Supreme Lord

Chapter 917

Secret Realm.

There is a cave in the well, and it is a world of its own.

It’s just that there is no firmament here, no earth, and no Sun, Moon and Stars. There are no Five Elements of Yin and Yang of nature, and some are just darkness.

A woman floats in the endless darkness.

The woman wore a dark red costume, just like floating in the sea, floating in the void and darkness.

She has a beautiful face, but she is very beautiful, just like a rose blooming in the dark, mysterious and coquettish, dignified and noble. This nobility is not holy light, it is more like a kind The nobleness of evil and darkness makes one dare not to violate.


There is no vitality in this woman, as if she were dead, motionless.


A light and shadow appeared in this endless darkness.

It is a blood light.

blood light was filled with darkness, and then another round of sun and moon appeared, like the sun and the moon, and there was the moon in the sun, and the sun in the moon.

This sun and moon are also bloody sun and moon.

A woman emerges from the bloody sun and moon.

Her face is also very beautiful, just a poignant beauty. The beauty eclipses everything in the world, and she is also beautiful as if she dare to compete with the brilliance of nature, more beautiful and heartbreaking.

Worn in blood.

Three thousand white hair.

Bloodstained Firmament.

The misty sun and moon.

It is the Empress of the world, Jun Xuanji.

She appeared and stared at the woman in costume floating in the endless darkness, just staring at it, and after a long time, she said: “Remnant, the setting sun is not secluded… You… why… why You also chose to sleep…”

“You said…to end all this…what you said…Why do you choose to sleep again…”

” I know… what should happen will happen all the time, right?”

“You finally realize that all this can’t be changed, let alone end, right?”

That Zhang Xuanji On the poignant face, a pair of beautiful eyes will always be so hesitated and at a loss.

“Is his appearance…Is it your intentional or unintentional mistake… Is it fate? Or is it causal?”

“On the end…Do you want to end All this, or…I want to start all this again…”

“What do you want to do?”

“Or…What do I want to do?”

While speaking, Jun Xuanji closed her eyes, as if she was feeling something, and muttered: “You know… it’s already started… I can feel it, although it’s vague, I’m pretty sure. It’s already started…”

“Heaven and Earth, Three Revolutions Reincarnation, the past and the present, the cause and effect are seen in the past and the present, and whoever lives depends on the sky…”

” The era that disappeared…is coming soon…Heaven and Earth buried by that man…is about to appear…”

“Do you know?”

Jun Xuanji opened her eyes again, looking at the setting sun, and said: “Just when he was being tried by Heaven and Earth…I…I suddenly remembered something, which is very bad…very bad thing. …”

“It’s my business, it’s the real me…”

“I once found the real me…”

“But I buried my true self again…”

“I chose to forget, and also lost…Do you know why?”

“Because… because of my true I…like you…and… also have a drop of that person’s blood.”


“It’s terrifying, isn’t it?”

“You have a drop of that person’s blood, and I also…I have a drop of…”

“Who knows…the blood of that person is geometric?”

“You use… that person’s blood… to create a lot of people who are not that person.”

“Who knows, other people…will be like you…”

“Can you imagine…when the era that disappeared reappears in the past, many, many…people who are not that person…will it be terrifying?”

“When I…find my true self, do you know… what is the most fresh sentence in my memory?”

“How many selfs, how many selves, and How many are you…”


“This is not what I said…”

“It was the person who said… “

“hehe…very terrifying, isn’t it?”

“Perhaps, from the very beginning…that person knows…”

” Perhaps, from the very beginning, when we choose to end all of this, it is not the end at all, but the beginning…”

“Cause and effect… is a cause and an effect, an effect and a cause, what is Cause or effect, who can really tell…”

“You chose to sleep…”

“Did you feel it too? “

“Are you… also running away?” “

“Perhaps…I should fall asleep just like you…”

“Sleep, at least…I won’t sink deeper…”

“Just…Sea of ​​Bitterness…There is no other shore…There will never be…”

Above the clouds.

endless void .

Above the void is the forbidden zone of the sky.

Here is rising winds, scudding clouds.

Wind is the wind that tears everything apart.

The cloud is a cloud that can swallow everything.

It has been several days since Gu Qingfeng was judged. The void has long been restored, and the Three Thousand Great Daos has long gone.

But there are still two people of Dao who have been guarding here.

One is Naraku from demonic path.

The other is Jialuo of Wizard Path .

Nara said: “He’s dead…”

“He’s dead…” Galo responded indifferently, “At least it looks like this…”


” It’s just what it looks like. “

Kara took a deep look at Naraku, not at all responding.

There was a moment of silence.

Naraku asked again: “Do you want him to die?” ? “

“I don’t know. After Galo responded, he asked, “What about you.” “

“I don’t know. “

Na Luo looked at the sky and murmured: “Heavenly Dao seems to have known this ending. “

“After all, it’s Heavenly Dao, how can you not know, if it weren’t, it wouldn’t be as simple as just doing it this time.” “

“Heavenly Dao may be able to predict the ending, but he can’t tell whether he will die or live. “

“Perhaps. “

“Who knows? “

“No one knows. “

“He shouldn’t have been there. “

“But he just appeared…”

“There is no cause and effect for people like him, at least not before. “

“Therefore, no one can deduce his future based on cause and effect. “

“He is an anomalous number, an anomaly created by Setting Sun Wuyou using the blood of original sin. “

“Did she do it intentionally? Or was it an unintentional fault? “

“Who knows? “

“No one knows. “

“They…very pitiful. “

“Who is not pitiful for the cause and effect involved in the era of innocence? “

“It seems…Kunlun also seems to be involved in the cause and effect of the era of innocence. “

“Kunlun, Holy Land…I am afraid there are many, many, many people involved in the cause and effect of the era of innocence…”

“Why are you not?” “

Kara’s voice fell, Naraku responded to her with the same words: “Why are you not?” “

“You are not an ordinary demonic path person. “

“You are not an ordinary wizard. “

“I knew someone a long, long time ago, her name was also Jialuo, but there was no witchcraft. “

“I also knew a person named Naraku a long time ago. By coincidence, there was no demonic path at that time. “

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