Supreme Lord

Chapter 2348


Miao Tathagata is a big day incarnation.

The big day reincarnation of Tathagata incarnation.

This moment.

The Miao Tathagata is the great day that illuminates everything, and the great day is the Tathagata incarnation, and the three do not distinguish each other.

holy light Buddha’s radiance, which is vast and boundless, shines on the void.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of chanting Buddha came.

Buddha sounds are mighty, like from above heaven under earth, as from all directions, emptiness and ethereal, and solemn, each sound of Buddha sounds like Supreme Buddhist Law, extremely mysterious and abstruse, wonderful again wonderful.

With the sound of the rolling Buddha, the incarnation of the great sun is becoming more and more sacred and brighter, and the blooming Buddha’s radiance becomes more and more powerful. The original sin that originally enveloped the void began under the shining of Buddha’s radiance. Distorted and blurred.

“This Buddha sound…this motherfucker!”

The Daxing monk was shocked. He heard this chanting Buddha sound. It was nothing else, it was the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra !

If it is said that the Great Tathagata Tathagata incarnation has become an External Body Incarnation of the Miao Tathagata, it is called Daxing Monk and there is still a hint of doubt, then when he hears the chanting Buddhist sound is Naida After the Sun Tathagata Mantra, the last trace of doubt also disappeared.

Dari Tathagata palm.

Da Ri Tathagata Mantra.

Da Ri Tathagata India.

These are the three Supreme Divine Ability of Da Ri Tathagata.

The palm of the Tathagata on the big day, powerfully shocks everything.

The Great Sun Tathagata Mantra, transcends all things.

The Great Sun Tathagata seals all things.

Since ancient times, the Western Heavenly Buddha realm has realized the legendary experts of the three Supreme Divine Ability of the Great Sun Tathagata, although there are not many, but also not not.

At least.

The white eyebrow sacred monk of Zen Sect, as well as the great monk, will be comprehended.

Of course.

It’s just a comprehended coming out. He can play the three Supreme Divine Ability of the Great Nation Tathagata, and can play the Divine Ability. It is only the power of the form and mind, and it is impossible to play the three Supreme Divine Ability of the Great Nation Tathagata. Profound mystery, in other words, he played the three Supreme Divine Ability looks impressive but is worthless. Although it contains the power of the Great Sun Tathagata, it can be compared with the profound mystery of the Great Sun Tathagata. The so-called power is not worth mentioning. .

Unable to play the profound mystery truth of Da Ni Tathagata, it is not because of the bad perception of Da Xing Tathagata, but because he is not Da Ni Tathagata, nor does it have incarnation.

Can play the profound mystery of the three Supreme Divine Ability of Da Ni Tathagata, either you become Da Ni Tathagata, or you have the incarnation of Da Ni Tathagata.

The sound of the chanting Buddha here is the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra, and it is also the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra containing the profound mystery Supreme Buddhist Law.

It should be said that this Great Sun Tathagata Mantra is worthy of being the three Supreme Divine Ability of Great Sun Tathagata. It is really amazing. The mighty Buddha’s radiance comes, ten thousand zhang Buddha’s radiance is like a raging fire. Overcoming the sky of original sin.

Just then.

Golden’s Buddhist scriptures rune are scattered down, and every Buddhist scripture rune is a countless change, and every Buddhist scripture rune is transformed into a golden Buddha.

The sky full of Buddhist scriptures rune, the sky full of golden Buddha.

Buddhas all over the sky have worshipped the incarnation of the big day Tathagata here.

This worship, the great day of worship, the incarnation Buddha’s radiance is more prosperous, Buddha’s radiance soars into the sky, and the sky is full of original sins.





The four-character mantra sounded, and the big day Tathagata anger incarnation once again turned into a big day, blooming endless Buddha’s radiance, and disappeared on the spot.


It disappeared completely.

Under the shining Buddha’s radiance, the original sin is like the darkness before dawn. When the sun rises, there is no darkness between Heaven and Earth anymore, some are just everywhere. Light is just the sacred and boundless Buddha’s radiance.

The void is still the void before.

countless changes.

The ancient vestige is still lifeless, like the lifeless mountain range in the painting, floating in the sky.

in the sky.

The wonderful Tathagata people are like the great day that illuminates Heaven and Earth, and it is more like the great day Tathagata incarnation that transcends all things.


What about the original sin?

To be precise, what kind of secret is hidden behind the original sin? Who has such terrifying original sin?

Stupefied and disappeared like this?

Or was it overwhelmed by the great day Tathagata mantra?



Miao Tathagata is only the original sin that filled the sky just now. As for the person behind the original sin, I am afraid that Miao Tathagata does not even know where the other party is, so how can it be overtaken?


An eerie and strange voice came from nowhere.

“jié jié, is worthy of the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra that transcends all things. It is really accomplished. After the ancient times, West Heavenly Buddha Dao produced such an amazing Little Brat! Not only did it become Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect, even assimilated into the big day, repaired the Tathagata Ancestor incarnation, which is really an eye-opener for Old Ancestor.”

The voice fell.

The void changes again, and the original sin condenses again.

When the void changes, it is as if the original sin is changing. Whether the void is changing or the original sin is changing, it is unclear, as if the void is the original sin and the original sin is the void.

Gradually, three vortexes of original sin appeared in the void, two like eyes, one like a mouth, looking like a face, and still a face with a palm covering half of the sky.

Miao Tathagata stared at the face of original sin that covers half of the sky, and asked every word: “You! Who are you!”

“jié jié! Old Ancestor is that! In the time of despair, the noble priest who started the era of no way! ha ha ha ha!”

Good fellow!

Wu Dao Zun.

Besides, it’s the Wudaozun who opened the era of innocence in the ancient times?

Is this motherfucker possible?

Although the other party’s original sin is deep and unimaginable, it is too nonsense to say that it is the Wudao Venerable who opened the Wudao era in the ancient times. The monk does not believe it, wonderful Tathagata did not believe it even more.

Others may not know, but both of them know that the Age of Innocence was indeed opened in the ancient times, and the so-called Innocent Venerable did exist, but the so-called Innocent Noble is not a person, nor is it a sage, nor is it demons and ghosts, but a touch of consciousness conceived by original sin.

Later, the era of innocence disappeared inexplicably, and the disappearance of the original sin seems to disappear with it.

I heard that it was the disappearance of this sense of original sin, so the era of innocence disappeared.

As for how this consciousness disappeared, no one knows.

If you say that the other party is the Wudaozun who opened the Wudao Era in the time of the ancient times, and you don’t believe that when the Daxing Monk is killed, if the Wudaozun is still alive, then the Wudao Times will not It will disappear, and let’s talk about it again, if this servant is really innocent, I am afraid the original sin is far more ferocious than just now.

Legendary Wu Dao Zun is, after all, the consciousness conceived from original sin. In other words, he is the Ruler of original sin and the source of original sin.

Don’t talk about the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra.

Don’t even talk about incarnation.

It is the original sin of motherfucker that the Great Sun Tathagata personally descends, I am afraid that it will not be able to transcend the Innocent Venerable.

“Only you, dare to arrogantly claim to be superior, and you are still innocent, do you have the qualifications?”

People are like a great day and like a Tathagata, and incarnation’s wonderful Tathagata Staring at the face of original sin filled with half the sky, his words were full of disdain.

“jié jié! Little Brat, don’t think that you can really save everything by cultivating the big day Tathagata incarnation, jié jié… just now Old Ancestor, but just playing with you, for original sin You don’t know anything about the power of jié jié jié jié… Today Old Ancestor will let you see what the real sin is! jié jié jié jié ——”

Full of half the sky The face of original sin laughed wildly, as if the three vortex with eyes and a mouth began to vortex wildly, turning into a huge vortex.

This vortex terrifying is extremely terrifying, and it is full of the power of original sin, swallowing the void, growing bigger and bigger, like an abyss, and more like the source of original sin.

The Daxing Monk retreated subconsciously. He is basically certain now that this fellow is definitely an Old Ancestor in the ancient times, and it is very likely that Gu Qingfeng had encountered the one before. .


hong long long ——

A muffled sound came.

It’s as if something is about to pop out.

What’s the situation?

The Daxing monk looked over and saw a man.

It is Demon Sovereign Blood River.

He is standing in the void, human like a lonely mountain capable to support both heaven and earth, like a sword that runs through Heaven and Earth, black hair is dancing, black clothed is making noise.

The darkness under the feet is spinning, like the dark vortex, and also like the Dark Abyss.

hong long long ——

Another muffled sound came, and the vortex of Dark Abyss turned faster and faster.

On the other end, the vortex that resembles the abyss of original sin also turns faster and faster, turning bigger and bigger, constantly devouring food and eating the void.

There was a loud explosion, and the entire trembling void seemed to tremble slightly.


A dark brilliance rose to the sky, and for a while, the entire void was plunged into darkness.

The dark brilliance that rushed out was so dazzling. The moment it rushed out, even the great monk with a pair of eyes could not open his eyes by the dark brilliance. , Even if people are like a big day, like a Tathagata, incarnation, the wonderful Tathagata is overshadowed in an instant.

Fortunately, it was only a moment.

After a moment.

The monk opened his eyes, he seemed to see something slowly rising from the dark vortex.

It’s a saber.

As for what kind of knife he didn’t see clearly, it’s not that he didn’t want to, but that he couldn’t see clearly, because the knife was too dark, and the darkness not only stabbed him, he couldn’t open his eyes. I can’t see, even Divine Consciousness can’t get close to it.


Daxing lunatic knows what kind of knife it is.


He knows.

When the piercing dark brilliance that could not be opened by his magic eyes rushed out, he had already guessed what kind of knife it was.

Sword name: Dark Night.

Also known as: Dark Magic Knife.

Some people call it the dark trial.

This a saber is a magic knife called Old Ancestor trembling and terrifying in the ancient times, and I don’t know how many old Ancestors died under this knife.

According to reports.

This knife has killed immortal dao and also the Buddhist path.

I even extinguished the great sun and the light.

true or false, no one knows.

The Daxing Monk didn’t know, but when he learned that Demon Sovereign took out the dark magic knife, he subconsciously escaped and hid in a corner.

Not only him, even if people are like a big day, like a Tathagata, an incarnation of the wonderful Tathagata, seeing Demon Sovereign took out this dark magic knife, but also his face changed and changed, it seems to know this The horror of the Dark Magic Knife, the wonderful Tathagata to avoid its sharp edges, instantly transformed the incarnation of the Great Tathagata into a lifeless Buddha statue.

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