Supreme Lord

Chapter 806

Feiyan was surprised and worried. Although she failed when refining the Heart of the Demon Moon, she had spent so many years in the Demon Moon Palace. Naturally, she knew that fusion of the Heart of the Demon Moon was not easy to rush, and it was already very difficult to refining. It is not easy. If it is integrated, it will take a long, long time, several decades ago, even hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

Bitter Winter just refining the Heart of the Demon Moon, and immediately began to fuse, it was too anxious, Feiyan tried to communicate with Bitter Winter, so as to persuade, no matter what, the cold winter here seems like you can’t listen at all. When it came to her, the cold moonlight brilliance all over her body became stronger and stronger, her expression more and more painful, and her body trembling more and more severe.

“The king, look at Dong’er here…”

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t understand the heart of the demon moon, and has never been in contact with it. The current situation in Bitter Winter is not normal or not. .

He took out Divine Consciousness to probe, and it seemed that everything was normal on the surface, but it was only on the surface. What made Gu Qingfeng quite puzzled was that the speed of the fusion of the heart of the winter and the demon moon seemed a bit Fierce, the two seem to be attracted to each other, and quickly merge with each other. First, the acupuncture points of the whole body, then bloodline, meridian, Purple Mansion, etc…

Almost every Sect has its own inheritance, this Inheritance is all passed down by the Ancestral Master who established the sect. It is not only connected with Sect’s Spiritual Veins, but also with Sect’s many Formations. It is also related to Sect’s secrets.

If only this is the case, it is still far away can’t be called inheritance.

In fact, Sect inheritance also contains the Ancestral Master’s legacy, purpose, and even spiritual sustenance, will inheritance, etc., and then after generations of Sect Master inheritance, the heart of inheritance will also be It becomes stronger and stronger like a snowball. In other words, the longer the heart of inheritance, the harder it is to refining and the harder it is to integrate.

The inheritance of the Demon Moon Palace has been almost ten thousand years, and there have been several palace owners before and after. According to common sense, the heart of the Demon Moon should be more difficult to merge. How can it be the cold winter? So quickly, so quickly and extremely exaggerated.

The integration is not only without any rejection, not even a trace of discomfort, the two are like family members who have been separated for many years, more like the original one.

In a short period of time, the heart of the demon moon not only merged with the bloodline of the acupoints of the cold winter and the purple mansion of the meridians, but also with her Primordial Spirit fuse together. What is even more exaggerated is that after the integration, the Primordial of the cold winter Spirit has grown at an incredible speed, transforming, spirit transformation, and Spirit Transformation.


The cold moonlight is burning like crazy flames.

In turn, Bitter Winter actually condenses Dao Xin.

“How can Dong’er’s cultivation base…”

Feiyan stared in her eyes and dumbfounded. This scene was completely beyond her understanding, even though she also knew that the fusion monster The Moon Heart cultivation base will make progress, but that is an extremely long process.

And Bitter Winter not only can refining the heart of the demon moon in such a short period of time, even the cultivation base has continuously broken through three realms in a few breaths.

Throughout the demon moon palace’s previous palace masters, apart from the monthly Empress, the other palace masters don’t talk about fusion, but refining the heart of the demon moon has spent hundreds of years, millennia, and even longer, cultivation Base diligence is also step by step.

It’s hard to say that the cold winter is like Empress every month. Is that a masterpiece?

She still clearly remembers that it took a short time to Empress the Heart of the Demon Moon month by month, and the same was true for the Heart of the Demon Moon. As for the cultivation base, it was a continuous breakthrough of several realms. , But Empress by the Moon is an extraordinary genius, and her mother is the last palace lord. It can be said that Empress by the Moon has absorbed the spirit of the Demon Moon from her mother’s womb, and is born with the heart of the Demon Moon. .

No matter refining or integration, they are very comparable.

Although the aptitude of the cold winter is good, it is far inferior to Empress by Moon, and it has no blood relationship with Empress. How to refining the Heart of Demon Moon looks even more exaggerated than Empress by Moon.

“What is the relationship between the cold winter and the wind month by month?”

Gu Qingfeng suddenly asked what he seemed to see.

“Relationship? Dong’er and Empress not at all have any blood relationship, Empress has disappeared for more than 50 years, and Dong’er is only more than 20 years old.”

“Bitter Winter Who are your parents?”

“I don’t know, Dong’er is an orphan.”

“Orphan?” Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly and asked: “Then how is she Entered your Demon Moon Palace?”

“It is the Heart of Demon Moon.”

“Heart of Demon Moon? What do you mean?”

“This is how things are. Yes, after the disappearance of Empress mysterious, I have been unable to refining the heart of the demon moon. The heart of the demon moon is like a dead thing in my hands, even spirituality is gone, but one day, I don’t know why, the heart of the demon moon is I was so excited as if I had come alive suddenly, and guided me to find an abandoned baby in a forest. The baby was in the cold winter, and she was less than nine months old.”

“The heart of the demon moon is There is spirituality. Since it finds Dong’er, it means that Dong’er’s aptitude is very good, at least, it is very suitable for cultivation. The spirit of the demon moon in our Demon Moon Palace is very lucky for me. After all, I can’t Refining the Heart of the Demon Moon, so I collected Dong’er as a discipline. I hope that after she has grown up, she can refining and integrate the Heart of the Demon Moon and inherit the position of Lord of the Demon Moon Palace. This is also an explanation to Empress.”

What Feiyan said is both reasonable and reasonable, and Gu Qingfeng can’t think of anything strange.

After all, Sect inheritance is originally a fusion of the spirit willpower of previous Sect Masters. It is not surprising to have spirituality. Naturally, you can also sense the appropriate Spirit Physique. Many Great Sects also rely on inheritance to choose Direct Disciple, and even the palm storage discipline.


Even if the winter physique is suitable for the heart of the demon moon, the speed of fusion is impossible so fast.

Gu Qingfeng has been staring at the cold winter, she found that the cold winter and the heart of the demon moon can no longer be called a fusion, it is more like a return, very natural, and naturally like two drops of water blending in Same together, regardless of each other.

What the hell is going on here.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t understand for a while.

“Monarch, Dong’er’s cultivation base has grown so fast, will there be any problems? She has now condensed her debut Dao Xin, and Dao Xin this realm needs consolidation, such as Dao Xin Instability, Dong’er’s future is afraid…”

“Let’s take a look first. Many things vary from person to person.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, Feiyan, who was already frightened and frightened, became more anxious. At this moment, the sit cross-legged mutation occurred suddenly in the cold winter on the ground. His expression became more and more painful, and his body no longer trembled, but became blurred, like a cold The moonlight is the same as the fusion.

“no! No! No!”

“Why! Why!”

In an instant, there was a cry of pain in the winter.

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