, how do you think about it and come to this brat… What did you think of?

That’s right, let Asma inherit Hokage.

Um… He has been secretly supporting Asma.

He assigned Asma the most powerful combination of Konoha, Ino–Shika–Chō, and the three families that are the easiest to master.

Because these three families are only strong when they are united, single…not at all.

I want to rebel and I can’t look down on how big the waves are.

Then… I was given a good girlfriend, an orphaned woman.

Give the woman three more… No, it is the help of the two families.

But… it takes time.

The younger generation has not yet grown up.

Thinking of these three generations of Hokage sighed, it seems that he still has to stay in Hokage for a while.

The following game is not over yet…

Three generations of Hokage lifted the eyelids, and Naruto’s hand was still inserted in the sand ball. Then he saw that the sand ball swelled more and more, and the thinner the sand on the outside, the last leaked a huge ice hockey.

Inside the ice hockey, it is the frozen Galara.

“referee! All this, I still don’t announce outcome?”

Naruto move towards referee snorted.

I didn’t know that Huo Xuan came to Naruto’s body and carefully looked at the frozen Gaara through the gap of the sand.

The verdict: “Gaara lost the battle Ability, winner Uzumaki Naruto!”

The audience was quiet, there was no applause, and the atmosphere was thieves…

The winner who is so lonely, I don’t know if Xuanjian said that he has seen it since he stopped the game…

Then turned to Naruto and said: “At the end of the game, lift your Ninjutsu.”

Ice hockey water Sphere, slamming away.

Stir a mud of mud.

I don’t know that Huo Xuan’s eyebrows have collapsed. This stadium… is also completely unrecognizable…

After Gaara body resumed freedom, I wanted to control the sand to Naruto all at once, but it was too cold to be frozen, and I couldn’t help but shudder, and some of the stiff ones didn’t listen…

Naruto blinked with a smile : “Look at your Naruto big brother to heal the wound on your neck. Forgive me this time.”

Gaara subconsciously raised her hand to the neck, and indeed the deep wound had been heal…

At this time, Naruto has already gone far.

Naruto big brother ?

I didn’t know that Fire’s eyes looked at Gaara, and then I looked away from Naruto, and my eyes became strange.

This game… Is there a py deal? No wonder the fight is so weird…

Gaara then retired.

I don’t know Fire Xuanjian announced: “Please invite the contestants in the third game!”

The third game: Hyuga Neji VSTemari.

Hyuga Neji walked into the arena with a black face and Naruto just came face to face.

It is just right, Naruto has not left the two entrances on the edge of the arena, so as long as Hyuga Neji is entering the stadium, Naruto will be met.

It’s not like Sasuke just passed by.

Naruto believes that if he chooses one of them, the Ability of Hyuga Neji Byakugan (roll eyes) will definitely choose another one.

That is not what Naruto wants to see.

Together with the three generations of the official game, Hokage said that it is necessary to maintain a good image in front of the elite.

Therefore, Hyuga Neji, whether it is a big-born identity or a ceremonial manner, can’t fly away and fly directly into the arena from the wall of the package.

So…the two still met.

Naruto said with a look: “Come, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, call the big brother.”

Hyuga Neji’s face was red, and the blue veins on the forehead jumped, just like Xiao Li opened eight doors.

Brother, your sister!

Hyuga Neji’s heart is arrogant.

The fourth is more! Start writing the fifth chapter! Everyone cheers for Xiaozhao! Recommended tickets! Monthly ticket! Reward!

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