Supreme Lord

Chapter 916

I don’t know how long it has passed, or when, the sacred breath will no longer come, and the ancient sounds will no longer sound.

Very quiet.

The entire void is.



A bell came.

The sound of the bell is solemn, sacred and vast, as if it penetrates the endless sky, through All Heavens Myriad Realms, shocking Heaven and Earth.

This moment.

Space stopped changing.

Time also seems to stop passing.

Everything is still here.

This is the Xuanhuang Bell, and it is also the sacred judgment.

When the Xuanhuang Bell rings, it is the sacred judgment from Heaven and Earth.

It is Gu Qingfeng here who is on trial.

Faced with the sacred judgment from Heaven and Earth, Gu Qingfeng still stood in the void, with one hand behind him, and the other against the violently trembling great cauldron, standing straight like a tower standing proudly The lonely peaks of Heaven and Earth are extremely unreliable.


The sound of the Xuanhuang Bell sounded again.


The endless blooming flowers of the colorful spirits of nature no longer bloom and become eclipsed.

The endlessly changing Vientiane Buddha statue will no longer change and will no longer worship.

The ancient taboo with the void as its body and the abyss as its eyes no longer roars.

Gu Qingfeng’s clothes no longer fly, and her hair no longer flutters.

Even the great cauldron that carries the blood of original sin no longer rotates, and the turbid brilliance no longer flickers.


The 3rd Xuanhuang Bell rang.


The flower of nature’s colorful spirit is blurred and distorted.

Vientiane Buddha statue has also become blurred and distorted.

The same is true of ancient taboos.

Sifang great cauldron is even more so.

Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is no exception.


He still hasn’t moved.

Just standing still.

The expression is still so arrogant.

The eyes are still so domineering.


The fourth Xuanhuang Bell rang.

The flower of nature’s color spirit is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke like foam.

Vientiane Buddha statue was also scattered ashes and dispersed smoke after it was fragmented.

The ancient taboos are also turned to ashes and disappeared.

Only Gu Qingfeng is still there, and Sifang great cauldron is also there.

It’s just that his fleshy body has become more blurred and more distorted.

He still didn’t move.

Just stand there.

Close your eyes.

With one hand behind him, the arm holding the great cauldron in four directions was shrouded in mysterious blood, and the blood was also faintly discernible, blurry and twisted, as if it was eroding Gu Qingfeng’s left arm.


The fifth Xuanhuang Bell rang.

Sifang great cauldron was shattered and disappeared.

Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body also filled the void like a wisp of smoke, faintly seeing the bloody left arm.

“Everyone! I will take a nap first, and we will see you later!”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, it was the voice of arrogant laughter.


There was a sound in the sixth black yellow, and he was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with only a puff of smoke.


The Xuanhuang Bell has not stopped.

The seventh channel sounded.

The Eighth Way…

Until the ninth channel sounded, Gu Qingfeng’s laughter gradually disappeared.

When the Xuanhuang Bell stops, it also means that the sacred judgment from Heaven and Earth is finally over.

Heaven and Earth is still the Heaven and Earth.

The world is still this World.

The void is still the void.

A avenue is still a avenue.

Xuanyuanwan and other people on the road are still floating in the air.

The only difference is.

Gu Qingfeng disappeared.

Tried by Heaven and Earth.


Death completely.

Fleshy body is, soul is.

There is never reincarnation.

Time just passed.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Xuanyuanwan really didn’t know, she was just floating like that, just looking at the place where Gu Qingfeng had disappeared, as if lost, within both eyes flowing with complicated colors.

I am surprised.

There is awe.

I regret it.

There is a loss.

Because she is the first time she has witnessed the sacred judgment from Heaven and Earth.

Awe is the awe of the sacred, Heaven and Earth.

Sorry is sorry for Gu Qingfeng.

Sorry for the Emperor Chixiao who once wielded all over this world.

I regret the Great Emperor Nether who was once in the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm regardless of the law and of natural morality.

I regret that I was unscrupulous, regardless of the law and of natural morality, tyrannize, able to move unhindered in the whole world, arrogant and arrogant, Gu Tianlang that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate!

He is dead.


Although before he died, he said that he just slept, will come back again, and will meet again.

Just, is this possible?

The answer is yes.


Even if he has an absolute body that is always in force.

Even if he has the everlasting colorful spirit.

Even if his ability Heavenspan, good luck is against the sky, it is impossible.

By the trial of Heaven and Earth, no one can survive. No, absolutely not. This is the case since ancient times. There was no before, and there will be no in the future.

Xuanyuanwan was very lost.

Why is it lost.

She doesn’t know it herself.

Su Wei is also lost!

At this moment, she was completely paralyzed on the ground, and her face was unbelievable. She shook her head and stared at the place of Gu Qingfeng scattered ashes and dispersed smoke above the void, muttering: ” He died…He died…”


“I have a lot of things to say to him…How can he die…”


Su Wei couldn’t believe it was true, and even more unacceptable.



She samsara reincarnation for her own cause and effect.

For the sake of cause and effect, I walked every inch of this world.

She has been searching for her own cause and effect, and she does not believe that her cause and effect are dead.

She believes in her own feelings and believes that her cause and effect are still alive.

But she didn’t expect her own cause and effect to be by her side all the time.

She is very happy.

I am also very excited.

More excited.

Su Wei’s search for cause and effect was initially to solve the dream of cause and effect that appeared since childhood.

Later, as she understood the deeds of cause and effect, she found that she gradually became admired for her causal person.

She admires her own cause and effect.

Even if she has never seen her own cause and effect, she is still moved and moved.

Even Su Wei felt that even if she could not solve her dream of cause and effect, she would continue to look for it.

Until you find your own cause and effect.

Now I finally found it.

But it was too late.

It’s over too.

Too sudden.

Suddenly she didn’t have any psychological preparation, and suddenly she didn’t even react at all.

How does this make her believe and how to accept it?

He said that he will meet again.

Just, being tried by Heaven and Earth, even if the Three Thousand Great Daos never reincarnated, how can we see you again?

Su Wei has long deduced that his own cause and effect will change in the Northwest.

She didn’t know what would change before.

Now she finally understands.

Causal people are dead, how can their own cause and effect remain unchanged?

Su Hua, who was extremely lost, felt very hesitant and at a loss at this moment, and didn’t even know the meaning of being alive.

She reincarnates only for cause and effect.

She is tempted only for cause and effect.

Now that the cause and effect are dead, and the heart-moving person is also dead, what is the meaning of this reincarnation?

Where should I go from now on?

I don’t know.

Su Wei really doesn’t know.

“Su Wei, elder sister, don’t worry, Big Brother said he won’t die, he will definitely not die, Big Brother said he will come back and he will come back, Jin’er believes in Big Brother, and you should also believe Big Brother, he will not deceive us.”

Jin’er comforted the lost and hesitating Su Hua.

Looking at the cute, innocent and innocent Little Jin’er, Su Wei shook her head. She also wanted to believe Gu Qingfeng’s words.

But I can only think about it.

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