Supreme Naruto

Chapter 118

On the night, Naruto sneaked into three figures.

The dress of a Konoha Anbu Ninja.

Naruto is lying in bed, breathing smoothly…

The three Anbu Ninja exchanged their eyes, and the next moment took their hands up and down, and Naruto was taken up and taken away directly.

After Konoha Anbu Ninja left, Naruto climbed out from under the bed and said to the nine tails: “I will say, these grandchildren will definitely retaliate.”

Nine-tailed mouth with a smile: “I began to look forward to it.”

Naruto eyes also smiled.

The guzzler’s mouth now contains a sugar-coated icing. Just wait for Naruto to smash the icing, but it’s a deluxe version of the golden ball.

Naruto’s original words are not to let you pull a week to write down the name.

Konoha Ninja Village.

The night is a bit cool, and the cold moonlight is erratic because of the clouds.

The three shadows rushed through the alleys of Konoha and galloped toward the small forest on the edge of Konoha.

In the distance, there are several figures to follow, plus the three in front of the road.

After these eight figures, Naruto hangs far behind.

Followed by the slow positioning of the avatar.

“Where are these grandchildren going to take me…”

“tsk tsk, several other people are also there, these eight people will not join hands…”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “How about joining hands, big deal, I will come out and solve them all.”

If Jiraiya does not participate… Naruto believes that the nine tails can still be solved.

There is Jiraiya hanging in…

After five minutes, the person in front finally stopped.

The headed man ordered: “Throw away the quilt and hang it on the tree.”

Naruto shares with Spirit by looking at these people.

With masks, they can’t tell who is who.

A red and white flower cat face mask, a blue and white flower dog face, a yellow and white monkey face.

After the tie, the red and white cat face mask shinobi said to Naruto: “brat, what do you do during the day?”

Naruto did not answer.

Blue-white face dog face shinobi start to talk Road: “Vortex Naruto, participate in the three-generation Hokage organization for a month of medical shinobi training class, the daytime medicine is your preparation?”

Naruto continuation does not answer.

The golden pill with a mouth in his mouth is really impossible to start to talk, and with this posture, a mouthful of pills is not afraid to fall.

The red and white cat face mask shinobi took out a medicine bottle. “If you eat this, the daytime things will not go away.”

The shinobi 黄said with a smile of the yellow-white monkey face: “Hey, rest assured that it is not poison, just looking for someone to imitate your prescription and strengthen it a bit, adding several effects, enough for you.”

Not waiting for Naruto to refuse seven or eight pills, they were stuffed into Naruto’s mouth.

For a time, Naruto’s mouth was stuffed more.

The red and white cat face mask shinobi put Naruto’s body upside down and at the same time a large bottle of water was also poured.

“This medicine is dissolved in water, and you can eat it honestly!”

Eat it? It is eating.

At the same time The Anbu Ninja who grabbed Naruto’s face was found, and he felt that he was not feeling right.

But it is already late.

Because of his strong stuff, the small golden pill in Naruto’s mouth was crushed.

Command from the ontology: “Explosion!”


The closest thing to Naruto at this time is that the red and white mask looks like Captain.

Not far from the blue-and-white mask, the help of this guy’s handcuffs helped Naruto’s body to let Naruto stand up and eat the pill.

Yellow and white are taking Naruto’s ass.

Imagine the scene where you squirt things and flow.

But that is destined to be just an illusion.

Naruto was detached, the golden powder was sprayed to all around, the golden powder was flying, and the three people were directly dyed into Xiaojinren.

If you play group, what do you do on the opposite side?

When you hold one to fight, the people around you dare not shoot.

This is the experience of Naruto’s previous life.

Now it’s just right to use, eight people Naruto is impossible to deal with, then just hold one to death!

“Tell you a good news, my medicine is also an enhanced version…”

Naruto came out.


“courting death !”

The three shot to Naruto.

“bang!” Naruto broke up again, spurting a burst of gold powder, this time the three escaped.

Then there was another Naruto coming out: “It’s useless, how much I have to be separated.”

Naruto controls the avatar and the three people through the Spirit link: “Since you are responsible for monitoring me, I can’t overdo it if you test it.”

“After all, people need privacy. You don’t want to sneak a peek at Tenten. I am not a girl but I am shy.”

Say this, the efficacy has begun to attack.

Three people sneezed in succession.

The red and white mask of shinobi stared at Naruto and said: “You will regret it, aunt!”

Then waved to others: “To withdraw today!”

Three Anbu’s shinobi, everyone took a look at Naruto.

Then turned and left.

But after a few steps, I couldn’t help but back.

There are no more 1000 golden Naruto forehands coming to them in their pockets.

The number of such avatars, to tell the truth scared them, and… golden.

The three men looked at each other and used the blinking technique in three directions.

But soon, it also returned.

The four-sided Naruto seems to be four squares, crushed over.

There are on the ground, and there are also trees. As long as they don’t have wings, it is impossible to leave today.

“I didn’t let you go, go there.”

Naruto smiles at three people, “I have let you go today, and I will definitely have trouble later.”

“So, if you don’t convince you today, you won’t let you go.”

The headed Anbu Ninja hit two sneezes and screamed at Naruto: “Do you think this kind of garbage can work for us?”

Naruto shrugged: “Try it…”

Five Narutos came out on each side, and Attack was launched to the three.

The three Anbu Ninja people glanced at each other and pulled out the ninja sword behind them: “Let’s teach us today that you are not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”

“Although the three generations of Hokage let us protect you, it is also a kind of protection to teach you to be a human being.”

One of the two avatars of Naruto, the Anbu Ninja, the more powerful in the eyes.

At this time, Naruto’s body right hand in the avatar pressed on the left wrist, start to talk: “I also like to use the sword.”

The curse is triggered and the blue-sleeve sword appears in the hand.

Pull the sword…

The weight is cancelled.

The first door of the eight-door armor, open the door, Activate!

Chakra wind Attribute property changes perfused in the sword blade, the ultimate in compression.

Since it is necessary to fight, it is necessary to take out the thunder, in order to play the role of prestige.

Naruto’s feet fell on the ground, “Oh!”, like a roundwood bell.

On the ground, I was stepped on a pit with a diameter of one meter.

Jianguang flashed, “Hey!”



Naruto appeared behind the three men and slowly closed the blue-sleeve sword.

With this at the same time, the ninja sword in the hands of three people was interrupted by simultaneous.

At the moment when the blade fell to the ground, the three hearts at the same time flashed a former name – Konoha white teeth.

“Do you still think you can teach me?”

Naruto turned and mocked the look at three.

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