Supreme Lord

Chapter 2207

“Daxing, having said so much, how did you plan?”

“What do you plan?”

“Master meant to ask you, standing Fate is still on the side of original sin.”

Faced with Gu Qingfeng’s question, fiercely shook his head and responded: “Lao Na is neither on fate, nor I won’t stand on the side of original sin.”

“Why, do you plan to remain neutral and just watch the fun?”


Daxing Dian Seng said: “Although Lao Na sometimes likes to gamble, but this variable is too big, Lao Na dare not gamble.”

“You have no confidence in your master?”

“hehe!” Daxing monk said resolutely: “Gu boy, Lao Na asks you, do you have confidence in yourself?”

“Nonsense! Of course I have confidence in myself!”

“I bah! You have the confidence to be a fart!” The monk looked at Gu Qingfeng with contempt, and said: “Lao Na has been with you brat these days, you can see it, you brat from The very beginning didn’t take this matter seriously. I’ve been taking a look at it all the time, wandering around like a headless fly like his mother, you brat don’t look at when it’s the mother now.”

“I said Daxing, it’s boring for you to say that? Yeah, I did take one step at a time, but isn’t this your master? You said that the situation is not clear now, so please be careful. Be cautious, you must figure out the whole thing before you make a decision. That’s what you said, and the Lord did the same. Why are you now complaining about the Lord again.”

“Yes! Old Na admits You brat be careful, but you… are too careful and too cautious? No! you brat is not careful at all, you fucking do as one pleases completely, just let it go, you don’t care about it at all , With you, you look like a lively person, but Lao Na is more like the destined son of original sin.”

The Daxing monk seemed very disappointed with Gu Qingfeng, and opened a jar of fine wine. After a few mouthfuls, he said: “Don’t hide from you brat, Lao Na from the very beginning really wants to stand on your side, and hope that you brat can aspire to Allah of the Original Sin, thereby obliterating destiny, but motherfucker walks down this road, and you call Lao Na more and more Disappointed, Lao Na is less and less confident in you.”

“Oh! Finally willing to tell the truth?”

“What does it mean to finally be willing to tell the truth, Lao Na is to you Brat has always been honest, okay?”

“Still honest?”

I heard Daxing When the monk said this, Gu Qingfeng didn’t even bother to ridicule, and said: “I knew that your old bald donkey abducted him into this ridiculous black hole was not well-intentioned. It seems that this is really the case. “

paused, he asked again: “Daxing, you can honestly tell the Lord, did you give him a set as early as the Heaven’s Line forbidden meeting? The prophet Buddha in the domain, you know that the Lord can guess that the prophet Buddha is the big master, and it is expected that Lord Ding will definitely go to the Thousand Chance Universe to look for it, and then let your discipline wait for the Lord in the Thousand Chance Universe, and deceive him through the Transmission Array Enter the space of your Zen Sect, and then step by step in the name of protecting the remains of Zen Sect to trick him into this wild black hole. “

“Heaven and Earth conscience! Gu boy, you can drink alcohol, but you can’t talk nonsense. Lao Na has always been straightforward and upright, and absolutely can’t do such a dirty work…”

“You got it! Master is too lazy to listen to your nonsense, just tell me a little, why do you want to obliterate fate? “

“What and why, didn’t Lao Na just say it?” Destiny is not a person, but a law. Whoever rules the destiny will dominate World’s All Living Things. For all living beings, Lao Na doesn’t want his destiny to be dominated by others. “

Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: “Since ancient times, this All Heavens Myriad Realms, who wants to control the fate?” Who can control the fate? “

“This…Old Na doesn’t know. “

“I don’t know or don’t want to say it? “

“Lao Na really doesn’t know. “

Gu Qingfeng not at all gave up and continued to ask: “Are these ancient clansman?” “

“This…” Perhaps the monk didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to mention the ancient clansman suddenly. He couldn’t help but startled his heart, staring at Gu Qingfeng, his eyes dodge a little, first he shook Shaking his head, nodded, sighed then said, “Perhaps, Lao Na really doesn’t know. “

Despite repeated denials by the Daxing Monk, Gu Qingfeng almost has an answer in his heart.

To this day, he still clearly remembers the moment of fusion after the Lone Star Tears. , An inexplicable voice appeared in his mind, and that voice told him that the ancient clansman had been looking for him, and told him to be careful of the ancient clansman, let alone trust the ancient clansman.

, I remember hearing you say… The ancient nameless seems to be the ancient clansman, right? “

“Gu, Gu boy! Lao Na never said such a thing! Don’t talk nonsense! “

“That’s not right. Lord, although I have a bad memory, I still remember some words clearly. You not only said that the ancient nameless is the ancient clansman, but also that the mysterious witch Empress is also the ancient clansman. . “

“Lao Na is just skeptical, but didn’t say that they must be…”

“Does doubts have a basis? You old bald donkey impossible to doubt people for no reason, right? “

“Old Na thought about it, and just casually said, you brat don’t take it seriously. “

“You said…what kind of existence is the ancient clansman? “

“This… how can old Na know.” “

“This master is even more puzzled. You don’t even know what the ancient clansman is. Why do you suspect that the ancient nameless and witch Empress is the ancient clansman?” “

“Lao Na… Didn’t Lao Na say that it was a fool! “

Gu Qingfeng looked at the Daxing Monk, and the Daxing Monk was uncomfortable with his eyes. He coughed twice and said: “I said Gu, you fucking don’t be so suspicious. Is it good or not, it’s hard to believe that Lao Na? Can Lao Na lie to you? “

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: “This is not good. “

“I said Gu, you are too conscientious, right? Lao Na…”

Not waiting for the monk to finish, Gu Qingfeng interrupted him directly and asked: “Are you an ancient clansman? “

Gu Qingfeng’s sudden and indifferent question really stunned the great monk, making him dumbstruck in place, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses and said “You brat…”

For some unknown reason, Da Xing’s voice became a bit hoarse and sharp, so he quickly coughed twice and said, “You brat… How can you suspect that Lao Na is Ancient clansman? I fucking… how could I fucking be an old clansman? I’m fucking…”

Gu Qingfeng patted the shoulder of the monk, lightly said with a smile: “Say slowly, don’t be nervous. “

“Tense? When did Lao Na get nervous? Which eye do you see when Lao Na is nervous? Lao Na is very calm, OK…”

“Daxing, I know that you are not an old clansman. It was just a joke just now, don’t mind, let’s talk about it, even if you are an old clansman, what? Yes, I don’t care about it. “

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