Supreme Lord

Chapter 2347

The ruins are also called Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea, and the ancient nine palaces were conceived in the endless sea Heaven Beyond the Heaven.

Heaven Beyond the Heaven Exactly how many Old Ancestors are hidden in the endless sea, no one knows how much these Old Ancestors exist, and no one knows.

Needless to say, Guixu, the suppression is all threats to Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and the eight-nine of ten is related to original sin.

According to reports.

The era of innocence was opened once in the ancient times, and many experts have entered the so-called era of innocence.

What’s more terrifying is that when the era of innocence opened, too many people of original sin were born, including Old Ancestor and Dao Hegemon.

We must know that the era of innocence can only be opened under one condition, and that is the slaughter of Three Thousand Great Daos.

According to the monk’s knowledge, the Three Thousand Great Daos was slaughtered in the ancient times, and the Old Ancestor overlords may think that the opening of the era of no way is the general trend, or they may think that the fate is like this. Irreversible, whether for survival or for the sake of others, have all merged into original sin, become the person of original sin, and enter the age of innocence.

Although the disappearance of unfathomable mystery in the era of innocence was closed.

It is still a mystery where those experts who abandoned the avenue and merged into the avenue of original sin went.

Some people say that those great experts that integrated into original sin disappeared with the era of innocence.

There are also people whose fleshy body and soul are scattered ashes and smoke dispersed. Only the will of Undying and Inextinguishable has been transformed into the Spirit Transformation.

It is also said that some were suppressed in Guixu, and some hid in Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea.

There are many opinions on what the truth is, and no one knows.

Think of this.

Looking at the sky full of original sin, the monk couldn’t help but startled, secretly thought. Behind the sky full of original sin is the Old Ancestor who devoted himself to original sin in the past. Now he has cultivated the original sin Old Ancestor?

It’s hard to say.

I can’t say that.

Although Da Xing Monk has not seen the so-called Old Ancestor of original sin, he heard that Gu Qingfeng once met an Old Ancestor in the ancient black hole. It seems to be called Profound Nether Old Ancestor. Listen Gu Qingfeng’s tone, the original sin of the Profound Nether Old Ancestor was extremely sinful, and the sin made Gu Qingfeng somewhat suspect that the other party was the’No Dao Zun’ who slaughtered the Three Thousand Great Daos in the Desolate Age and started the Innocent Age.

It seems that the Profound Nether Old Ancestor almost swallowed Gu Qingfeng.

Thinking of this, Daxing lunatic wondered, could this fellow be the Profound Nether Old Ancestor mentioned by Gu Qingfeng?



Demon Sovereign What about the blood river and the wonderful Tathagata?

I just patronized the suspicion that who is behind the sin of the sky, and after a bit of God’s work, the monk suddenly discovered that Demon Sovereign, the Blood River and the Miao Tathagata, were both missing. There was only Two huge original sin vortex are spinning frantically.

Good guy!

It’s hard to say that Demon Sovereign, Blood River and Miao Tathagata, were swallowed by these two huge original sin vortex?

The Daxing Monk couldn’t believe his eyes, because he found that Buddha’s radiance disappeared at some point, and the darkness of Demon Sovereign didn’t disappear at any time, the whole void. , Except original sin, there is nothing else.


Is this not true?

One of the motherfuckers is the Wonderful Tathagata of the Western Heaven Buddha, and the other is the demonic path hegemonic blood river. If their External Body Incarnation is swallowed by the sky of sin, then the other covets the existence of Allah. , Even more hopeless, including Cyan Deng Old Ancestor and Black Mountain Lord are no exception.

In an instant!

There was a bang, and a beam of light breakthrough vortex, like an Azure Dragon, went straight into the sky.

This beam of light looks like a dark beam, and it also looks like a blood-colored beam.

Along with the blood light pillar of darkness, there was another person.

Is a man.

A black clothed man.

The man’s long hair is dancing wildly, and his clothes are ringing.

People are like lonely peaks that can support both heaven and earth, and they are like swords that penetrate Heaven and Earth.

No one else, but Demon Sovereign Blood River.

After the Demon Sovereign rushed out, the billowing darkness swept across again.

Darkness is crazy darkness, violent darkness, and cruel darkness.

The difference is.

The darkness of this time is more like a river of billowing blood, surging turbulently, and when it appears, it will set off a stormy sea in this sky full of original sin.

The original sin vortex that previously swallowed the Demon Sovereign blood river disappeared. The moment the dark blood beam rushed out, it was washed away and replaced by a huge hole.

This hole is like an abyss, also like a source of darkness, and more like a fountain of blood.


Another explosion sounded, and a sacred Buddha’s radiance rose into the sky, and the original sin vortex that shook was riddled with holes and disappeared.

Along with Buddha’s radiance, there is also a man.

This man wears a crown of five buddhas on his head, a robe, a Relic on his neck, and a rosary in his hand.

There are five Buddha statues carved on the crown of the five Buddhas. They are King Naifudo, King Jiang III, King Jundali, King Great Prestige and Virtue, King Vajra Yaksha, and they are the five Kings of the Buddha!

The robes are covered with sacred scriptures, and each scripture is changing like a Buddha. There are totally 81 Buddhist scriptures, like the legendary 81 Amitabha of Buddha.

There are 36 Relics hanging around their necks, and each one resembles a Vajra Relic with the fire of Nirvana.

There are nine rosary beads in the hand, and each one is like a reincarnation bodhi!

Wear the crowns of the Five Buddhas of the Ming Dynasty.

Wearing Ami robes.

Vajra Relic on the neck.

Hold the bodhi nine prayer beads.

Who is not Miao Tathagata!

Perhaps I was angered, or I am afraid that I would not be able to pass this level if I was not conscious of the truth, and maybe I wanted to test out the master behind the sin.

After the Miao Tathagata rushed out, the incarnation took a big day, soaring into the sky and rising.

The light of the great sun, holy light, shrouds the void, illuminates the original sin, and saves everything.

“The original sin of trifling, but also the delusion to swallow this seat!”

When the wonderful Tathagata stops, the sun rises, and endless Buddha’s radiance blooms.

I saw him bow his head slightly, put his hands together, and recite the scriptures.

In an instant, he, who was originally incarnation, changed again and turned into a golden Buddha.

This giant Buddha holds the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The same as that of the sacred Buddha before Miao Tathagata.

The difference is.

The sacred Buddha is a Buddha image, and it is still a Buddha image with no vitality and eyes closed.


At this moment, the great Buddha turned into by the Miao Tathagata is full of vitality. The boundless Dharma burns like a fire and spreads wildly.

This great Buddha has a face and two arms, a drooping shawl, frowning eyebrows, three eyes open and one closed, and the eyes look straight up and look down, clenching the roots of the teeth, and two corners of the mouth. Two tiger teeth are exposed on the side, and the tip of the tooth is up and down, showing a big angry look.

The blouse is slanted, the skirt is under the skirt, the right hand holds a sword, the left hand is a rope, and the whole body is in the flames of wisdom.

Wearing a crown of five petals on the head, it looks like five Buddhas. All evils

The flames behind my head are like the anger of the sun.

The three eyes are wide open and the right eye looks up, which can restrain the emperor.

Looking down with his left eye, he burned the Dragon Demon and Feitian.

His forehead is flat, and Yaksha and Rakshasa are subdued.

He has his mouth wide open and looks very vicious.

The right hand holds the dragon sword high, holding the Vajra long rope in the left hand, the rope is tied with a hook at one end and a pestle at the other, with the right leg bowed, and the left knee bent on the ground, kneeling on the lotus Moon Wheel throne.

Seeing this Buddha statue, the Daxing Monk couldn’t help being stunned, because he knew that this was not a Buddha image at all, but a motherfucker incarnation, and it was the incarnation of the great day Tathagata!

“Dari Tathagata incarnation! Sure enough, it is in the hands of this bastard! Motherfucker!”

Seeing Miao Tathagata took out Da Ni Tathagata anger incarnation, the monk couldn’t help but curse. , The heart is extremely complicated.

He knows.

The incarnation of Da Ri Tathagata has been kidnapped, and it was kidnapped by Gu Qingfeng.

In order to obliterate Gu Qingfeng’s such a variable, West Heavenly Buddhism Eight Sects invited down the wrathful incarnation of the Great Sun Tathagata. Unfortunately, the Great Sun Tathagata’s wrathful incarnation was completely asleep at that time, and the formidable power was limited. After going out, instead of overtaking Gu Qingfeng, he was kidnapped by Gu Qingfeng.

Later, before Wudao Mountain came in the secular world, Gu Qingfeng returned the great day Tathagata incarnation to Xitian.

Daxing lunatic is worried that the old bald donkeys of Xitian Buddhism will once again use the big day Tathagata incarnation to do some disgusting activities. When Gu Qingfeng returns the big day Tathagata incarnation to Xitian, he will be the first Time to return to the western sky, I am afraid that the big day Tathagata incarnation will once again fall into the hands of the Buddhist Eight Sects.

It’s a pity.

But he was too late when he hurried back to Xitian.

Although the incarnation did not fall into the hands of the Eight Sects of Buddhism, it fell into the hands of Miao Tathagata. Although Miao Tathagata denies it, but the great monk knows that it is incarnation. The incarnation must be in the hands of Miao Tathaya.

Up to this moment, witnessing the Miao Tathagata took out with my own eyes, and the incarnation of the Great Nation Tathagata was also verified, and it was indeed in the hands of Miao Tathagata that the Daxing Monk until now was incarnation.

If the Miao Tathagata is just to invite the great day Tathagata to incarnation, the Daxing monk is not so shocked.

In fact, he can see that the great Tathagata incarnation was not invited by Miao Tathagata at all, but the Miao Tathagata directly turned into a great day Tathagata incarnation.

What does this mean?

It shows that the true body of the Miao Tathagata has been integrated into the origin of the Great Tathagata, or it has occupied the origin of the Great Tathagata, and may even have dominated the origin of the Great Tathagata. If not, it is fundamental Impossible is directly transformed into a big day Tathagata incarnation.

He can be transformed into a big day Tathagata incarnation, there is only one possibility, that is, the big day Tathagata’s incarnation has become his External Body Incarnation!

“motherfucker! Wonderful Tathagata, this bastard!”

The gnashing teeth of the monk, the roots of the teeth itch with envy and jealousy in the heart.

As a Buddha, who doesn’t want to be an Arhat and Bodhi, who doesn’t want to be a Buddha and a King?

The Daxing Monk is no exception. Even though he is lazy and habitual, it does not mean that he does not want to become a Buddha and attain the deity of the King of Ming.

To be honest.

If the West Heaven Buddha Realm West Heaven Buddha turned into a great day Tathagata incarnation, although the Daxing Monk also envied jealousy, he only envied jealousy, and would not hate his teeth.

But this person is a wonderful Tathagata.

If the Miao Tathagata is loyal to Buddhism and Taoism, that’s all, even if the mind is vicious, killing people like scything flax does not matter. But this bastard has great ambitions, and the supreme good fortune of Buddhism can’t satisfy him. Sin invaded, and motherfucker wanted to slaughter the Three Thousand Great Daos in a delusion to aspire to Allah of Original Sin.

This is like, a person who has the heart to become a Buddha, after thousands of calamities, will not be able to become a Buddha, and a demon who eats well every day will eventually become a Buddha.

They all say that they put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha. The problem is that Miao Tathaya has never put down the butcher knife. Not only did the motherfucker never let it go, but also planned to use the butcher knife to kill the Lord Buddha. The Lord Buddha still treated him as always. Nostalgic.

How can people not be angry? Angrily, he didn’t even find a place to reason.

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