Supreme Lord

Chapter 2209

“So what?”

“What’s the reason?”

“I asked the bones of Old Demon what is the intention of visiting other people? What is the purpose?”

“Are you brat pretending to be stupid or really stupid, I can’t tell you?”

“Tell me.”

“Old Demon of the bones will visit you The purpose of other people’s eyes is no longer obvious. He just wants to tell everyone that he is bone Old Demon, no! To be precise, the Ancestor of the Blood River behind him is on the side of you brat, not on the side of you brat. On your side, you stand on the side of original sin, hoping that you brat will ask the Lord of original sin, thus ending the present and the ancient, opening the era of innocence, and completely obliterating destiny!”

“It’s that simple?”

Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly and asked: “If it’s that simple, there is no need for Ancestor of the Blood River to do this.”

“Nonsense, of course it won’t be that simple.”

The Daxing Monk explained: “Lao Na just said that most of the existences who oppose fate may have died in ancient times. With since ancient times, the minions of fate have been chasing and killing those who oppose fate. Existence, even today, although there are still some existences that oppose fate, they are all hidden deeply.”

“Now Ancestor of the Blood River is the first to stand up, Yi Lao Na What he saw was that, firstly, he wanted to tell other existences who opposed fate that the time had come and it was time to stand up. Secondly, he naturally wanted to take this opportunity to tell destiny’s minions, letting them know that they wanted to obliterate the original sin. First pass their level. Third, I want to tell you brat to let you know that you are not alone.”



When the bones of Old Demon visited him, Gu Qingfeng also knew that things were not so simple. There must be some purpose hidden behind them, and it must be related to the fate of original sin.

It’s just the Two Great Factions of original sin and destiny. He hasn’t understood until now, and he doesn’t know what the original sin camp exists, and what the destiny camp exists.

Under inquiry, the Daxing Monk also scratched his head on this matter, saying: “Gu boy, don’t say you don’t understand, and Lao Na also doesn’t understand, and the water inside is deep and extremely complicated. It’s not a sentence or two that can be said clearly.”

The monk took off the hat from his head, touched his bald head, and continued: “Who is the minion of fate? It’s really hard to say, but according to the news that Lao Na has received, most of the bastards of immortal dao are fate’s minions. For example, the gang of Emperor Tairi and the gang of Emperor Xitian are all his mothers. The minions of destiny.”

“As for 36 Dongtian seventy two blessed land, what do these people say, say they are the minions of fate, they also cultivate people of original sin secretly, say they oppose fate, they I wear a pair of trousers with my destiny. To put it simply, the 36 holes seventy two blessed land belongs to the kind of two-faced sect. They are all prepared with two hands. Whether it is the obliteration of fate or the obliteration of original sin, they have strategies to deal with. “

Sighed then said, Da Xing Lian Seng said: “Actually, Lao Na can also understand them. After all, no one wants their own destiny to be dominated by others, and they all hope to control their destiny. In the hands, it’s a pity that the existence behind the destiny is too powerful, like a god, in order to be able to inherit, they can only follow the arrangements of the destiny.”

“You brat, don’t think that they are all watching the excitement. , Heavenly Paradise’s group of goods are now observing the situation. Once they find that fate has the upper hand, they will tend to fate, at all costs obliterate you.”

“By the way, if you brat have the upper hand, Or if original sin has the upper hand, they might also help original sin obliterate destiny.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded gestured, and then asked: “The Heavenly Paradise you said to prepare with two hands, I understand. However, what are the existences like Emperor Tairi Yao and the Emperor Miao Tathagata in the West, they are willing to be dominated by others?”


Daxing The monk’s head shook like a rattle, saying: “If their fate recovers, their fate will not be dominated by others. On the contrary, they will surely dominate the fate of others.”

” Behind it is the ancient clansman. If the fate really recovers, then the ancient clansman will dominate the world’s All Living Things. The total impossible turn of the Emperor Yao and the Buddha of the West? Unless they themselves are the ancient clansman . “

“Neither Emperor Tairi Yao nor Emperor Xitian are not ancient clansman. “

“This is not enough. In the end, their destiny is not in the palm of the ancient clansman. “

“Their fate may be in the palm of the ancient clansman, but in addition to the ancient clansman, the Great Sun Emperor and the Western Heaven Buddha are in control of the fate of the Three Thousand Great Daos, and Lao Na can tell you for sure, Even if the fate really recovers, the ancient clansman will only be behind. When the time comes, Emperor Tairi and Buddha of Xitian may really become God! “

“So these two guys want to be the God of everything?” “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “For this God, would you rather own your destiny in the hands of the ancient clansman? “

“Everyone has his own ambitions, you brat still want to hug beautiful women and drink fine wine all day, so that no one is allowed to be God? People have to do something to live, some people want to be famous, some people want to benefit, some want to inherit from generation to generation, and some want to be respected by the world, even more how is the God who rules the destiny of all things, if there is an opportunity, who doesn’t want to be God once? You don’t want to be stumped? “

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, noncommittal.

“Furthermore, no matter the Emperor Tairi or the Buddha of the West, no one is a fool. On the contrary, a comparison A spirit bubbling, people stand tall and see far, maybe it is not impossible to see the future, and… to be honest, if I were them, Lao Na would also choose to stand by fate. “

“After all, fate has a better chance of winning, and there are more existences on the side of fate. It is not that Lao Na deliberately poured cold water on you, but the current situation is like this, no matter how you look at original sin obliterating fate The hope is not too great, even though you brat is a variable… but…”

Speaking, the monk sighed again and again.

“The most important thing is fate. Behind those old clansman, you brat don’t know how terrifying those old clansman are, right? “

“More terrifying? “

“The ancestors of the great avenues of the ancient times have all fallen. If you think about it with your toes, you should also know how terrifying the ancient clansman is. If there is a god between this Heaven and Earth, the ancient clansman is God is the God who rules all living things in World’s All Living Things. “

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