Supreme Lord

Chapter 915


An ancient and heavy voice came rolling, as if it came from the sky, or from the ground, more like from the ancient Great Desolate Era, like millions and millions of years The stone gate is gradually opened.

When the sound came, it shocked the minds of all living beings and shocked the souls of endless immortals. Even the Three Thousand Great Daos was shocked by this ancient sound, even This side of the world, even this side of Heaven and Earth, was trembling violently as if being affected by this sound.


A supreme breath swept the entire world instantly.


It is the supreme breath.

Everyone feels this way.

And between Heaven and Earth, the only thing that can be called the supreme breath is sacred.


This is the sacred breath.

It is the sacred that makes the common people live, the immortals and demons, and the great awe.


As the ancient voice continued to sound, the sacred breath became stronger, and the trembling of the void world became more severe.

“Why does the sacred breath come suddenly…”

In the void, Xuanyuanwan felt the sacred breath here in horror. The more you feel it, the more panic, especially The sacred breath was also accompanied by the ancient voice that frightened everything.

“Sacred Breath, the Gate of the Ancients, the Bell of Xuanhuang, the Fury of Heaven and Earth.”

Xuanyuanwan muttered, as if he realized something, for a time, his heart became more frightened. , More shocked, and more in awe.

Because she realized that this was a trial.

It is the sacred judgment, and it is also the judgment of Heaven and Earth.

Recorded in the ancient book.

When the door of eternity is opened, sacred breath will come.

When the sacred breath comes, the Xuanhuang Bell will ring.

When the Xuanhuang Bell rings, the Heaven and Earth trial will appear.

Since ancient times, there is only one circumstance that the sacred judgment will come, and that is the existence that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate.

What kind of existence makes Heaven and Earth inadequate?

Xuanyuanwan looked towards Gu Qingfeng.

If there is anyone in the venue that Heaven and Earth can’t tolerate, then this person must be Gu Qingfeng.

It’s just that Xuanyuanwan doesn’t know whether Heaven and Earth can’t accommodate the Vientiane Buddha Tu, or the ancient taboo, or the drop of original sin.

Perhaps both.

But this is not important anymore.

No matter what Heaven and Earth can’t tolerate, these three belong to Gu Qingfeng. In other words, Gu Qingfeng will be judged holy today.

I will definitely die.

Not only die completely, but also die without reincarnation.

No one can escape the sanctions of Heaven and Earth, and no one can resist the trial of Heaven and Earth.

Even if Gu Qingfeng has an absolute body that is always urging and not firm.

Even if he has the ever-growing natural colorful spirit flower, it still won’t help.

In the void.

Gu Qingfeng condensed his brows slightly, squinted at the sky, and then slowly closed his eyes, as if he was feeling the breath of sacredness, and he was also feeling the sound of the opening of the ancient door.


Gu Qingfeng’s Vientiane Buddha statue has changed wildly, turning into a sky full of gods and Buddhas, a sky full of fairy demon, and also a sky full of Asura, guarding Gu Qingfeng.

ao wu ——

The ancient taboo who was dormant in the void also roared in anger, a pair of abyss-like eyes staring into the sky, as if daring to fight Heaven and Earth.

“Okay, call me something.”

Faced with the sacred trial from Heaven and Earth, Gu Qingfeng looked fearless and dauntless, indifferent, and his expression no longer aloof. The look in his eyes no longer looked at him, and his words were not overbearing, but he became more relaxed and relaxed, and even less hurriedly took out a jar of fine wine and drank it alone.

“What’s the matter? Are you afraid?”

Gu Qingfeng laughed.

ao wu ——

The ancient taboo roared again, as if telling Gu Qingfeng that it was not afraid of the trial from Heaven and Earth.

“Come on, you are not afraid of going back. It does not mean that you are sure to survive God’s trial. After all, you have just woken up and are extremely weak. If you are afraid of death, come here.”

Gu Qingfeng relies on the great cauldron in the Quartet, toasts and drinks, and looks at the ancient taboo, said with a smile: “Others can’t guarantee, but if you survive, Lord is still a little sure.”

ao wu ——

The ancient taboo roared again, staring at Gu Qingfeng, as if hesitating, and then looked towards the great cauldron next to Gu Qingfeng, like a pair of abysses There is a deep jealousy in his eyes.


Gu Qingfeng laughed blankly, shook his head slightly, patted the great cauldron, and looked towards the ancient taboo, saying: “Lord, I was still wondering, so You are extremely weak, why would you rather hibernate in the void and refuse to come back? Now it seems that you are also afraid of this stuff.”

Staring at the great cauldron in the Quartet, Gu Qingfeng said with emotion: “It’s true It’s the blood of original sin. It’s really scary. Ghost God has a strategic withdrawal when you see it. The ancient taboos treat you as a taboo. You really are motherfucker not simple.”

weng ! weng! weng! Om——

As the voice of ancient times becomes stronger and stronger, the breath of sacredness becomes more and more vast, Heaven and Earth is void, and All Heavens Myriad Realms tremble more and more.

“Big Brother——”

A worried cry came from below.

Gu Qingfeng took a closer look and found that Su Wei took Little Jin’er desperately to rush up. Little Jin’er threw into Gu Qingfeng’s arms and asked worriedly: “Big Brother, You… are you okay?”

“Of course.” Gu Qingfeng hugged Little Jin’er and said with a smile: “Why? Don’t you believe in Big Brother?”

“no! No… Jiner doesn’t believe in Big Brother, Jiner just… just wants to send Big Brother off, and also wants to… also want to tell Big Brother, Jiner will wait for you to come back until the end of time…Jin’er will wait forever.”

“Silly girl!”

Gu Qingfeng reached out and scratched Little Jin’er’s Qiong nose, deep in one’s There was a complicated throbbing in the heart.


On the other side, Su Wei’s devastatingly beautiful face, full of fear and fright, but also full of despair, staring at Gu Qingfeng, muttering: “I I have a lot to say to you…”

“Sister Su, didn’t I tell you, I’ll talk about it later.”

“But…but this is…this is The sacred trial from Heaven and Earth!”

Su Wei’s previous life was the Nine Heavens Profound Lady. How could she not know how terrifying, since ancient times, the trial from Heaven and Earth was? No one has ever survived the Heaven and Earth trial, no! There was no before, and there will never be!

“For me, it’s just a trial, there is no difference.” Gu Qingfeng looked at the sky and said: “Come on, go back, and talk later.”

“Meet? We… do we still have a chance to meet?”

“Of course, I said there is, and Heaven and Earth can do anything to me.”

The voice of Henggu became stronger and stronger, and Gu Qingfeng put Little Jin’er down and waved the two away.



The square great cauldron, which was originally slowly rotating, suddenly spun at extreme speed, and the dim and muddy breath became more and more intense.

“You are really hungry and thirsty…”

Gu Qingfeng can clearly feel the blood of original sin boiling. What’s terrifying is that the blood of his within the body is also Then it boiled, and his fleshy body couldn’t help shaking. Gu Qingfeng took a deep breath, pressed one hand on top of the great cauldron, and said with a sneer across the corner of his mouth: “However, I want to hold on for a while.”

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