Supreme Lord

Chapter 881

This is indeed the Setting Sun Mountain.

It is nothing but a vague and swaying mountain of setting sun, swaying like a faint candle fire in a squally wind, and it will go out at any time.

Sure enough.

When a sacred and pure brilliance bloomed, the Sunshine Mountain instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, as if it had never existed before, disappear without a trace, only a broken cloud remains , The light of destiny straight into the sky.

Tao Hua Lao Dao sat on the ground, his face pale in fright. He thought that Gu Qingfeng was just scaring himself just now, but he never thought that a destiny would really appear in the Sunshine Mountain!

Oh heaven!

Peach Blossom Old Road couldn’t believe it, let alone accept it, and murmured, “Eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, Three Revolutions Reincarnation eternal, past and present life sees cause and effect, whoever fate depends on who needs to see the sky, The legend has begun… the mysterious era of innocence will really reappear in the ancient and the ancient Heaven and Earth, and the causality of black holes will also come in the near future…”

Although the peach blossoms do not belong to the era of innocence , And there is no cause and effect belonging to the era of innocence.

Even these legends have nothing to do with him.

But he is still afraid.

Because he is worried about Empress.

In an instant.


One silhouette suddenly entered the light of destiny.

After that, there was another…

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight silhouettes rushed in.

Seeing this scene, Old Taohua quickly stood up from the ground and was about to rush in to see. He was just about to pass, and suddenly found that Gu Qingfeng was still in place, looking up at the sky, and asked in surprise: “Guy boy, you…you don’t plan to go see it?”

“You go first.”

“What do you mean by me going first? Where are you going?”


“It seems that some people don’t want me to go.” Gu Qingfeng raised his head and drank a jar of wine.

“Who won’t let you go?”

“I want to know who won’t let me go.”

After all, Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette disappear without a trace.

“Ancient boy!”

Peach Blossom Old Road pursued everywhere, but he could no longer detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng.


Peach Blossom Old Road searched for a while, but in desperation, he could only give up and rush into the Light of Destiny.

Just touched.

Peach Blossoms suddenly felt a majestic power of an imposing manner. This is a sacred power and a power to frighten the soul, apart from this, it seems that there is an extremely terrifying power inside. , That force is vast and endless, as if it could crush everything.

The soul of Taohuadao was trembling unstoppable by the sacred power, and the fleshy body was also vaguely distorted by that terrifying force.


Peach Blossom Old Road was stunned by the bleeding of the seven orifices, and immediately took out his ancient Zen as a guardian of the true power, but it was still impossible.

“Motherfucker! I can’t get in if I don’t believe it!”

Peach Blossom screamed, and when he raised his hand, a jade pendant appeared in the palm of his hand. The shape of the jade pendant is very similar. A peach blossom, I saw both of his hands pinch, and the jade pendant suddenly bloomed with dazzling brilliance, covering its whole body.

Although it’s better than before, it’s only a few. Both the fleshy body and the soul are still suffering from the shock of divine power and terror.

This can’t help but make Taohua Lao Dao crazy, because he just took out the jade pendant, but the jade pendant, the power used is the Source Power of Taohua Secret Realm. Even so, it can’t be compared with the divine power and terror. Power to contend.

The only thing that made him feel fortunate was that although he couldn’t contend, he walked hard, like walking on thin ice, but fortunately he could barely support his persistence, and only hoped to rush in as soon as possible.


At the same time.

In the void, above the clouds, is the forbidden area of ​​Nine Heavens and the forbidden area of ​​the sky.

The fierce wind roars wildly.

The vast Heavenly Might rolled down.

Gu Qingfeng stands here with his hands behind his back, his long hair dancing wildly under Heavenly Might, and his clothes flying in the wanton wind.

The expression is that arrogant expression.

The look in the eyes is the look in the eyes.

The imposing manner is Naha’s imposing manner.

That’s how he stands.

As immortal as Buddha, as demon as god, as light, as dark, as sacred, and as evil.

murderous intention!

The murderous intention all over the sky.

Everywhere, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

If it came from the sky, it was like it came from the underground, it was more like it came from the ancient times, it was like it came from the legendary Great Desolate.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know where these murderous intentions come from, or who is behind the murderous intentions.

The only thing I know is that when the Rising Sun Mountain appeared, when a destiny rushed out from under the Rising Sun Mountain, these murderous intentions enveloped him like howling wind and torrential rain.


Some people don’t want him to enter the lifeline of Sunshine Mountain.

It’s not the first time that Gu Qingfeng met in this situation. He has been accompanied by various murderous intentions for 500 years of his life’s cultivation. He has never stopped, he even knows it. There are a few mysterious murderous intentions, which will appear every three to five. As for who is behind these murderous intentions and why they are staring at themselves, this question is still a mystery.

For these murderous intentions.

Gu Qingfeng was also extremely helpless, because he had no idea where these murderous intentions came from, so he didn’t even have a chance to try.

Don’t say not in this world, he even suspects that the murderous intention behind this Heaven and Earth is unknown.

Just then.


A round of glory is rising in the western sky.

Guanghua is like a cloudy moon and like a sun.

Similarly like light, and like darkness, the light is changing, and the darkness is melting.

Seems holy, but also evil.

That round of brilliance was like a bloody sun and moon. When it appeared, half of the sky was stained with blood. The blood was boiling, and it seemed to be burning, accompanied by a terrifying power. , A power that seemed to melt Heaven and Earth.

Looking at the bloody sky, looking at the brilliance that resembles the bloody sun and moon, feeling this power that seems to melt everything, Gu Qingfeng’s brows can’t help but frown.

He thought of someone.

A woman.

A woman who almost killed him.

Is also a woman who once made him crazy.

At the same time, he is also a woman who makes him love and hate intertwined.

It is a mysterious unknown woman who has never seen through.

He didn’t want to see this woman.

Not thinking about it at all.

But she just came.

Sure enough.

A woman appeared from the blood moon.

Three thousand white hair.

Worn in blood.

A peerless grace and elegance, beautiful and alluring, and Unparalleled woman, is also a woman who looks extremely poignant.

Its beauty, if it dares to compete with the sun and the moon, it also makes everything in the world dim before her.

Blood stains the sun and the moon.

The sky is everywhere.

World Zun Empress, Jun Xuanji.

She appeared, a beautiful and alluring beauty that seemed to be not part of Human World seemed to be throbbing. Looking at Gu Qingfeng, she seemed to be missing, tangled, and resentful. , And seem to be angry…A lot of emotions are chaotic and complicated. Of course, they are more hesitant, at a loss, and also lost.

“Don’t… don’t go… okay?”

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