Supreme Naruto

Chapter 115

Nine tails manipulate Naruto and create a Spirit link.

Naruto had 19 more pictures in front of her eyes.

That feeling is very strange, some like a person sitting in the monitoring room.

But there are differences, because people can see clearly in the monitoring room, or two or three pictures, and no more can not see.

But the Spirit share can see all the pictures at the same time.

Nine-tailed: “Completed, but if I want to maintain this link, I can’t go back.”

Naruto’s body looked at the window, Kaidō: “Okay, just keep it, let’s watch the show first.”

In the shared vision of Spirit, the shared vision that the pigeon belongs to has already flown out of the corridor.

Ascends the sky and flies over the “black lacquer Metal 蛤蟆” on the lamp post.

Then landed steadily…

Because this cockroach is a guy who hasn’t even discovered it, Naruto is very interested in it.

Will he escape?

If you avoid it, let the detachment be lifted in advance so that the powder can sprinkle him.

The pigeon is getting closer and closer to the cockroach…

This one is very entertaining and there is no movement.

Two golden pigeons fell on the back and head of the skull, and then disengaged, “bang!”

The golden powder was sprinkled, and the black twist turned into a golden dragonfly.


The golden cockroach insisted for five seconds without moving, and the sixth second was obviously shaking.

“7 seconds…8 seconds…”

Finally, the cockroach couldn’t stand it anymore, and a sneeze hit it out.

a slap The big golden bang “bang!”, as this sneeze became a person.

A white needle-like hair is draped over the back.

Red vest… wearing a “oil” word on the head.

At this time, the man was still standing on the lamp post, his face was red, and his sneeze followed.

Naruto stood in front of the window and looked at the scene.

Unbelievable violent mouth on his mouth: “Walk! Jiraiya!”

Nine tails can’t find the cockroach turned…

Naruto 眨巴眨巴eyes, whispered: “I should have thought of him…”

Calculating the time, according to the development of the original World, before the official exam of Chunin, isn’t it the time when Jiraiya returned to the village to collect Naruto?

Uh… this time it’s a bit big…

But… it’s so exciting…

With this at the same time, the other avatars also found the target to disengage, and sprayed the golden powder out.

Spirit links are also broken one by one.

Nine-tailed doubts: “This is gone? It’s not fun at all…”

Naruto Kaidō: “Nine Lama teacher don’t be impatient, this is just the beginning, just to experience the Spirit link.”

Say, Naruto raised his hand: “The Clone Jutsu!”


A large group of pigeons appeared in Naruto’s house.

“Nine Lama teachers, sharing these pigeons with Spirit.”

Some of the nine tails wanted to strike, but looking at the face of the dessert was still awkward.

Naruto’s room outside.

A sneezing sound screamed, even a stupid person could detect it.

That’s why Naruto doesn’t hide it, because there is no need to cover it up.

“Head, we were counted… Auntie!”

“Auntie! You don’t say… Auntie! I know too!”

“Retreat first! Auntie!”

The shinobi, known as the head, has just taken a step: “Hey…”

This is the sound of the belly.

Then the stomachs of the two people next to each other shouted.


For shinobi, even if the knife is inserted into the body, it will not wrinkle the eyebrows.

This pain they can’t stand…

But it hurts more and more… This pain is familiar to everyone.

They actually have a bad stomach.

“Head, I…”

The shinobi, known as the head, is the first to start to talk: “I will go to the toilet first.”

Then use the blinking technique to rush to the nearby public toilet.

“Head! Wait for me!”

“And I!”

The white dove flies in the sky, and one flies with one person.

Look at the picture from the shared vision, the more wrinkled and deeper the nine-browed eyebrows, “I saw both sneezing and bad belly, but I still didn’t find anything interesting?”

Naruto is not in a hurry, said with a smile : “Continue to watch.”

At this time Naruto is in the focus of Focus at the Jiraiya wearing a red vest.

Standing at the roadside, under the lamppost, “Hey…”

The stomach screamed.

Jiraiya does not move.


Jiraiya’s head trembled to one side.

Hold back, I am Mount Myōboku 蛤蟆Sage (Sennin) Jiraiya, a little stomachache, how can I give in…


Jiraiya’s entire body trembled.

“Oh…” Then the chrysanthemum was loose, and one didn’t hold back the long sound and let it go.

After the fart was finished, Jiraiya suddenly felt that the stomach was not so painful.

Jiraiya relaxed, it seems that he managed to endure.

I said, little stomach pain is nothing to me.

Just as Jiraiya relaxed, the nose tickles and a sneeze hits out: “Ah! Auntie!”

Follow closely from behind There is also a fart: “bang!”

Then the nose is itchy…

Jiraiya covered his mouth and forcibly held back a sneeze.


There was a knife in the stomach that caused the pain to make Jiraiya’s face start to sweat.


Jiraiya curled up and squatted on the floor, whispering: “Don’t let me know who is taking the medicine…other…”


At the same time The nose tickles again.

Jiraiya is holding her breath in vigilance.

After holding back a sneeze again, the place leaped and ran to the public test.

Can’t help it!

I want to go to the bathroom!

Jiraiya is running wild.

But maybe it’s too long, every time you walk a few steps, you’re one by one…

It seems to bring bgm.

A pigeon flies up and follows.

Jiraiya flew a stone in his hand and instantly insta-kill the pigeon.

But just two steps, “Flaming…” Another new pigeon appeared in its behind…

Jiraiya took the pigeon and took the stone again in his hand.


The severe pain in his stomach made him whole soft.

“You wait for me to come out…” Turned into the toilet.

At this time, outside, the two rows of pigeons stood in a row of simplely, and from time to time, they gazed a few eyes along the window.

One of the pigeons lingered for a long time, feeling the frosted glass on the top was really unsightly, and slammed it on the top.

“huā lā lā ……”

The glass is broken and the scene inside is visible.

The toilet was lifted in the toilet door…it didn’t open.


Change one next, haven’t opened yet…

Change again…

There are a total of six single rooms, each of which is locked.


Jiraiya feels that she is desperate.

Raise your hand and pick one of the doors: “Inside! Hurry! Urgent!”

Just listen to it like a fart gun: “bang!”

Followed by the next, “bang!”

Then there are a few connected “bang! bang! bang!”

It’s like a salute.

The smell of the toilet in the toilet…

Jiraiya feels that her stomach hurts more…

How to do! How to do!

At the critical moment, Jiraiya looked at the opposite side…the female toilet…

Jiraiya forehead sees Khan: “I am also forced to help… I really don’t want to go to that place.”

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