Supreme Lord

Chapter 807

“Causality is also cause and effect.”

“When will cause and effect cease? Is it cause or effect, effect or cause?”

“Unkillable cause and effect , The inevitable cause and effect, the inevitable cause and effect, the chaotic cause and effect…”

“Can’t be avoided, after all, I can’t escape…”

“Why! Why? !”

The voice of the cold winter is very strange, full of helplessness, full of entanglement, full of anger, full of confusion, and full of hesitation.

Like her own voice, but not like it.

Feiyan didn’t know what happened, she yelled twice, but not at all got Bitter Winter’s response.

The cold moonlight all over the body in the cold winter became more and more vigorous, the body became more vague and swaying, and the expression became more and more painful. She shook her head vigorously, as if she was enduring something.

“The king, Donger…why is she like this!”


Gu Qingfeng didn’t know why, but he could see that Bitter Winter’s sane at the moment was also vague. As for why he said these words, he was surprised.

What is the connection between the cold winter and the wind month by month?


Bitter Winter is not the person of samsara reincarnation, nor does he have any turbid breath. Impossible is the person who reincarnates every month.

Since this is the case, why would you say cause and effect?

Or, Feng Zhuyue is the same as Yun Nishang. What taboo method and bloodline are used to bury the soul?



Is it difficult because of the heart of the demon moon?

The heart of the demon moon contains the spirit willpower of several generations of palace owners in the demon moon palace. Perhaps the spirit willpower of the wind will be stronger, so when the cold winter merges, it will be affected by the spirit willpower of the wind. Just talking nonsense?

I was thinking, Feiyan seemed to think of something next to him, and said unbelievably: “Empress?”

“Do you think she is wind by month?”


Feiyan shook her head and said: “I remember clearly that when Empress merged with the heart of the demon moon, it was like Dong’er, unconscious and nonsense. What is the cause and effect?”

“There are other things?”

Gu Qingfeng originally thought that the winter nonsense was influenced by the spirit willpower of the wind month by month. , It’s not the case. If the wind was also affected when the heart of the demon moon was merged month by month, what was going on?

“Fake! It’s all fake! Everything is fake! It’s a curse, a curse of causation!”

“It’s a terrifying curse…”

Bitter winter began to talk nonsense again, and she grasped her hair with both hands, which seemed very painful.

“no! I don’t want to wake up! I don’t want to! I want to die…let me die…let me die…”

“I have had enough…really Enough, fed up with the cause and effect of this curse…”


The cold moonlight brilliance in the cold winter burned wildly, and at the same time she stood up suddenly, and with a swish, she leaped up and went straight to the sky, Gu Qingfeng followed with Feiyan.

It’s night.

dark and windy night.

On the cloud.

The wind howled, tearing the void, making a sharp chirping sound.


In the cold winter, the whole body is blooming with the cold moonlight brilliance, which is very dazzling. As if daring to compete with the true moon in the sky, she slightly raised her head, closed her eyes, and stretched her arms and limbs. Just suspended in midair.

The moonlight brilliance became stronger and stronger, and the cold winter became more and more evil. I don’t know how long it took, the moonlight brilliance began to condense, gradually condensing into a light group, the light group above the winter head Slowly rotating, it contains a powerful force that even Gu Qingfeng feels surprised, and it also contains an evil monster’s cold power.

As the light group rotates faster and faster, its inherent power becomes stronger and stronger, and the evil monster’s cold power becomes more and more terrifying.

Gradually, the light group stopped rotating. At this moment, the light group was no longer a light group. It was a round of evil monster moon.

It is really a full moon, just like two full moons appear in the night sky at this moment. The only difference is that the full moon in the night sky is very far, far away, and no one can be far away. Reach, and the full moon above the head in the cold winter is very close, very close at hand, and the closeness is breathtaking and daunting.

“Oh my God! Dhamma, this is the Dhamma, it is the Nether Demon Moon of our Demon Moon Palace!!!”

Feiyan was excited and trembling with excitement. .

Netherworld Demon Moon Method is a legend relative to Demon Moon Palace, no! Not only the Demon Moon Palace, but also a terrifying legend for the entire Northwest.

Because the nether monster moon sign symbolizes a person, that person is the queen of the frontiers who ruled the Northwest at the end of Ancient Era.

Back then, many people remember that on a dim night without a full moon or stars, suddenly a round of evil monster’s dark moon rose from the Demon Moon Palace, and the demon moon was shrouded in light. The entire Northwest has become extremely cold and desolate.

You Leng is the kind of gloomy coldness, the coldness of send cold shivers down one’s spine, and the coldness makes the mind trembling.

Desolation is the kind of desolation without life. Desolation is like overnight, and the entire Northwest has no vitality.

It was not until later that everyone knew that the dark moon of that round of evil monster was not something else, but the nether monster moon phase conceived month by month by the Queen of Borderlands.

It is said that among the demon moon palace’s previous palace masters, only two people have conceived the nether demon moon phases, the first is Sect Founding Ancestor, the second is Feng Zhuyue, except for the two of them, For thousands of years, none of the other palace owners of the Demon Moon Palace had conceived the Nether Demon Moon Facility. What Feiyan did not expect was that the cold winter had also conceived the legendary Nether Demon Moon Facility. How could she not be excited?

Next to it.

Gu Qingfeng has been frowning and looking at it deeply. He can see that the phase of the Nether Demon Moon conceived in the cold winter is very unusual, it can be said to be quite impressive, and he admires this thing a little. Even when compared with the so-called Great Sun Bright Law, which is called by Xian Chao Juezi, it is still far behind.

It’s just that the Great Sun Bright Dharma of the Xian Dynasty Juezi is, after all, something created by countless immortals in Nine Heavens. Nine Heavens has this ability, this ability, and this resource.

A little demon moon palace can also smash the nether demon moon phase. While Gu Qingfeng admires it, he is also very curious about the Sect Founding Ancestor of the demon moon palace who are you? Perhaps it should be asked what exactly is Feng Zhuyue, and what is the connection between the two of them and Bitter Winter? Or is it all a coincidence?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t dare to be suspicious, because someone once said to him, don’t regard accident as fate, and don’t regard coincidence as cause and effect.

When the Netherworld Demon Moon phase stopped spinning, the cold winter with her eyes closed slowly opened her eyes. Those eyes were like the demon moon above her head, very strange and weird. Yes, she was in a daze, especially when she was staring at Gu Qingfeng. She seemed to be suspicious of something, and it seemed to be doubtful.

“You…why do you feel so familiar to this palace…”

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