Supreme Lord

Chapter 2233

Cang Yan didn’t answer Nalan Qianqiu’s doubts, but Nalan Qianqiu understood what Cang Yan said.

There is no right and wrong in this ridiculous black hole, and it does not matter right and wrong.

Because all this is happening is too chaotic, like a chaos.

Yin is not yin, yang is not yang, light is not light, and darkness is not darkness.

A avenue is not a avenue, Heaven and Earth is not Heaven and Earth, cause and effect is not cause and effect, and destiny is no longer destiny.

It’s messed up.

Everything is messed up.

The chaos turned into a pot of porridge, and all the existence of this chaos above heaven under earth was lost in confusion and hesitated.

No one dares to say that it must be the original sin to destroy Heaven and Earth.

No one dares to say that original sin is the pawn of fate.

No one dares to say that to obliterate the original sin must be rebellion against fate, and no one dares to say that the era of innocence will not start if the original sin is obliterated.

No one dared to say that the things recorded in the book of destiny will happen.

Everything is unknown.

Everything is full of variables.

No one knows the answer.

No one knows.

In this case, the only thing we can do is not forget our original intention and do what we want to do.

Nalan Qianqiu understands.

She also decided to leave in her heart and do what she wanted to do.

Just before leaving, she still wanted to ask a few questions.

“Senior Sister, Little Junior Sister, she…”

“Wu’er is also doing what she wants to do.”

“What about you …”

“We are all the same.”

Cang Yan looked at the boundless vast and boundless ridiculous black hole, faintly said: “In this chaos, the only thing we can do Just do what you want to do.”


Nalan Qianqiu took a deep breath, then spit it out slowly, and said, “Senior Sister, then I… …Go away…”


Nalan Qianqiu performed a bowing ceremony.

This worship, I worship Cangyan’s graciousness of raising to her over the years,

This worship worship Cangyan’s teaching grace to her over the years.

Cang Yan is not her parents, but she is better than her parents, not a Master, but she is better than the Master.

In Nalan Qianqiu’s in mind, Cangyan’s existence far surpasses his parents and Master.

She understands mentally, this difference, I don’t know when she will meet again.

It is still unknown whether we can even see you again.

She is gone.


Cang Yan just watched Nalan Qianqiu leave. On a beautiful and unparalleled face, she looked a little melancholy, and there was a sadness in her eyes, following Nalan Qianqiu’s silhouette More and more blurred, until completely disappeared, she finally couldn’t help closing her eyes, shook the head helplessly.

“You…There is absolutely no need to do this…”


A voice came.

The voice is very gentle, like a spring breeze.

A woman appeared in response.

The woman looks 14-15 years old, wearing a white clothed, her long hair naturally falls behind her, standing barefoot in the turbulence.

This is a very ordinary girl.

Really ordinary.

The ordinary is like a weed on the prairie, the ordinary is like a drop of water in the sea, and the more ordinary is like a dust in the world. So, insignificant, as if after closing her eyes, she can no longer remember her appearance.

That’s how it looks.

The sound is so.

The eyes are so.

People are even more so.

All over the body, even though every strand of hair is as ordinary as it is, it seems to be indistinguishable from the turbulence in this ridiculous black hole.

She is like this turbulent current, flowing and changing, even if she is standing there quietly at this moment, it makes people feel very unreal, like a dream.

If the monk is still there, she will turn her head and run away when she sees this girl.

If Nalan Qianqiu had not left, she would definitely be respectful when she saw this girl.

Because the girl is not someone else.

According to the legend, knowing the past and the future, in charge of the cause and effect of destiny, deduced the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, is the incarnation of cause and effect, the Empress of the messenger of destiny, unknown in ancient times, A woman who knows everything and is regarded as a Spiritual God by All Heavens Myriad Realms.

She appeared out of thin air, as if she were there before, looking at the direction Nalan Qianqiu was leaving, and whispered: “Qianqiu is different from Huaer, and Huaer and this ridiculous black hole and this avenue Heaven The cause and effect of and Earth are too deep, her fate is too complicated, she has to do some things, no one can stop it, but… Qianqiu, you can keep her by your side.”

“What’s the point of staying with me?”

“At least, you can escape this catastrophe, can you?”

“I don’t even dare to say whether I can avoid it. After this catastrophe, even if it was you, wouldn’t it be the case?”

An ancient unnamed said: “So, from the very beginning, you shouldn’t let Qianqiu come in.”

“She is the Immortal Emperor on the Great Avenue, and now is the time to decide the fate of the Great Avenue. How can she hide from this Great Avenue Immortal Emperor?”

“It’s not like what you should say.”

Cangyan opened his eyes, looked at the ancient nameless, and said: “This is not like what you should say.”

“The Cangyan I know, never resigns to fate! “

Cang Yan said: “I understand the ancient namelessness, and never bow to fate.”

In the ancient namelessness view, Cangyan asked Nalan Qianqiu to guard the avenue. Resignation, because Nalan Qianqiu is the Immortal Emperor, the avenue of fate. Guarding the avenue is her accusation and obligation, and it is her destiny.

In Cangyan’s view, when Angu Wuming said that Nalan Qianqiu should not be allowed to enter this deserted ancient black hole, it meant that Angu Wuming had bowed to fate.

The two did not speak any more.

All fell silent.

Cang Yan is an unnamed friend in this world only.


An ancient nameless person is also Cangyan in this world only one friend who can make heart-to-heart.

Cang Yan knows Eternal Namelessness very well, and Eternal Namelessness also knows her.

Because they know each other, they both chose to be silent, because they both knew that what the other party said was the truth.

Although they don’t want to admit it.

After a long time.

An ancient nameless asked: “Are you so resigned?”

At the same time as an ancient nameless, Cang Yan also asked: “Are you just bowing to fate like this? ?”

The two asked each other almost at the same time.

The two looked at each other, smiled at each other, and both shook their heads. They looked a little helpless and a little tired, both revealing endless hesitation and endless confusion.

Cang Yan is.

The ancient nameless is no exception.

Although he knows the past and the future, he is in charge of the cause and effect of fate, and he deduces the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow.


She doesn’t know the past and future of this ridiculous black hole.

Nor can he control the fate of this ridiculous black hole.

In this wild and ancient black hole, she can neither deduce Universe Great Desolate nor clearly understand Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow.

She claims to be causal incarnation, but she does not know what is causal.

She is known as the messenger of fate, but she does not know what fate is.

She thought she knew.


I just thought it.

The more she experienced, she found that she became more and more unaware of cause and effect and destiny.

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