Supreme Lord

Chapter 2349

“If you really are the legendary Supreme Lord, then…just take me a knife!”

The voice of the blood river of Demon Sovereign came from the darkness of this void.

It’s still so cruel and ruthless, still so aloof.

I lifted the right hand, and the Dark Night Sword appeared in his hand as if it had been summoned.

Demon Sovereign stepped out of the blood river in one step, leaped up, holding the Dark Night Sword in both hands, moving towards the original sin vortex that swallowed the void was a knife.

This blade is like cutting down the sun, extinguishing the light, and making the entire Kan Gong Void plunge into darkness for an instant.

Darkness sees darkness again.

This darkness is neither cold darkness nor violent darkness, but an absolute darkness and a domineering darkness.

this blade.

Under the sky, between Heaven and Earth, there is no light anymore, not even a trace, only darkness, absolute darkness.

this blade.

As if space collapsed, time stood still.

The cold darkness makes people fearful.

The violent darkness makes people fearful.

And this absolute darkness is extinguished.


All thoughts are gone.

There is no fear, no fear, no life or death, no hope or despair, all thoughts are as if they have been cut out by the darkness of this blade, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

The existence of such an existence as a monk is no exception.

When the blood river of Demon Sovereign was holding the Dark Night Sword and slashed towards the original sin vortex that swallowed half of the void, the monk had somehow gone wrong, only felt that his eyes were dark, his spirit was numb, and his mind was It collapsed, the will disappeared, and his mind was blank. At that moment, he felt as if he was scared and stupid, and he didn’t know anything.

What happened?

I don’t know.

How long time has passed, he doesn’t know.

When he reacted, the absolute darkness had begun to dissipate.

The Daxing Monk’s face was pale, and his eyes were somewhat hollow. He looked around subconsciously, and seemed to see a person in the fading darkness.

Is a man.

A man wearing black clothed.

The man stands in the void, and the man is like a lonely mountain able to support both heaven and earth, like a sword that runs through Heaven and Earth.

It’s him!

Demon Sovereign Blood River!

Seeing Demon Sovereign Blood River, the heart of the Daxing Monk could not help trembling slightly, and then I saw Demon Sovereign Blood River with his hands behind him, not at all. The dreaded Dark Night Demon Sword, the Daxing Desperate Monk slowly exhaled.

It’s not the first time he has witnessed Demon Sovereign take out the Dark Night Sword.

I have seen it once before. This is the second time. Just because I have seen it once before, this time, the first time he discovered Demon Sovereign took out the Dark Night Sword, how far did he hide How far.

For the first time, he didn’t see the appearance of the Dark Night Demon Sword clearly. He didn’t know whether it was long or short, round or flat.

Unfortunately, this time he still didn’t see the appearance of Night Demon Sword clearly.

The first time Demon Sovereign took out the Blood River took out. After the Night Demon Sword swung a knife, it cut out the light and plunged into absolute darkness, making his all thoughts disappear.

It’s still the same this time.

After witnessing it twice, the heart of the Daxing Monk already had a deep shadow over the Dark Night Sword in the hands of Demon Sovereign Blood River. I don’t know if it was because this Night Sovereign sword was In the Desolate Age, I have slain Buddhism and Old Ancestor. Perhaps it’s because the Dark Night Demon Sword has cut off the sun and the light. The Daxing Devilish Monk has an innate ability to the Night Demon Sword. Fear, this fear is deep-rooted, as if imprinted in the soul.


What about the original sin vortex that devours the void?

The big monk looked up and did not see the original sin vortex.


disappear without a trace.

I searched all over the void, but did not find it. Even the original sin remaining in the void has long since disappeared.

Daxing monk knows.

The original sin vortex didn’t disappear, it should have been killed by Demon Sovereign.

Demon Sovereign Blood River is gone.


in the sky.

Miao Tathagata stood there alone, the big day was gone, and the incarnation of the big day Tathagata also disappeared. Even Demon Sovereign, the blood river took out, and the dark Moon Demon said, to avoid its sharp edge. The sacred Buddha also disappeared, only Miao Tathagata is still standing there.

He still wears the crown of the Five Great Ming King Buddhas, and he wears an Ami cassock with a Vajra Relic on his neck. He is standing in front of him with one hand and turning the nine Bodhi prayer beads with the other.

A handsome face has long lost the previous calmness and indifference, and some are just solemn, even the pair of Divine Vision that resembles Yin-Yang Primal Chaos seems to be full of doubts. Thoughts.

He looked at the blood river of Demon Sovereign disappearing into the darkness of the void, so he watched until the blood river of Demon Sovereign disappeared completely, and then, looked towards the void again, that was a knife by the blood river of Demon Sovereign He watched the place where the original sin vortex was killed for a long, long time, then silhouette faintly discernible until it disappeared completely.

The ancient nine palaces are vast and boundless. Each palace is infinitely changing, neither boundless nor boundless.

Since Demon Sovereign left the blood river, the monk has been chasing after him.

Demon Sovereign stepped out of the blood river. When the foot was raised, the void beneath the foot was like just a passing scene whistled past. When one foot fell, the void beneath the foot burst and collapsed.

This is the ability to crush the void.

Throughout All Heavens Myriad Realms, there are only two people with this kind of ability. One of them is Demon Sovereign, the other is Gu Qingfeng.

The Daxing Monk has long yearned for this ability to smash the void, but unfortunately, this kind of ability can only be understood when the perception of the space road reaches a certain level, although the Daxing Monk thinks he is I have a deep understanding of the space avenue, but I still can’t understand this profound mystery that crushes the void.

Fortunately, he took a different approach. According to his Indestructible Golden Body’s characteristics, he realized another kind of ability to walk in the void, saying that it is the void of God, rather than running in the sky.

Of course.

Running in the sky is not an ability.

But everyone can do it.

It can be said that, like the great monk, like the gods and Taibao, walks like flying, shrinking to a foot, even in the space turbulence of the ancient black hole, it is still flat, shuttled in the void, Throughout the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth, I am afraid he is the only one.

At this moment.

He took out without moving his golden body, clasped his hands together, poked his head and chased wildly, not to mention how fast the two short legs ran.

But even so, facing the bloody river of Demon Sovereign who smashed the void, the monk still couldn’t catch up.

“Blood River! Blood River! You brat, wait for Lao Na!”

“Lao Na is looking for you with important things!”

“You first Can you stop!”

The Daxing Monk shouted as he chased, and shouted all the way after chasing.


The bloody river of Demon Sovereign in front stopped, turned around and looked at the big monk who was chasing over, casually asked: “Why are you looking for me?”

“Lao Na ……Lao Na……”

The gasping for breath of the maddened monk. After all, this is only his External Body Incarnation. It is not comparable to the real body of the deity. After chasing for so long, it is almost exhausted. ‘S collapsed.

“Blood River…Just now, that servant was cut out by you…?”

He recovered for a while, and the monk quickly asked.

“I don’t know.”

“What is not knowing?” Daxing lunatic said unhappy: “You are the one who made the shot. If you don’t even know, who knows?”

“I just killed the original sin vortex that swallowed the void with a knife.”

“What do you mean by this?” The Daxing Monk raised his brows and asked: “You It means that the original sin vortex that devours the void is not the real body of the servant, but the change of the servant?”


“Good fellow!” Daxing The epileptic monk took off the gray shabby cap from his head and wiped the sweat from his face, and said: “If that thing is really transformed from that fellow, how terrifying the real body of the fellow should be.”

The big monk can’t imagine the extent to which he has fallen into the original sin, and how deep his sins are, can it be turned into the original sin and the original sin vortex that swallows the void.

“By the way, Blood River, do you know who the servant is?”

“I don’t know.”

I haven’t had time to wait for the monk to speak , Demon Sovereign Blood River said indifferently: “I don’t want to know either.”

I originally wanted to give Demon Sovereign Blood River’s appetite. By the way, I sold it for a while, but when I heard this, it was great. In addition to helplessness, the epileptic monk is left helpless.

“This is why you chased me up?”

The head of the monk shook like a rattle, and said: “Of course not.”

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s a long story. Let’s find a place to have a drink and talk. It just so happens that Lao Na has a little bit of wine here.” Demon Sovereign Blood River is about to run into a barren ancient vestige not far away. However, Demon Sovereign Blood River not at all followed him and said: “If you have anything, you should just talk about it.”

“I said Blood River, there is no need to be like this? Didn’t Lao Na just show up for mysterious Dongtian, you brat, as for this attitude toward Lao Na? Besides, Lao Na did not explain to you, Lao Na was also forced Helpless, there is no way to brace oneself to come forward, as long as there is a little way, Lao Na will not intervene in your affairs.”

Without waiting for Demon Sovereign’s blood to speak, the monk continued: “Besides, Lao Na It’s good to come forward for the mysterious Dongtian, but not at all to force you brat to do what you brat do. As for you brat who said that you still have Lao Na’s favor, you are not afraid to tell you honestly. In that matter, Lao Na didn’t take seriously at all, if you don’t say anything. , Lao Na has forgotten thoroughly.”


Demon Sovereign looked at him with an indifferent expression and said: “I am who, you should know , Who you are, I know a little bit, in front of me, you don’t need to talk nonsense, I didn’t take seriously what happened just now. As for the favors owed to you back then, it doesn’t matter whether you remember, the important thing is that I remember it Enough.”


The big monk knows that Demon Sovereign is like who.

Although he complained about Demon Sovereign just now, he hates himself for what happened just now.

Actually, the great monk knows that Demon Sovereign Blood River is absolutely impossible. He hates himself because of this mess. The reason for saying this is just to find a conversation.

This is also a tactic used by the monks. No matter what’s going on, it’s all right.

It’s a pity.

His this move does not work for Gu Qingfeng, and he is also not used to Demon Sovereign.

Because whether it is Gu Qingfeng or Demon Sovereign Blood River, although the two of them can’t see what kind of existence the monk is, they all know what kind of thing the monk is. .

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