Supreme Naruto

Chapter 117

At the moment of Jiraiya’s move, Naruto laughed wildly, and her stomach curled up on the ground for a long time.

Nine tails stretched for a few seconds because of the bet, but they were also affected by Naruto.

The agreement between the two was reached, and Naruto had to pay two 15 desserts for the nine-tail help.

The shared vision continues, Naruto and the nine-tailed look at the picture of Jiraiya’s face eating S’s face rushing out of the toilet with a blast.

Nine tails yelled: “Come on! Keep up!”

Then a large group of pigeons followed the behind of Jiraiya.

I was so angry that I was angry, but because of the thickness in the crotch and the odor of my body, I finally disappeared into the picture directly with the blink of an eye.

Nine-tailed full power manipulated a group of pigeons to catch up, but after all, it was a avatar, and Naruto and he would not be able to make a jump, and the result would not be able to catch up.

Naruto glared at the eyes and said: “Hey? How did he let him run away!”

Nine tails helplessly said: “I can’t use my Chakra. What can I do? I fight all the chakras, and there are no gadgets like a blink of an eye…”

The nine-tailed memories started in the past, saying that Shukaku’s guy learned to be a sneak peek.

Only then, the guy hid in the desert, and the Shukaku combat power in the desert rose rapidly, so… tsk tsk…

The two were silent for a while.

Naruto exclaimed: “It seems to be a matter of time to learn the blink of an eye…”

Nine-tailed proposal: “If you don’t learn, you will be exposed if you can control my Chakra, so you can use my Chakra to explode.”

Naruto turned up to Byakugan (roll eyes), which is now tight enough to be seen by Konoha. He doesn’t want to ask for trouble.

Spirit shared vision continues…

The sneeze sounded again from the toilet, Naruto and the nine tails, and then a happy laughter broke out again.

At this same time, Jiraiya turned into Anno Ninja of Konoha and crept to the river in the Konoha woods.

Silently took off his pants and cleared his tears.

At this time, a head suddenly emerged from the river, the shinobi who washed the pants here before.

Jiraiya scared the soul flew beyond the heaven, but when he thought that he was not using his own appearance, he forced to calm down and resisted the urge to stun the opposite side.

The shinobi surfaced, and said: “Hey, are you recruiting?”

I used to black face: “Well…”

The little shinobi that floated out of the water picked up the trousers and washed them together at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya angered: “You go to my downstream, you are above, how can I wash!”

The little shinobi 改变 changed position and came to the lower reaches of Jiraiya.

But the look at that a path of yellow flow can’t put the pants into the west.

Weak road: “Header… I will wait for you to wash it and wash it again…”

Ever since, Jiraiya silently washed his pants, the people next to him, staring…

This state lasted only five seconds and Jiraiya couldn’t stand it.

The blink of an eye appeared in the Shininbi’s behind with a knife. “You still faint for a while.”

Little shinobi didn’t think that his head would shoot for himself, one was unprepared, and the simple one was solved by Jiraiya.

Then Jiraiya resisted the urge to make this man drift away and continued to wash.

When Naruto and Jiuwei laughed at the other end, they finally got rid of the avatar.

When the two guys slowed down, the nine tails were still in a hurry, start to talk: “You said where the guy will go to wash the pants?”

Who? Jiraiya?

Naruto inferred: “The size of the body is so great that it is impossible to go back to the hotel. The guy can’t afford to lose that person, so…”

Nine eyes in front of the bright interface said: “So … definitely no one’s place … nowhere in Konoha…”

Naruto added: “There is still water, preferably the flowing water…”

Nine-tailed: “That’s the riverside…but I don’t know if it’s east or west…”

Naruto thought, “Which is near?”

Nine-tailed replies affirmatively: “East!”

Naruto hand seal, beetle Clone Jutsu!


50 pigeons are full of houses.

Nine-tailed Qidao: “How much?”

Naruto chuckled said: “Look between the two sides, 30 on the east side and 20 on the west side only.”

“And, if you find that guy, you will be angry and angry. When you look at it for a while, it is inevitable that you will have more avatars.”

Nine-tailed listened to nodded and squinted to start building a Spirit share.

A minute later, the mighty pigeon team set off.

Ten minutes later, the pigeon team to the east arrived in advance, landed in the woods, and then approached quietly.

“Hey? Is there a person who doesn’t wear pants fainting on the shore?”

Naruto suddenly woke up.

By the river, no pants, fainted!

Three keywords quickly ran in Naruto’s head.

There are only two possibilities for this result.

The first woman who met in this bath was abnormally smashed by the opposite side.

Will Anbu Ninja be relaxed by a woman who takes a shower?

There are too few women in Konoha to satisfy this situation.

Then there is only one truth! Naruto feels like a Holmes name Detective Conan possession.

It is also the most likely possibility.

I met Jiraiya who also washed pants here!

The two met Jiraiya and became angry!

Naruto ordered: “All pigeons are Activate! The enemy has found us!”

“From the 1st to the 10th, fly to the sky to attract the attention of the enemy.”

Ten pigeons flew up and were hit by stones.

Naruto taunted: “This exposes the location, and Jiraiya is mostly confused.”

Naruto continues to order: “15 number, number sixteen, 30 number is used in the tree hole on the spot!”

“bang! bang! bang!”

The three avatars were in three directions. After hearing the order, they turned into a piece of wood and said pebbles and dead leaves.

“On the 11th, the 12th took off to attract the enemy, and on the 13th and 14th lurked to the river, using the migratory transformation to disguise the branches on the river.”

The two pigeons on the 11th and 12th were shot through.

However, the goal of Naruto was reached, and the success of the 13th and 14th occupied a favorable position and was hidden.

For a while, if you can watch the show, you can see these two.

At the same time 15, XVI, 30 are hidden hands.

If the 14th on the 13th of the river is discovered, look for opportunities to continue to sneak.

Naruto’s plan is the ultimate in the current stage.

However, the opponent is Jiraiya, one of Sannin. Naruto feels that it is not insured. He continues to arrange: “From the 17th to the 20, the low-altitude flying is far away from the target, and the 20 1 to 20 7 remain in the woods. in.”

“20 No. 8, 20 No. 9 hides in the river!”

Pulling away the distance is considered to be the back hand in the back hand.

Keeping it in the woods as it is is the heart of the white opponent.

In the potential river, it is a substitute for No. 14 on the riverside.

Under normal circumstances, such an arrangement is even Anbu’s shinobi, which can be fooled into the past.

Unfortunately, Jiraiya has preparedness and his desire to clear the pigeons is strong.

Standing in the woods and turning into Anbu Ninja’s hand, the hand seal, “Heaven cover!”

A perceptual sphere spreads rapidly to all around with Jiraiya as the center.

The stones are flying from the hands of the sea, and the arrangement of Naruto is broken.

The avatar is completely destroyed and the Spirit share is cut off.

Even the river and the trees have not escaped.

After the Spirit link was broken, Naruto exclaimed: “Good formidable exploration.”

Nine tails agreed: “It’s good, oh… a pity…”

Naruto also sighed, one of Sannin is, after all, one of Sannin, not the one he can calculate now.

“Nine Lama teacher, this guy back to Konoha is trying to accept me as a disciple. When you said that I should let him teach me this Ninjutsu?”

Nine-tailed and stunned, he said with amazement: “He came to accept you as a disciple? Then you… Naruto, can you be more shameless?”

Naruto: “Hey…”

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