Supreme Lord

Chapter 2208

“What? Are you kidding?”

The Daxing monk was almost furious. He grabbed Gu Qingfeng by the collar and blushed and shouted: “Gu boy, you know I don’t know that some jokes can be made randomly, and some jokes can’t be made randomly, otherwise it will cause big trouble!”

“Is there such an exaggeration? There are only you and me, what can be a big problem? ?”

“You brat don’t know this above heaven under earth. Many beings have been staring at you in secret? Some beings may be sensed, but some beings cannot be sensed. It doesn’t mean they don’t exist, understand?”

“Don’t understand!”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said, “Even if they hear it? Why? Are you afraid of them Are you an old clansman?”

“Nonsense! If they really treat Lao Na as an old clansman, this will be a big trouble.”

“Master still doesn’t understand, so what? Big trouble? What’s the trouble?”

“What’s the trouble? If they really regard Lao Na as an ancient clansman, you will be the first to die, believing or not?”

“I said Daxing, I don’t know much about you, don’t tell me, you are an old clansman, what does it have to do with your master?”

“Is you brat really stupid or is it with Lao Na?” Pretending to be stupid, Lao Na said just now that there are many terrifying entities that have been staring at you. Although they hope you will ask the Lord of Original Sin and obliterate your destiny, but at the same time, because you brat is a variable, beware of you and fear you. brat turned to destiny. If they mistakenly think that Lao Na is an ancient clansman, they will definitely doubt whether you brat has turned to destiny.”

“putting it that way…the destiny is really ancient behind Clansman.”

“Lao Na, I…” Hearing Gu Qingfeng’s words, the Daxing Monk realized that he had been fooled. When he was fooled by Gu Qingfeng, he was confused.

However, he didn’t explain at all, he just warned himself that he must be careful when speaking.

Daxing monk is not a fool, he naturally knows that Gu Qingfeng has been using his own words, whether it is openly or secretly, and what Gu Qingfeng said is true and false, true or false, He was very tricky and told him not to answer no, nor answer no. He was fooled if he answered, and he was fooled if he didn’t answer.


Gu Qingfeng is indeed using the words of a monk.

The words he asked were fictitious and true, true or false, which made the Daxing monk a headache, and the reaction of the Daxing monk was also true and false, which also made him very headache.

Gu Qingfeng knows that the monk must know a lot of secrets, but this old bald donkey has been hiding and pretending to be stupid and reluctant to speak. He couldn’t tell whether it was true or false.

“Gu boy.”

Sighed then said, Daxing monk looked very tired, as if very sad and said: “Old Na is tired, too I don’t want to play this kind of mutual guessing trick with you anymore, and you don’t want to try to repeat what Lao Na said. Let me tell you the truth. Lao Na does know a lot of things, and there are things that Lao Na can tell you almost. What can’t be said is half true and half false, and Lao Na really can’t say the rest.”

didn’t expect Daxing monk will suddenly say this remark, which is much Something beyond Gu Qingfeng’s expectations, he asked: “Why can’t you say it?”

“Lao Na has already said very clearly. Once something is said, it will cause big troubles. It is not an exaggeration to say , If Lao Na really tells you all of the things, today we will have to peel off the skin if we are not dead, and turmoil will also occur in the ancient black hole.”

took a deep breath. Spit out slowly, saying: “This is just the second thing. The most important thing is that your existence is too important and too special. Your every move, even a single thought, may affect the change of the situation. Lao Na is following you, but always Don’t be afraid.”

“Also, Lao Na has committed an irreparable mistake by turning you into a deserted black hole. If Lao Na says too much to you, it affects your decision. This is a consequence. I can’t afford it, really!”

“You brat should be the poor old Na. Don’t play with Lao Na. You can’t afford it.”

Big When the monk said these things, his expression was very serious and his expression was very serious. Even expressions were all sincere.

However, Gu Qingfeng does not believe it.

At least, I won’t believe it all.

The old bald donkey, the Daxing Monk, played too deeply. Gu Qingfeng wondered if he believed the Daxing Monk, when the time comes, he might not even know how to die.

Of course.

He didn’t show it either. Instead, he cooperated with the Daxing Monk, patted his shoulder to signal his understanding, and then said: “Okay, I won’t ask about other things, but …I don’t understand. Since you’re afraid of this, what are you doing with me?”

“Lao Na said, turning you into an ancient black hole, Lao Na has committed an irreversible It’s wrong, and it’s the kind of big mistake that caused anger and anger.”

“You mean, follow the Lord to make up for the mistake?”

“Make up for a fart, if you can make up Is it an irreparable mistake?”

“In that case, why are you following the Lord!”

Fiercely shook his head and said “Let’s be honest, Lao Na doesn’t know what to do with you brat, really! Lao Na really doesn’t know, absolutely not that I don’t want to say it, nor is it afraid to say, but I really don’t know, except for following you brat. Besides, there is no other place to go, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Then it’s not a problem that your motherfucker always follows me.”

“Guy boy , You are too unconscionable to say this, Lao Na is following you, and nothing hinders you.”

“You didn’t hinder the Lord, but the Lord sees you not pleasing to your eyes. Seeing the upset, especially your old bald donkey hiding that energy, I really want to slap in the flace and slap you.”

“Old Na, it’s not impossible, there are some things. I really can’t tell you that if you say it, you will cause a big mess immediately.” When the conversation turned, the monk came over and chuckled: “Of course, there are some things that can’t be said, and some things can still be said a little bit. “For example?”

“For example, what Old Demon said to you brat.”

“What Old Demon said What’s wrong with those words?”

“What’s wrong? You brat shouldn’t you be naive to think that Ancestor of the Blood River asked Old Demon to come forward just to kill the three-eyed demon and take back the Nine Nether banner, right? Old Demon is so polite to you brat, salutes and pays courtesy, you really think people are aiming at you brat, who was formerly the name of Emperor Nether.”


“Tell you, boy, the white bone Old Demon is to visit you on the surface, but in fact, people worship those who are staring at you secretly.”

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