Supreme Lord

Chapter 882

To this day, Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers that the last time he met Jun Xuanji was at the Taixuan Monument.

She said that she fell into the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

She said she was lost.

What exactly is Sea of ​​Bitterness, Gu Qingfeng does not know.

Gu Qingfeng can’t understand what is lost.

“Don’t go…don’t go…okay?”

Jun Xuanji floats quietly in the void, her gorgeous face is very pale and looks extremely beautiful , Especially a pair of eyes, if there are too many complicated colors, she looked at Gu Qingfeng and muttered: “They…will…will kill you at all costs…”

Although Jun Xuanji did not say who was trying to obliterate herself, but Gu Qingfeng could more or less guess it.

Three Thousand Great Daos is definitely indispensable.

There are also those who belong to the era of innocence like Sect Founder in the Sect.

Three Thousand Great Daos wants to kill himself, nothing more than because his existence is a great threat.

As for why those who belong to the era of innocence want to kill themselves, I am afraid it is also because of this.

Even he was sure that these mysterious murderous intentions that covered him at this moment were probably due to this reason.

Why does my own existence threaten those who belong to the era of innocence?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know.

He is also lazy to think about this issue.

Not important at all.

What if I know?

If you stump these people, wouldn’t you obliterate yourself?

I am afraid not.

Just like Three Thousand Great Daos, Gu Qingfeng has never felt that he is a threat to them, but Three Thousand Great Daos just thinks so, what can he do? He couldn’t do anything. Since Three Thousand Great Daos thought he was a threat, he had to make a threat obediently and honestly.


Whether it is those who belong to the era of innocence, or the people behind these mysterious murderous intentions, since they think he is a threat, then he simply makes a threat completely.

“Are you here to kill me too?”

Gu Qingfeng asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t know…” Jun Xuanji shook her head slightly, hesitated and at a loss, and whispered: “I only know that it is wrong, cause and effect are wrong, it is the setting sun, it is her… she is wrong …She mistakenly regarded the cause as the result, and the effect as the cause…”

“She has the blood spirit in her hand, the blood spirit of that person… She thought… if that person reincarnated If you do, the blood spirit will definitely feel… so… so… she hid… the blood spirit of that person in the lifeline, and killed all the lifeline people who caused the blood inspiration… I thought that by killing that person, everything would be over…”

“She was wrong…The mistake was outrageous…”

“It was her…the blood spirit was integrated into the lifeline …That many people with lifeblood will appear…”

“If…she didn’t do this…there would be no…they won’t appear…”

“She was wrong…wrong cause for the result, and the wrong result for the cause, the blood spirit of that person is cause not effect…”

“She was wrong…she thought that person There will be reincarnation, but it’s just what she thought…Will that person reincarnate, no one knows…but…but…she used that person’s blood and spirit to bred many people who were not that person but were that person Some people with lifeblood…”

“You are one of them, you belong to the blood spirit, but the blood spirit does not belong to you…you are not…that person…”

“Hehe…” Jun Xuanji was smiling, smiling very complicatedly, and said: “She was wrong, we were all wrong…Everyone was wrong…and the wrong was so outrageous…hehe…we were all wrong When it becomes an effect, it also regards the effect as a cause…hehe…wrong…all wrong…this is the curse…the curse of cause and effect…hehe…”

Gu Qingfeng like it I understand, but don’t seem to understand, and asked: “Who is that person you are talking about?”

“Wu Dao.”

“Wu Dao?” Gu Qingfeng raised his brows. , Asked: “Which innocent do you mean?”

“In the era of innocent…that in the era of innocence.”

Although I had a vague feeling before, But at this moment, after hearing Jun Xuanji mention Wudaozun in the Wudao era, Gu Qingfeng’s heart still couldn’t help shaking a little.

About the era of innocence.

Gu Qingfeng knows very little, only that it is a distant and unknown era, an era after Great Desolate, very short, shortly after the end of Great Desolate, a new era has just It didn’t take long for a catastrophe to happen, and a new era ended like this…

The reason for the end of that new era has always been the biggest mystery between Heaven and Earth. No one knows yet. Everything in that era is also unknown, as if it had never existed before. No one knew anything about anyone in the mysterious era, so everyone called that era the mysterious era.

But many people like to call that era the era of innocence.

It is said that in that era, an eternal wizard was born. He Behead Immortal slaughtered demons, guarded Danger Land, and finally aspired to True God. After becoming Great Desolate Era, he was the first person to aspire to become a god. .

This person opened up a new avenue from the Three Thousand Great Daos outside of the Three Thousand Great Daos by virtue of his superb perception. It is called the mysterious all-inclusive of the law of no way, which contains the profound knowledge of World’s All Living Things. mystery.

Relying on strength of oneself, he changed his own cause and effect, cut off his own cause and effect, and became the first person in history to cut off his own cause and effect and hold his destiny in his own hands.

There are also rumors that when the catastrophe happened, this person personally buried Heaven and Earth Source in a rage, and buried Heaven and Earth, and also buried an era.

There are also rumors that the strange man discovered the true profound mystery of Heaven and Earth and was obliterated by the gods. The gods launched a catastrophe to end the mysterious era and cover up all the truths belonging to the mysterious era .

It is said that after the strange man was obliterated by the gods, he did not know what Magical Powers method was used to incarnation the causal black hole. This causal black hole is eternal, not restricted by any avenue, and is no longer in Heaven and Earth. And it’s always spinning, and it will appear in almost every era…

Because no one knows the name of that strange man, later generations will call him the “Wu Dao Zun” with the Wu Dao created by this strange man. ‘, meaning, Heaven and Earth is the only one, Highest Paragon.

It’s just that legends are just legends after all.

No one knows the truth.

Even through ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, and still the ancient times, the mysterious era and everything on the Wudaozun is still an unknown mystery that nobody knows.

Gu Qingfeng has been skeptical of his own cause and effect for 500 years of cultivation.

Because in recent years, many people who belonged to the era of innocence have asked him if he was that person, and also said a lot of unfathomable mystery, such as cloud and neon clothes, wind by month, and even Jun Xuanji in front of him. , And there are some people he doesn’t know who they are. I’m afraid the mysterious murderous intention that envelops him at this moment is also related to this.

He also faintly realized that his cause and effect may be related to the legendary Innocent Supreme. If not, these years would not provoke so many people belonging to the Innocent Age.


He felt it a long time ago.


Gu Qingfeng didn’t expect such a cause and effect between himself and Wu Dao Zun.

It is his blood spirit that made him?

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