Supreme Lord

Chapter 2234

hong long long ——

There is a loud noise coming from, nothingness and vagueness, true and false, false and true, as if it came from the past, as if it came from the future, and even more like a lonely ancient that has fallen asleep for countless years The gods began to wake up, shocking World’s All Living Things, the Three Thousand Great Daos, and this ridiculous black hole.

I don’t know why.

The loud noise became more and more void, more and more misty, and weaker.

Furthermore, as the loud noise became weaker and weaker, the turbulence that was originally rolling and roaring in the ancient black hole like a stormy sea also calmed down.

Nine huge turbulence vortex originally swallowed all the turbulence crazily, but as the loud noise became weaker and weaker, the speed of rotation became slower and slower.

These nine huge turbulence vortexs don’t know how many turbulences have been swallowed, they have become incomparable gigantic, they look like the Great Desolate Giant Beast, as if they were to swallow the turbulence of this wild black hole. Clean.

Like the endless abyss, it is like Time and Space buried in the ancient era.

Samsara’s Eye, like Samsara’s Eye, seems to lead to the past and present lives of an ancient black hole.

Like the nine gates of time and space, full of mysterious and unknown, it seems to carry the past and future of the barren age.


Ancient Wuming and Cangyan both looked at the nine huge turbulent vortex circling in the desolate ancient black hole. Both of them knew that this was the nine palaces conceived from the desolate ancient black hole.

Buried not only the Time and Space of the barren age, but also the past and present lives of the barren age, and at the same time the past and future of the barren age.

Whether it is an ancient nameless or Cangyan knows that once the ancient black hole conceives the nine palaces, it also means that the ancient era that disappeared that year will recover and reappear.

Once the ancient era recovers, it means that the prelude to determining the fate of Heaven and Earth will begin.

“Finally…is it to start?”

Cang Yan asked, maybe it was a question, more like a mumbling.

“Yes, it’s finally about to begin…”

Anonymous replied, as if he was responding or muttering to himself.

Cang Yan walked into the pavilion, sat down, picked up the wine glass and poured two glasses of wine, and said: “Nine is a variable, meaning is endless, palace is a definite number, meaning returns to one, and the ancient black hole develops the nine palaces. Is the variable large or the fixed number large.”

“The variable is large, the fixed number is also large, everything is unknown.”

Ancient Wuming also sat down, she took a glass of wine, and He did not chant, but looked at the wine in the glass.

“In other words, if the variable is greater than the fixed number in the Nine Palaces, the future destiny will change.”

The ancient nameless glanced at Cangyan, nodded, and said:” It can be understood that way.”

Cang Yan asked: “Is it just understandable?”

The ancient nameless nodded should be, affirmed: “Only understandable.”


“You can’t be sure, can you?”

The ancient nameless is nodded again.

“In other words, the ancient black hole spreading the nine palaces is a battle between variables and definite numbers. If the variables win, the fate is reversible. If the definite numbers win, the destiny is doomed.”

“Cause and effect are after all causation, and no matter how chaotic the cause and effect are, it is the cause and effect.”

“Who do you think has the greater chance of winning? Is it variable or definite?”

Ancient Wuming shook his head slightly, not sure if she didn’t know, or didn’t want to answer this question.

Cang Yan laughed, but did not continue to ask.

There are many definite numbers between Heaven and Earth, and even she herself is one of the definite numbers. Not only she is the case, but everyone who walks on the path of destiny is definite, but these definite numbers are determined by heaven. Rather than destiny, in other words, those who follow the path of destiny do not necessarily obey the destiny.

For example, Cangyan.

She is both Immortal Sovereign and Demon Sovereign. It inherits the imperial power of the Dao Destiny and the Demon Sovereign.

Actually speaking, guarding the avenue is her accusation and obligation, and it is her destiny.


If she doesn’t want to guard the avenue, she doesn’t have to guard it.

As for violating the destiny, Cang Yan doesn’t care at all.

But there are some that are truly definite.

For example, her Little Junior Sister, Su Wei, is not the destiny, but the true destiny. It is the person who accepts the true destiny and should be catered for, and it is this great catastrophe.

Apart from this, as well as Emperor Fusheng, who are also the people who have inherited the true fate of the catastrophe, and should also be the catastrophe of this great road.

There is also the Great Sun Emperor, the Changfeng Great Emperor is almost all the people who have accepted the true fate.

This is the case for fixed numbers.

And there are many variables between Heaven and Earth.

If all those who follow the Great Way of Destiny can be called definite, then all the original sinners can also be called variables.

Some people on the path of destiny may not obey the destiny.

Similarly, the variables of most original sinners can be said to be minimal, and the impact of their changes can also be ignored.

But some variables will affect fate and even change fate.

For example, Nine Nether the Great Emperor Gu Qingfeng.

For example, Emperor Xiaoyao Mo Wentian.

For example, Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang!

All are the big variables of original sin.

There is also a Xitian Buddha Emperor Miao Tathagata, as far as Cangyan knows, he is also a great variable of original sin.

How many definite numbers and variables are there between Heaven and Earth?

Cang Yan didn’t know either.

Don’t say that Cangyan doesn’t know it, even if it’s an ancient nameless person, it’s impossible to say.

Because causality has long been chaotic, no one knows how many definite numbers and variables are born.

There must be a lot of destiny, but there are a lot of original sin variables, especially Holy Land, especially Guixu, Holy Land’s destiny, and Guixu’s original sin variables are probably no less than anyone else. And Heavenly Dao did not show up yet, and Heavenly Dao is probably the biggest fixed number between this Heaven and Earth.

The most troublesome thing for Cangyan is that because of the chaos of cause and effect, some definite numbers that should not be born, some variables that should not be born, and even some existences that are both variables and definite numbers were born.

The wild ancient black hole develops the nine palaces, and the variables are determined.

This battle, who wins and who loses, is really full of too many unknowns.

“If, in this battle, existences other than variables and definite numbers participate…”

Faced with Cangyan’s question, Gu Gu Wuming repeated what he said just now : “Cause and effect are after all causation, no matter how chaotic the cause and effect are still causation, whether variable or definite, or irrelevant existence, as long as you participate, unknown cause and effect will form…”

“In fact, I’ve always wanted to ask you a question.”

“You want to ask me if I will intervene, right?”

Cang Yan looked at the ancient nameless, laughed.

“I don’t know.”

“Based on what I know about you, if you answer that you don’t know, then most likely you will interfere. At least, you won’t be indifferent and won’t go smoothly. Naturally, it will not be resigned to fate, right.”

Ancient Wuming and Cangyan looked at each other, and after a long time did they respond: “Not necessarily.”

“If you make a move Interfering with the antecedent of the Nine Palaces, what will the consequences be?”

“Everything with a cause must have an effect. In an ancient black hole with such a chaotic cause and effect, planting good causes may not necessarily lead to good results, but also possible. You get the consequences.”

The meaning of the ancient nameless, Cangyan understands, if this battle is finally won by a fixed number, even if the ancient nameless shot to help the variable win back, the consequences will be It may not be the consequence of the variable…

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