Supreme Lord

Chapter 808

“It’s you, isn’t it…”


Standing in the void in the cold winter, the cold face is especially evil monster against the background of the ghost moon, and a pair of beautiful eyes are also extremely complicated. She looked at Gu Qingfeng that way, the expression from the beginning Hesitating and dazed, gradually calmed down, no longer unfamiliar, no longer doubts, become resentful, helpless, entangled…

“Sure enough, I can feel it, it must be you ……You really came back… just why did you come back?”

“You shouldn’t be back…you shouldn’t…”

Bitter Winter looked at Gu Qingfeng, complaining Muttering to himself, shaking his head slightly, said: “You will only sink deeper and deeper…”


Gu Qingfeng has been staring at Bitter Winter, and he wondered why Bitter Winter suddenly changed like a person. His gestures and gestures are like wind and the moon, and his tone is even more serious, even his eyes. It all feels like wind from month to month.

I wonder if the cold winter is affected by the heart of the demon moon, or is there really any connection between her and Feng Zhuyue?

“Who are you?”

Gu Qingfeng solemnly asked, this question made the cold winter that had been restored to peace once again become hesitant and confused, and muttered: “Who am I… Yeah…Who am I…Why can’t I remember who I am…”

“Are you cold in winter or wind by month?”

“Wind by month? Bitter Winter? Such a familiar name…Really familiar…Why are these two names so familiar…”

Bitter winter thought hard, and the more hesitated and the more hesitated and the more dazed, she shook Head, muttering to herself: “Who am I…who am I…” She kept asking who she was, her voice getting stronger and stronger, and her expression more and more painful. At the same time, above her head The moon phase of the Nether Demon is also becoming more and more unstable.

“Who am I! Who am I!”

“I! Who! Who!”

The cold winter looked up at the full moon in the night sky, angered Roaring, the Nether Demon Moon Phase above her head rotates crazily, becoming stronger and stronger, as if to compete with Ye Yue!

“Who am I!”

The cold winter stared at the full moon, jumped up, and flew towards the full moon.

“Leave it to me in the cold winter, you go back to the Demon Moon Palace and wait.”

Gu Qingfeng flashed and followed closely.

Leave Feiyan alone standing in the sky, confused and worried.

Her cultivation base is not high, and her body is injured, she can鈥檛 last long in this void wind wind. It was Gu Qingfeng who guarded her before she was not affected by the wind wind. With Gu Qingfeng left, she also had to leave quickly.

Not long after they left, two figures appeared here again.

A huge woman who is three meters tall and looks like a mountain.

There is also an extraordinary and refined, devastatingly beautiful, beautiful woman.

It is Qianshan and Su Hua.

After the two appeared, they looked around, as if looking for something.


Just now, they suddenly discovered that the night sky was strange, as if a gloomy round moon hung in the void, under the full moon, there was a kind of evil monster and a kind of coldness. It was desolate and the situation was weird. The two rushed over at the first time, but when they came here, they found nothing.

“Young Lady, what happened just now?”

Qianshan asked in confusion: “What is the evil monster power that appeared in the night sky just now? Why is it so weird? “

“The power of the evil monster just now is incomparable, like a dark moon, cold and desolate without vitality…” Su Hua frowned and said: “This reminds me of a kind of Strange way.”

“What way?”

“Netherworld demon moon way.”

When I heard this name, Qianshan’s expression suddenly startled, shocked. Said: “You mean the legendary Nether and Demon Moon phases of the Demon Moon Palace? This is impossible, right? This type of phase in the Demon Moon Palace can only be achieved by wind month by month, and it’s stumped… Has anyone else in the Demon Moon Palace also conceived such a terrifying phase? Who could it be? Feiyan? Impossible, she can’t refining the Heart of the Demon Moon at all, but it is the cold winter? This is unlikely, the cold winter cultivation base, but the Primordial Spirit has not yet been transformed, and even the Taoist heart has not been consolidated. How can it be pregnant?”


Qianshan thought of a kind of probability again, said solemnly: “Will the wind return month by month? Several decades ago, the wind has disappeared month by month, the unfathomable mystery, is it life or death, where did it go, who I don鈥檛 know, she鈥檚 coming back?”

Su Wei shook her head. She didn鈥檛 know. She was about to go to the Demon Moon Palace to see what was going on. At this moment, a voice came into her ears. .

“If the wind does come back month by month, it will be lively.”

A black clothed woman appeared in response. The woman wore a veil and could vaguely see With a charming face, she appeared without warning, holding a chilling black cat in her arms.

“Is it you?”

Su Wei knows the black clothed woman, but she only knows her. Apart from knowing her name is Ruying, she doesn’t know anything else, although she does I knew that she was an edict, but I didn’t know what it was, and Su Hua could feel that the identity of this woman was not just as simple as that of the edict, I am afraid it was more complicated than imagined.

“Fairy, I met again, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Ruying smiled slightly, stroking the sleeping black cat in her arms , And then looked up at the bright moon hanging in the night sky, as if thinking about something.

“Did you see that the wind is moving month by month?”

Ruying also shook his head and said, “No, when I found out, I immediately took out Divine Consciousness.” , It鈥檚 a pity that it鈥檚 still a step too late, it鈥檚 just…”

“But what?”

“The monster moon, the light of the dark, the desolation, the passing of life, just appeared It must be that the Netherworld Demon Moon is correct, but I don鈥檛 know if it鈥檚 the wind month by month or not. After all, the fate is about to come and the wind that has disappeared for decades appears month by month. It鈥檚 not surprising, you say, Fairy Fairy. “


“Is Fairy Hua also coming for the destiny?”

Su Hua just looked at Ruying, not at all answering This question, instead, asked: “Do you know that the destiny will come in the northwest?”

“I don’t know, and I can’t be sure.”

“So, you ask What’s the meaning of this question.”

“Of course it makes sense. If the fairy did not come for the destiny, it must be causal, right?”

When the other party mentioned cause and effect, Su Wei’s beautiful eyes flashed a strange color, and asked: “How do you say?”

“Who today does not know that Fairy Fairy has been looking for the whereabouts of King Chixiao, Now that there is a descendant who claims to be able to represent the emperor from the Northwest, how could Fairy Fairy miss this opportunity.”

“Oh? You mean Gu Qingfeng?”


“Do you know his identity?”

“Hehe, this question, I also want to ask Fairy Huan.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know.”

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