Supreme Naruto

Chapter 114

Going directly to the door?

That’s too much price…

Although he must have accepted Naruto as a disciple, but… it should also be that Naruto took the initiative to ask him.

Then he agreed to make it difficult.

In order to show your own B, it is best to set up some postgraduate research…

Jiraiya stopped and decided in his heart that he would continue to wait outside.

When Naruto comes out, create a coincidence of encounters, and then find a suitable time to prove your formidable, and lead Naruto that brat.

Yes, can’t take the initiative, he is great Mount Myōboku 蛤蟆Sage (Sennin) Jiraiya.

Then continue to become a flower pot this time?

Jiraiya resisted the urge to sneeze. He didn’t want to mention anything related to flowers now.

Damn pollen allergies… It seems that he used to have this problem in the past…

Didn’t this happen? If Naruto knows Jiraiya’s problem, he will be raped with a smile: because it is not a pollen allergy at all.

It just mimics the symptoms of pollen allergy, so it is useless to take a medicine for you.

Oh! Roar! Roar! Roar!

“Nine Lama teacher, help me determine the location of the enemy.”

Nine-tailed Naruto fell for a long time, said curiously: “What is your effect in this time?”

Naruto’s proud Kaidō: “Enhanced version of the itch medicine, after use, sneezing can no longer stop, a loud higher, plus the enhanced version of laxatives, diarrhea is not standing up, once a pain!”

Nine-tailed meditation, start to talk asked: “Is sneezing to let them actively expose their position? That diarrhea? Simple prank?”

Naruto mystery-said with a smile: “No, you will soon know the magical effect of the two drugs mixed together, I named it: Bilu Huangquan. Well, this is the name of the elegant version, commonly known as: spray a trouser pocket “”

Nine tails still don’t understand…

Naruto: “The beast is separated!”

“bang! 嘭嘭…bang!” A series of sixteen hamsters appeared.

Sixteen hamsters consciously and perfectly arranged in a row.

This time the medicine is not a powder, but a small pill-sized pill.

Golden, the strange thing is that whenever a hamster eats a pill, the body turns golden.

Naruto is satisfied with the nodded, knowing that the efficacy has worked.

This time he deliberately added a substance that allowed the drug to spread into Chakra.

The pill enters the body with the body, and when it comes into contact with Chakra, it will automatically disintegrate into the body of the body. When the body is released, the diffusion effect is more ideal.

Eight-door armor, first door, open the door, Activate!

The color of the pupil of Naruto blue is deepened to deep blue.

“Nine Lama teacher.”

Nakra’s Chakra poured into the nine-tailed seal, and the nine tails pressed the paws on Chakra in Naruto.

Then, Naruto’s pupil narrowed and became a nine-tailed erect.

However, the color is still dark blue.

It’s too easy to find someone who is hidden in the dark.

However, only seven were found this time.

Is there a person who knows how to retreat?

Naruto enters the memory, recalls the memory before a few minutes, and then compares the scene in front of the scene with the memory.

This is the practice of insurance.

Finally Naruto’s gaze fell on the sculpt sculpture on the streetlight.

There is no such thing on the lamp post in the memory.

This means that this is a shinobi change.

Interesting… a transformation that can’t be found even with nine tails…

In order not to be alert to the opposite side, Naruto didn’t stare at the look.

Kneeling down, took out two pills again and stuffed them into the mouths of two hamsters. For a time, the hamster’s hair became more golden.

“Your Quest is the one on the lamppost, as for the combat plan…”

“The beast is separated!”

“bang!” This time a pigeon was changed.

“Well, your two little guys can become a pigeon, and then the little pigeons you have to fall on the cockroach and pull the golden pigeons on the cockroach.”

Nine to hear Naruto’s words said curiously: “Is this going to be discovered?”

Naruto said with a smile : “I will find it, but what about it.”

“They won’t be too embarrassed to say that the Elite of Anbu is overcast by me like Genin. It is very shameful to be known by others. Let’s say that today’s experience will be a nightmare for each of them.”

Nine tails are curious about Naruto’s plan. How can he not be a nightmare when he wants to sneeze and diarrhea?

Nine tails: “What about revenge?”

Naruto self-channel: “If you want to avenge me, I can tell my avatar and the body first.”

“Moreover, even if there are really powerful people, there are not nine teachers.”

Nine tails are speechless.

However, I don’t think Naruto’s words are wrong when I think about it. I don’t need to worry about myself.

Naruto turned to the hamster squad: “Is your Quest clear?”

Sixteen hamsters, two or two, neatly arranged, raised their hands and salute: “guarantee to complete Quest!”

The two hamsters turned into two golden-colored pigeons using a transfiguration technique.

The pigeons crouched down and waited for two special passengers to board the plane.

As for the other mice, they have drilled out from the door.

When the pigeon team was loaded, Naruto picked up the pigeons and opened the door to the corridor.

Although it is reasonable to say that the pigeons should be able to squeeze out, but after all, the size is relatively large, Naruto is afraid that it will burst in his own home.

That’s not fun, Naruto hasn’t had time to develop antidote.

After the departure of all the agents of the team, Naruto closed the doors and windows of the house.

Even the ventilation fans of the color toilets were closed.

And carefully checked two or three times.

“To the Lama teacher, if you control my body, can you let me and my avatar establish a Spirit link?”

After finding the person, Jiuwei returned the control of the body to Naruto, and the number of hairs on the claws was lazily.

Just like Kaidō: “Yes.”

Naruto is overjoyed: “Do you need to summon them back?”

Nine tails sighed: “No, after all, they are the avatars of your Chakra. It is very simple to contact them, but why should I help you?”

Not waiting for Naruto to answer, he said to himself: “Help you do it. If you deal with these guys, go to the two gimmicks. I want to eat the desserts they make.”

dessert? Naruto said that he also wants to eat, “Yes.”

Nine tails with a smile : “100.”

Naruto is black in front of his eyes.

Naruto believes that she already likes dessert very much.

But I only eat ten in the morning, ten at noon, ten at night, and ten more before going to bed late at night.

Um… The four tens add up to forty. It looks like a lot. How much do I eat?

But even if Naruto really likes to eat dessert, it is impossible to eat 100 continuously.

That would be fat for a while.

Naruto said: “Going back is definitely going back. There are also desserts, but these are not the main points. The point is that you are not curious about what happens when they are prescribed by me?”

“If you set up a Spirit link with me, we can watch the live broadcast.”

Nine-tailed raised the head, the strange road: “What curious, isn’t it sneezing and diarrhea?”

Naruto said seriously: “No, no, it’s not just diarrhea and sneezing. I believe that I am more interesting than those.”

Nine-tailed indulge in a moment to put forward the condition: “Let it be reduced to 50 desserts. If there is no meaning, you will have to take 100 desserts to compensate me afterwards.”

50 one breath?

too much!



“20 !”


30? If you eat too much at once, what if you are tired?

Naruto resolutely shook head: “On 20!”

The nine tails hesitated for a long time, bursting out the final bottom line: “Two 15! No more, no more, I will not do it!”

“it is good!”

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