Supreme Lord

Chapter 880

Good guy!

A destiny appeared in the Northwest!

And it’s in the Quartet.

“Motherfucker, I’m scared to death!”

Peach Blossom Fiercely poured a sip of wine into it, and was shocked.

When the Northwest Territory was trembling violently, his heart also trembled. The trembling almost popped out of his throat. He thought that this destiny appeared from the Sunshine Mountain. Fortunately, it was not. The hanging heart gradually fell.

“Old way, you look very worried.” Gu Qingfeng Weiwei lightly said with a smile: “What, is it possible that I am worried that the destiny will suddenly emerge from the setting sun?”

Peach Blossom Old Road didn’t expect that Gu Qingfeng would see through his mind. He twitched his lips and said very dissatisfied: “What about it? Don’t you worry about it?”

“What am I worried about?”

“tsk tsk.”

Peach Blossoms said with a sneer: “You brat said with a sneer, I don’t believe you at all Worry.” Coldly snorted, and said: “The lifeline guarded by the Sunshine Mountain is related to the Age of Innocence. If a destiny comes from the Sunshine Mountain, it means that the Heaven and Earth Era, Three Revolutions Reincarnation. Eternity, past life and present life, see the cause and effect, and whoever lives depends on the sky. “This legend is true.”

Peach Blossom Old Road stared at Gu Qingfeng, said solemnly: “In other words, disappear The age of innocence of millions and millions of years will reappear Heaven and Earth. At the same time, the encounter between the past and the present will be unprecedented. You brat is the lifeblood, and cause and effect must be related to the age of innocence. Don’t you brat worry about it?”

“What is there to worry about?” Gu Qingfeng shrugged and responded indifferently: “If I can, I really want to see what kind of master I was in my previous life.”

“motherfucker! You brat really met your own past life, then a catastrophe is imminent, not only you, but everything will be catastrophic.”

“You Let’s talk about how a catastrophe is going to happen.”

“I don’t know the details. The old man only heard Empress say that it seems to be related to causal black holes. Anyway, it’s terrifying… everything will be messy. “

“Let’s mess up and take care of my troubles.”

“You…you brat, really…people say that watching the excitement is not too big, you brat I’m in the midst of the excitement, and motherfucker doesn’t think it’s a big deal, and…”

Peach Blossoms took a deep breath, I recognize it He said seriously: “Gu boy, do you know that everyone is afraid of causal black holes? Without waiting for Gu Qingfeng’s response, Taohua Old Road continued: “The old man heard Empress said that if the thing really breaks out, everything will be lost… Think about it, when everything is lost, everything is lost. , What kind of terrifying scene will motherfucker be like…”

Causal black holes will make all things lost?

Is it so evil?

I don’t know .

Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to think about this problem, he never worry about uncertain things.

“Old way…”

Gu Qingfeng looked up at the sky of the natural phenomenon, and asked: “You said…If a destiny really appears in the Sunshine Mountain, will God and Three Thousand Great Daos stop it? “

“The destiny is the destiny, the destiny given by the gods, and the imperial decree of the gods. It is destined and no one can stop it. Even the Three Thousand Great Daos and God can’t, but…” Tao Hua said for a moment. , Said: “However, the old man guessed that although Three Thousand Great Daos could not stop it, it would definitely interfere. As for how to interfere, this is not known. “


Gu Qingfeng just looked at the sky and didn’t know what he was thinking about.

“Boy, you are so good to ask What does this do? “Peach Blossom Old Road felt that something was wrong, and the question Gu Qingfeng asked made him think about it with extreme fear, and asked: “What are your intentions?” is it possible that If Fate really appears in the Setting Sun Mountain, you brat will still snatch it? “

“That’s not good. “

“motherfucker, you brat didn’t you just say that you are not interested in destiny? “

“I just said that I have no interest in the destiny, but if this is a destiny belonging to the era of innocence, then I am still very interested. “

“The old man should advise you brat to be honest, everything in the era of innocence has been cursed, not to mention destiny, a cursed destiny, then motherfucker…”

Peach Blossom Old Road was talking, Gu Qingfeng’s voice suddenly came.

“You know, the lifeline guarded by the Setting Sun Mountain makes me feel very familiar…” Close his eyes, Gu Qingfeng feels like he is feeling What to say, said: “That is a feeling of inexplicable inexplicability, very strange, like a familiar one, more like an old friend who has not seen each other for a long time. “

“The lifeline guarded by the Setting Sun Mountain makes you feel familiar?” Still familiar? Still like an old friend? you brat don’t even know where the Sunshine Mountain is, where does the familiar feeling come from? “

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, who closed his eyes at the moment, as if he was feeling something, Tao Hua Dao’s heart suddenly shook, and solemnly asked: “What do you mean, you brat, can you feel the lifeblood of the guardianship of Canyang Mountain?” “

“It’s weird to say, just a moment ago, the unfathomable mystery felt it…It was like hearing an old friend calling me. This is really a bit wicked. “

“Really? “

Peach Blossom Old Road is a little skeptical. If other people say that they can feel the lifeline of the guardianship of the Setting Sun Mountain, he must not believe it, but this person is Gu Qingfeng, so he has to doubt it, because he knows Gu Qingfeng itself is a person of lifeline, and when he was born, the lifeline of Rising Sun Mountain had a violent mutation. What’s more terrifying is that for Gu Qingfeng, Peach Blossom Empress also turned against the Rising Sun Empress.

Peach Blossom Old Road thinks of one thing, is it possible that Gu Qingfeng is really the person Empress is waiting for, who also belongs to the era of innocence?


Peach Blossom Old Road does not Dare to think about it.

“I have bad news. Do you want to hear it? “

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and Taohua asked: “What bad news?” “

“A destiny really appeared in the Setting Sun Mountain. “

hearing this, the peach blossom old road expression changed drastically immediately, and quickly looked around. In addition to the previous destiny that appeared in the northwest, not at all 2nd destiny, he stared at Gu Qingfeng angrily and shouted: “You brat scared Lao Tzu? “

“Look for yourself. “

“What to look at? where? Gu boy, I warn you, it’s best not to motherfucker making such jokes with Laozi…”

Before speaking, the northwest region trembled violently again, like a major earthquake.

hong long long ——

After that, a violent sound came, and the earth trembled more severely, and immediately after the appearance out of thin air of the unfathomable mystery in the middle of the northwest, a mountain range, A mountain shrouded in the setting sun.

“This damn…this motherfucker is Sunshine Mountain! “

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