Supreme Naruto

Chapter 132

I can’t talk to Hinata anymore. I need a chance to transfer the topic!

Naruto looks at Sasuke.

Praise: “Sasuke, your game is very exciting.”

Sasuke’s faint nodded, not too Qiang Hollow on the mouth, returned: “Okay.”

Then, Sasuke start to talk asks: “Naruto, how did you do that rain?”


Naruto almost squirted out of the old blood.

After turning around a topic, I still didn’t talk about two sentences and turned back…

Do you want to let Himita promise to snow every day for the three months of winter?

So three generations of Hokage will also destroy their own?

No, there were no three generations of Hokage at that time. It was the fifth generation Hokage, Tsunade elder sister.

“Oh… this… is not a very difficult thing… The water vapor will liquefy when it is cold, and the cloud is a mixture of water vapor droplets and small ice crystals. I just send the ice Attribute Chakra into the cloud, then the water When the steam is cold and liquefied, it will fall when it collides with each other, that is, rain.”

Um… In short, it is the dry ice artificial rainfall method.

Only Naruto replaced the dry ice with Ice Attribute Chakra.

Hinata worship at Naruto: “Wow! The cloud is a mixture of water droplets and small ice crystals. I still use cotton as a cloud!”

Is the cloud cotton?

Naruto said that when he was a child, he thought that the cloud was cotton, and the moon was the moon cake that could never be eaten. It was for the people in the sky…

Sasuke nodded, meditation, then continued to ask: “So how did you send the ice Attribute Chakra to the cloud? Is your Strength enough to throw the ice hockey into the cloud from above?”

Sasuke, did you pay attention to the bombing after the javelin took off?

Or did you notice that you didn’t think about it at the time?

Naruto continued to explain: “This is not difficult, just like fireworks, I use the explosion of the detonator to boost.”

It is said that the fireworks are not right. It is accurate to say that it is two kicks.

That kind of bang! God, and then “Hey!” The firecrackers exploded.

Gunpowder is replaced by a detonator. The usual detonator is not enough. In order to send the ice Attribute Chakra into the clouds, Naruto used two high level detonators this time, which is the kind that the store manager sent him. Tens of thousands, one explosion is equivalent to Jōnin full power, and the javelin is also made of pure steel. It can be said that it has spent a lot of effort to make some rain.

However, the effect is good.

At the very least, I solved Gaara.

As for why Naruto is struggling with rainfall, instead of using Suiton (Water Release).

It’s not Naruto. It’s not Naruto’s Chakra, even if the conversion efficiency is low enough to evoke enough water to flood the stadium.

The reason why it is not used is that the water structure transformed by Chakra is extremely unstable. Once the Chakra output is stopped, it will gradually be re-converted into the air that Chakra dissipates.

That level of water can’t freeze the sand of Gaara.

So Naruto decided to use real water.

The result also made him very satisfied.

Sasuke thought seriously and then asked again: “How do you guarantee that the javelin will not deviate from the clouds?”

Naruto’s heart, I will tell you that I used the shadow to transform into a wing and put it on the javelin, and then use the Spirit link to separate the body to control the javelin? I despised one sentence in my heart.

The mouth simply explained: “The principle of the arrow is similar. The stick I shot on has four balanced feathers on both sides.”

Arrow feather? Sasuke nodded, I understand a lot.

“Sasuke, are you studying me and then want to deal with my tactics?” Naruto’s said with a smile: “No use, this is my specific combat plan for dealing with Gaara, against you… I have another set.”

Sasuke and Naruto belonged to the winners of the first and second games respectively, when the game entered the second round.

Then both of them will be opponents.

Sasuke Kaidō: “I won’t let you succeed in summoning the rain.”

Yeah? This time it was Naruto’s turn to understand, curiously asked: “Why don’t you wait? When you play against Xiao Li, don’t you wait for him to finish the eight armor?”

Sasuke’s cool way: “Because I have to win you anyway.”

Naruto raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to touch her chin. Narcissism said: “I have become the target you have to surpass. Oh, I am so good, and I am a good Konoha girl killer like Sasuke Jun. It’s not as good as it is.”

Sasuke cold face: “…”

Hinata is proud of it.

It is clear that Hinata took his words seriously…

A few people talked a few words, and then Naruto glanced at Kakashi, who was still chatting with the wind.

Sasuke Victory Kakashi is chatting…

I won Kakashi and I am still chatting…

Although this pleasant conversation was triggered by myself, Naruto was still a little uncomfortable.

There is also a teacher of Huayue, who seems to be talking very speculatively, not just as nodded as Naruto’s request.

I will also ask questions, talk and laugh…

Is this a fake show, or a acting…

If the fake drama is really done, then this time, I am a big matchmaker. When I have time, I have to hang Kakashi a few times.

If it is acting… Is Huayue teacher too dangerous?

While Naruto was thinking about it, the wind and the moon actually noticed that Naruto was sneaking around here.

But pretending not to see.

But what I thought was not the same thing as Naruto speculated.

Didn’t the windy month watch Naruto’s game?

How is it possible! She came here today to see how the Chakra scalpel fights.

But what she saw was only Naruto’s sluggish time on the court, and then the good luck waited for the rain before she took the opportunity to freeze her opponent…

Although the wind and the moon do not like to fight, but can also see that Naruto won, but the win is very lucky, and not glory.

This can be seen from the reaction of the audience nearby.

So she didn’t know how to congratulate Naruto.

So… I have to be stupid.

Pretending not to see.

Huayue teacher, who has always been poisonous tongue, learned to be stupid in order to maintain the dignity of the small discipline.

As for Kakashi, only chatting is also swearing at him. Although he has been chatting, he always sends a singular entry into the arena at every crucial moment.

For example, if you don’t know the fire, you will announce the end of the game, and when you decide to lose, you will be released in time to delay the judgment.

Still twice.

Once Naruto, once Sasuke.

It can be said that he also broke his heart.

On the court, Hyuga Neji smashed sixty-four palms and sealed Temari’s acupuncture points. Temari couldn’t use Chakra and lost the combat Ability.

I don’t know the fire of Xuanjian’s identification and said: “Temari lost the battle Ability!Hyuga Neji victory!”

“Please come to the fourth contestant!”

In the fourth game, Tenten vs. Qiu Ding.

Naruto only noticed that for a long time, I didn’t see the silhouette of these guys nearby…

“What about them?” Naruto asked.

Sasuke Kaidō: “They think that you are too shameless to win, so you are ashamed to be with you, so ah… When you come back to the game, they will move to another stand.”

Naruto’s face was black, and the cold face asked: “The truth?”

Sasuke’s play with a smile: “False, Kai teacher is watching but Kakashi and Beauty chat and ignore him and then go away, two students followed comfort, Shikamaru Ino is because Ding is hungry, three people go Buy it.”

Naruto’s expression turned cloudy and sunny.

But I didn’t expect Sasuke to kill a sniper. “But they are ashamed to be true to you,” Tenten said, and there is Jing Ye.”

Naruto’s face is black again…

The most poisonous woman’s heart…

It seems that it is wrong to use it. If you use him, anyway, these two girls are the most hateful…

The sixth is sent! Start code word chapter seven… ask for a ticket! Monthly ticket! Reward!

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