Supreme Naruto

Chapter 116

Jiraiya looked across, as if she could see through the wall.

The person has not acted, his face has burned red, and he is still heating up.

“gū gū 咕?” Outside the broken window, a white pigeon squinted.

Under the shared vision of Spirit, Jiraiya’s view of the female toilet was captured by Naruto.

“Jiraiya, this shameless person does not want to go to the women’s toilet?”

Naruto thought about it, raised his hand and touched his chin, and said with emotion: “I didn’t expect a mischief to rise to the test of human nature…”

Nine tails seem to have a bit of interest, and some wonder if the shinobi will go to the women’s toilet.

Although it is a fox, but also knows that in the human civilization, the toilet of the opposite sex is very bad thing…

At this time, Naruto’s right hand clenched his fist on the left palm. “Hey!” As if he made any decision.

Saying to himself: “But do you think that you can avoid the sanction of ‘Blue Falling Springs’ if you don’t shame? It’s too naive!”

“Multiple shadows.”


A Naruto avatar appeared next to Naruto.

Naruto said to the avatar: “The pigeons from the 2nd to the 12th are heard! Take up the female toilet pit, become a girl, and lock the toilet door from me!”

After receiving the order, the self was released.

For a time, Naruto’s order was passed to all the avatars at the same time.

Nine-tailed by this shoal is not light, tsukkomi said: “You are also considered to enter the female toilet? Say good humanity test? You have advanced yourself, is to prove that you are completely unmanned?”

Naruto said with a serious face: “No, I am a humiliating person, for the sake of justice, to sacrifice myself, full of human glory.”

GodTM’s humiliation, God’s great meaning, God’s sacrifice of self, God’s humanity shines.

Nine tails were blacked by a black face.

In the face of Naruto, which is even thicker than Shukaku’s defense, he already doesn’t know what to say.

However, I always feel that I should say something, so start to talk: “Then you don’t have to use the avatar to pass the command. In the Spirit link state, you can use the style of conversation with me to communicate directly with the avatar.”

Naruto blinked, “Oh… forgot…”

Inside the toilet.

Jiraiya’s face is getting redder and he is still struggling to go to the women’s toilet.

At this time, the pigeons at the door have been lined up in a row and sneak into the female toilet.

Naruto yelled through the Spirit link: “Be careful, sneak in and sneak into the dish.”

Kaidō, who successfully occupied a pit where no one was in the pit: “The second is in place!”


“No. 3 is in place!”

“No. 4 is in place!”


“No. 7 in place!”

“No. 8 is in place!”


“On the 12th!”

Then the left paw presses the right paw and transforms!

“bang!” The first one became Haruno Sakura.

“bang!” The second well field.

“bang!” The third Tenten.

“bang!” The fourth Hinata.

“bang!” The fifth… I don’t have this person… It looks like Xiao Li… but with two more chests…

Why does this happen? Maybe Naruto knows too few women, maybe it’s Naruto’s words. When he wants to die, the splits are all teasing…

“bang!” The fifth…Kakashi, the female version of the long chest… is so dirty…

“bang!” The sixth… the long-shouldered female version of Sasuke Jun… this is good!

“bang!” The seventh… Long-legged female version of Hyuga Neji… The little nephew can’t help…

“bang!” The eighth… the long-breasted female version of Iruka…Iruka teacher… This is not my intention… really.

“Bang!” The ninth… The long-sleeved female version of Ibixi… oh… that face is so handsome.

“bang!” The tenth… the long-shouldered female version of the hand-washed red beans… eh? Is she a woman?

“bang!” The eleventh… the long-breasted female version of the three generations of Hokage, hey! Naruto sprayed!

But I didn’t expect it to be even more…

“bang!” Twelfth… The long-breasted version of Jiraiya…

If Jiraiya sees it… that green dress… that little red vest… the white hair that has long hair and waist… I don’t know what it will be.

But it is certain that it will definitely be light.

The avatar turned to the end, “squeaky… 哒…” lock the door lock…

On the other side of the men’s toilet… Jiraiya held back a wave of evil thoughts and knocked on the closed door, urging: “Come on! Help!”

The person inside wanted to talk, but one mouth became a sneeze, and at the same time, the sound of the cannon was heard.

Still talking?

Not to kill.

The shinobi licked his mouth.

But sometimes sneezing is contagious, especially when you want to sneeze.

For a time in the toilet, the sound of sneezing, and the sound of gunfire have been shaken.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, Jiraiya is somewhat uncontrolled.

But reason tells him, you must not sneeze at this time, it’s okay to break out of the fart, if it breaks down…

Jiraiya smothered her mouth and her face had become a purple.

There is no longer hesitation in times of crisis.

Pulling the legs out of the men’s toilet.

Lightning through the public area of ​​the hand washing, rushed into the door with the word “female”.

unmanned? Saved!

Jiraiya raised her hand to open the first door, locked…someone!

Jiraiya was shocked by the cold sweat…

Then quickly go to the second fan, there are people!

God of shinobi bless! Don’t come out at this time!

Then the third door! Someone!

Jiraiya feels that she is desperate.

The fourth, the fifth, the sixth… the twelfth…all of them are!

Naruto has already laughed at this time.

However, his dialogue with Jiuwei was through the Spirit link, but it was not affected. “Nine Lama teacher, what do you say when a door suddenly opens?”

Nine-tailed pouting, no laughter but no sound laughter, more Y swing, “will definitely be fun, this time I come.”

Saying that the nine tails conveyed the order to one of the avatars, the door opened…

If it is normal, Jiraiya absolutely uses the Ability to disappear when people come out.

But now… every time he takes a step, he carries bgm, afraid of hard work and bad things happen.

So quick witted in an emergency, “transformation!”

“bang!” Jiraiya became Tsunade…

It is completely a subconscious choice.

Change behind, Jiraiya feels that this is not very good, here is Konoha, in case it is recognized…

But this time it is too late to change.

The people in the door came out…

Is… the female version of Jiraiya…

Jiraiya turned into a Tsunade petrified…

White’s hairy hair straight down the waist… looks very supple…

The crystal feet are stepping on the raft…very sexy…

Green clothes, red vest… very stylish…

And… the choppy waves on my chest…

Melon face…big eyes…

This beautiful girl is dressed like herself… is it not my female fan?

Not… the same white hair as me… It’s like me, isn’t there a younger sister I have?

When I was confused, one couldn’t resist a sneeze, “Auntie!”

Then accompanied by the shocking sound: “bang!”

Super desperate…

With this at the same time, a shinbi outside a creek outside Konoha is washing his pants silently.

This is the eighth person who did not grab the pit. I don’t know if it was not grabbed, or the process of grabbing is over.

Or a person of justice who would rather wash his trousers than go to the women’s toilet.

However… his face is not just a face. It can be said that it is a face and a sinister voice: “I will definitely find out who is taking the medicine… Auntie! Wait for me… Auntie! Find out… You are waiting to die… Auntie! Let’s go!”

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