Supreme Lord

Chapter 918


Endless chaos.

Gu Qingfeng’s consciousness gradually woke up from the chaos, completely blank.

No thoughts, no thoughts, no thoughts, almost nothing.

I don’t know how long it took, and the blank consciousness began to show some thoughts, thoughts, and thoughts.

Who am I?

Where am I from?

Where am I going again?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng just thought about it, and after some time, sporadic memories began to appear in his blank consciousness. Gradually, he also knew his identity and remembered all his memories.

I am Gu Qingfeng.

I am fused with the blood of original sin.

I was also tried by Heaven and Earth…

This is my consciousness.


The consciousness just awakened…

Think of this.

Gu Qingfeng’s flustered thoughts gradually settled down. He carefully felt everything around him. It seemed like a chaos, and he didn’t know where it was. Just when he was puzzled, a voice of unfathomable mystery came. .

“Represents the consciousness of death and death.”

“Represents the great freedom of self.”

“Represents the Asura soul of death.”

“The body of Nirvana representing rebirth.”

“No wonder you are not afraid of the sacred judgment of Heaven and Earth at all. You have such the most good fortune of life and death, although there is no Completely detached from life and death, but it is almost the same. Not to mention that the current Heaven and Earth is fragile. Even in the heyday of Heaven and Earth, it will be difficult to judge your scattered ashes and dispersed smoke…”


The current Gu Qingfeng is just a touch of consciousness, a touch of extinguished consciousness, and has not completely awakened, and is still in a state of chaos.

He is very puzzled. I don’t know who can actually appear in his chaotic consciousness, and he seems to know him very well.

“No wonder it chooses you…Your good fortune is really…very special…very special…”


Gu Qingfeng asked, then he seemed to feel a person in his chaotic consciousness.

That was a woman in a dark red costume.

Women are noble and coquettish, appearing in the chaos, like a coquettish rose in full bloom in the dark.


Why is this person so familiar.


Gu Qingfeng suddenly thought of coming alone, the setting sun is not quiet.

When he was in Secret Realm of the setting sun before, he took out his consciousness and found that there was no vitality in the body of the setting sun Wuyou, just floating in it, but why did he appear here at this moment? And… Gu Qingfeng discovered that the setting sun at this moment is not a human being, but just a touch of disability.

“You are the setting sun without secluded?”

“It’s me…”

“Why does your residual consciousness appear in my chaotic consciousness “

“I was lost, so I let myself fall asleep…I only left a trace of disability into the blood of original sin. I want to see you, and I want to say something to you.”

If you say what you want to see, Gu Qingfeng is also about to see the setting sun, because he also has a lot to say, asking: “How did you make me get involved with the blood of original sin?”

This is the question Gu Qingfeng wants to know most.

He is quite sure that he is flesh and blood, at least before.

Since it is a flesh and blood body, then impossible is impregnated by the blood of original sin.

However, Gu Qingfeng can clearly feel that he belongs to the blood of original sin.

What is the profound mystery in this.

Until now, I still don’t understand.

“No, it’s not me.” Sun Wuyou shook his head and said: “It’s the blood of original sin, it’s it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Why do you belong to the blood of original sin, don’t say you don’t understand, I don’t understand either.” Wuyou sighed and said: “I got the blood of original sin back then, but I just wanted to seal it up, but then I realized it. When I underestimated the blood of original sin, it didn’t know what method it used to conceive you. When Taohua and I found out, it was immediately stopped, but it was useless.”

“We can’t stop the blood of original sin, so I can only obliterate those of you who were conceived of original sin, but the more I kill, the more confused I and Taohua will be. If you kill, you will lose yourself…”

Gu Qingfeng still remember Jun Xuanji said After passing the setting sun, Wuyou wanted to end everything, using the blood of original sin to conceive a person who was like himself.

Now that the setting sun is Wuyou, she says that it is not her, but the hands and feet of the blood of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know whether he should believe in Jun Xuanji or the setting sun.

When he asked, Setting Sun Wuyou responded: “Jun Xuanji is lost…”

“But you are also lost…”

” So, before I got lost, I left with this relatively clear residual knowledge.”

This reason is justifiable.

At least, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t find any doubts.

“If my existence is the hands and feet of the blood of original sin, why does it do this, and what is its purpose?”

“Trust me, if you can, I I also hope that you can answer this question for me.” Paused, Setting Sun Wuyou said again: “Perhaps fate chose you, or cause and effect chose you, or even it chose you. Everything is Unknown, if you want to answer this question, I am afraid that no one else can do it except you.”

Gu Qingfeng was speechless, silent for a moment, and then asked: “Are you from the era of innocence? “

“No, I am not, I just belong to that era… To be precise, my cause and effect started from that era… I want to end this period of cause and effect…”

“Why is it over.”

“In the beginning, like many people, I searched for my own cause and effect…because in the legend, only by cutting off my own cause and effect can I become a god , So, for the so-called dream of becoming a god, I began to embark on a path of no return.”

“Causality is continuous…It will only become more and more chaotic…until lost ……Fell into the Sea of ​​Bitterness……That is the Sea of ​​Bitterness without the other shore……”

Another person lost in the Sea of ​​Bitterness of cause and effect.

Yun Nishang is lost.

The wind is lost month by month.

Jun Xuanji is lost.

Now the setting sun and Wuyou are also lost…

And they all have one thing in common, that is, seeking cause and effect, seeking a cause and effect that belongs to the era of innocence.

“Where did you get the blood of original sin?”

“Wudao Mountain.”

Heard of Wudao Mountain, Gu Qingfeng’s heart moved and asked Said: “Have you been to Wudao Mountain?”

“Wudao Mountain appeared once a long time ago…but it collapsed…turned into fragments…many fragments…”


Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but think of the fragments he found in the Cave Mansion in Yunnichang. The thing seems to belong to the fragments of the era of innocence, is it possible that is the fragment of the so-called Wudao Mountain in the Wuyoukou of the setting sun?

“You leave a little bit of knowledge here to wait for me, just to see me?”

“I want to ask you to do me a favor.”

“Help me end this.”

“How to end? Kill you?”

“If death can end, I won’t get lost…”

“You don’t know how to end it, I am afraid I am not so capable.”

“If anyone between Heaven and Earth can end all this, then this person must be you “


“Because you are fused with the blood of original sin, no matter if fate chooses you, causality chooses you, or the blood of original sin chooses you… …Not important, the important thing is that you have merged with the blood of original sin.”

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