Supreme Lord

Chapter 2232

There is no sky above the desolate black hole, and there is no earth below. It is as if there is no time, only the endless turbulence is swallowing and fusing each other.

A pavilion looks out of place.

It’s as if it doesn’t belong to this ridiculous black hole. Let the turbulent flow roar, and it will never be able to shake it.

Outside the pavilion.

Nalan Qianqiu, who has been silent, looked at the direction the Daxing Monk was leaving, frowned slightly, as if there was something he didn’t understand. After a while, he asked: “Senior Sister , Do you think the Daxing Monk will really leave the ancient black hole?”

Beside, Cangyan looked at the vast ancient black hole, looking quietly, his eyes a little hesitant and a little blank.

When Nalan Qianqiu’s voice came, she did not even think about it, shook her head slightly, and responded softly: “No.”


Xu did not expect that Cang Yan would answer like this. Nalan Qianqiu was surprised and asked: “Why?”

“He still has a lot of things to do, and there are also in this wild ancient black hole. There are many things waiting for him to do, even more how he has already staked all his own and his future in this ridiculous black hole, how could he leave.”

“Senior Sister, you Did you know that the Daxing Monk would not leave the ancient black hole?”


“Since you already knew it, why did you let him leave?”

“Otherwise, what should I do? Is it really difficult to send him to reincarnation?” A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Cangyan’s mouth, and said: “The monk is not at all as simple as you think. He just makes you feel simple that’s all. With his ability, even if I work hard, I may not be able to send him to reincarnation.”

“Is the Daxing Monk really that powerful?”


“Trust me, Daxing Sister is far stronger than you think, or should be said…far stronger than he thinks.”

“Senior Sister, you mean big Don’t you even know how powerful the monk is?”


Hearing this, Nalan Qianqiu’s brows were furrowed deeper, and his heart became even more puzzled. , Asked: “But Senior Sister, you clearly know that the monk will not leave the ancient black hole, and you said that you can’t send him to reincarnation at all, so what are you doing, just to scare him?”


Cang Yan said: “I met him on this trip not to threaten or scare him, but to make him understand one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Do what he wants to do.”

“Do what he wants to do? What does the monk want to do, and what should I do? Senior Sister, why do I become more confused as I listen.”

Cang Yan not at all answered this question directly, but asked: “Qianqiu, you are here What can I see in the ancient black hole?”

Nalan Qianqiu asked this question a bit unfathomable mystery. She didn’t know why her Big Senior Sister suddenly asked such a strange question.

She looked up at the wild black hole of vast and boundless, and then at the endless turbulence, shook her head, and said: “I can’t see anything.”

“Can’t see That’s right, not only you can’t see, I can’t see either, Nine Nether, Heavenly Paradise, Guixu Ruins, Sacred Domain forbidden area… This above heaven under earth is invisible to all existence, just because nothing can be seen, so, Many people gradually lost their way, began to doubt, began to hesitate, began to be at a loss, and began to hesitate…”

“This is the case with the monk, he bet everything about himself here, but he really came After arriving here, the chaotic situation made him lose his way and even forgot what he always wanted to do.”

“He is so, and you are no exception.”


The perplexed Nalan Qianqiu couldn’t figure out why the monk who was talking about the Daxing monk suddenly pulled himself on him again.

“Qianqiu, I also want you to do what you want to do.”

Nalan Qianqiu said with a bitter smile: “Senior Sister, I don’t even know myself What I want to do, let alone what I should do.”


Cang Yan turned around, stared at her, and asked: “You really don’t know Is it?”


When I touched Cangyan’s dark eyes, Nalan Qianqiu looked like something guilty, not daring to look directly, lowered his head, Choose silence.

It’s not that she doesn’t know what she wants to do or what she should do.

She knows.

Always know.

She is the Empress of the Great Dao who has inherited the destiny of her destiny. She has the responsibility and obligation to guard the Dao. This is what she should do and what she wants to do.

She doesn’t want the Great Road to fall, let alone Heaven and Earth rebirth.

Before this, she had always thought that original sin was the enemy of the Dao, and original sin was the culprit of everything.

Later, she realized that what really wanted to slaughter the Great Dao was not original sin, but fate.

She thought that as long as the original sin was obliterated, the avenue would not fall, and Heaven and Earth would not be reborn.

Later, she realized that if the original sin is obliterated, it is also equivalent to walking the heavens-defying road and rebelling against fate.


Nalan Qianqiu is lost and hesitated.

Just as Cangyan said, she lost her way and began to wonder whether she should continue to guard the avenue.

“Senior Sister, can you tell me whether it is right for me to continue to guard the avenue.”

“You should not ask me this question.”

“Then who do I ask? Ask Tianji Empress?”

“It doesn’t help to ask her, and she can’t answer your question. You should ask yourself.”

” Senior Sister.” Nalan Qianqiu wanted to cry without tears, and said: “I wouldn’t ask you if I knew it.”

“I said, do what you want to do, as long as you want Just do it, it doesn’t matter right and wrong.”


Nalan Qianqiu really didn’t know what to say, and said depressed: “Senior Sister, Can you tell me exactly a few questions!”

“The first question is whether the things recorded in the book of destiny will definitely happen and whether they cannot be changed.”

“The second question is whether fate wants to annihilate the avenue or original sin wants to annihilate the avenue. If fate wants original sin to annihilate the avenue, then what is the meaning of the destiny of our avenue? Fate will never let original sin annihilate the avenue. , On the one hand, let us guard the avenue with these destiny? Isn’t this a contradiction?”

“The third question, is destiny one of the Three Thousand Great Daos, if it is, it will kill the avenue? , Then will destiny also fall?”

“The fourth question, what is the meaning of original sin? Is it to obliterate the avenue, or for obliterate destiny!”

Nalan Qianqiu asked all the doubts in her heart in one breath. This is the answer she has always wanted to know.

It’s just that when she asked these questions, Cangyan closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. There was a sad expression in her expression. After a long time, she smiled inexplicably. , The smile is weird.

“Senior Sister, what are you laughing at?”

“Qianqiu, do you know? These questions you ask me, I have also asked Eternal Sister seriously.”

“How did the Tianji Empress answer?”

“She told me very seriously, if possible, she would like to know the answers to these questions more than I do.”

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