Supreme Lord

Chapter 2170

“Do you think about it carefully?”

“You mean that when I lit the fire of original sin karma, cause and effect thought I was dead, so I became pregnant again in the small secret world of quicksand A new Allah of Original Sin, is it?”

“Yes, that’s it!”

“I remember you said, Jun Xuanji, Eternal Unknown, and Wuyou Empress has appeared in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, and even fought, why did they do it?”

“This…I don’t know anymore. When I broke into the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, I only saw a mess everywhere, and people had already finished fighting. I don’t know why they did it. I don’t even know who they did it with. There are not only Jun Xuanji, Eternal Nameless, Wuyou Empress, and some mysterious persons in the Secret Realm of Quicksand. I don’t know who they are.”

“I guess, the reason for their action may be It is because of the newly-born Allah of Original Sin. Perhaps some people want to obliterate the new Allah of Original Sin, and some want to protect the new Allah of Original Sin.”

“Who wants to protect the newly born Allah of Original Sin? Who else? Want to obliterate the Allah of Original Sin?”

“Isn’t it obvious! Causality conceives a new Allah of Original Sin to get rid of original sin. Those who want to get rid of original sin will definitely protect The Allah of Original Sin waits until he truly aspires to Allah of Original Sin. For example, there is no name in the past, and people are the incarnation of fate. She definitely wants to get rid of original sin. If she takes action, it must be to protect the Allah.”

“What do you mean… Jun Xuanji or Wuyou Empress did they act to obliterate the Allah of Original Sin?”

“Not good, shouldn’t they?”


“Is this wrong? Why did they obliterate the Allah of Original Sin? In order not to let the fate of cause and effect get rid of Original Sin? What good is this for them? I don’t understand other people, but Jun Xuanji and Wuyou Empress Both of them are deeply trapped in Sea of ​​Bitterness, and they are both lost. The root of the loss is original sin. They want to get rid of original sin more than anyone? There is no reason to protect the original sin!”


The Daxing Monk scratched his head, he didn’t understand, and said: “Anyway, some people don’t want the newly born God of Original Sin to die, and that person is definitely beyond imagination.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because as far as I know, the newly born God of Sin in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand is not at all dead.” Taking off the torn hat on his head, frowns said, “Wait, this is not right. If the newly born Allah of Original Sin is not dead, who is the destined Allah of Original Sin? Is it you? Or he? This motherfuc ker is getting messy! “

The Daxing monk thought things were becoming clearer, but now they feel that things are becoming more and more complicated, like a mass of paste.

“Daxing, you How did you know that a new God of Original Sin was born in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand? “

“I heard about it. “

“Who told you?” “

The Daxing Monk hesitated, and said: “Don’t care who I am listening to. Anyway, the source of the information is reliable. “

“Then how can you be sure that the newly born Allah of Original Sin must be alive? “


The monk looks very tangled, scratching his bald head, and then he seems to have made a big decision, choking. Holding his throat, he said, “Gu boy, how much do you know about that guy? “

“Who are you talking about?” Bai Chou? “

“Yes, it was her. “

“I don’t know much, I only know that her name is Bai Chou. It is said that many people of original sin were conceived in the secular world, but most of them were obliterated by Wuyou Empress. Only me and Bai Chou Survived. “

“Who did you hear about this?” “

“She said it herself. “

“Do you believe what she said herself?” “

“I’ve never believed it, it’s so good, why did you suddenly mention Bai Chou? “Gu Qingfeng thought about it again, and suddenly stopped, looking at the monk in astonishment, and said: “Don’t you say that the God of Original Sin born in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand was Bai Chou?” “

“I just suspect it is her, not sure. “

“What is the basis for suspicion?” “

“Don’t you think that the presence of that servant is very mysterious?” “

” Because of this? “

“It stands to reason that the servant should be the variable of original sin just like you, but can you feel the original sin in her?” Can’t feel it, not even a bit. “

“I remember she said…It was because the white cloth on her body sealed the original sin, as if the white cloth was given to her in an unnamed age. “

“You believe me? “

“She said whether she believed it or not. How do I know the truth? “

“No matter what she says is true or false, you brat have to be careful. If it’s false, it’s all. If it’s true, you should be more careful. “

“What do you say? “

“Let’s boldly speculate, if… I mean, if Bai Chou is really the Lord of Sin who was born in the Secret Realm of Quicksand, and then you brat and unfathomable mystery came alive, this There are two Allahs of Original Sin in one go, right? Both of you are the deepest original sin and the biggest variable. One variable is messy enough. With two variables, it will only be messier, and the variables will be bigger. The bigger the variable, the harder the conspiracy of cause and effect will succeed. “

“So, cause and effect will never allow the two variables of original sin to exist at the same time. I wondered that in the small secret world of Quicksand, Bai Chou must have been taken away by the ancient unknown person. I heard that you brat live. After coming here, Eternal Wuming used that white cloth to seal Bai Chou’s original sin. Wouldn’t this leave you with the original sin variable? “

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and pondered for a while, don’t say it, think about it carefully, the words of the big monk really mean motherfucker.

“According to what you said , Why didn’t you kill her directly? Wouldn’t it be more direct to kill her? “

“Do you think the destined original sin Allah is so easy to kill?” It must be impossible to kill, because the ancient unknown was sealed with that white cloth. “

“Bai Chou just let the ancient nameless seal the original sin?” “

“Maybe someone has negotiated, negotiated terms, or reached an agreement. It’s you. If you have no name to negotiate terms with you, as long as you brat agree to seal the original sin, You don’t have to be the Allah of Original Sin. Since you don’t have to be Allah of Original Sin, you won’t die. You brat stumped and didn’t agree? “

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng took a look at the monk, and said seriously: “Daxing, you old bald donkey sometimes really motherfucker is like a god stick, talk about this It is a set of sets. “

“What do you mean, do you suspect that I am fooling you?” “

Gu Qingfeng has never believed what Daxing monk said, never, because he always felt that Daxing this old bald donkey must be playing some selfish calculations.


Speaking again, even though he doesn’t believe what the monk said, but sometimes he has to admit that what the old bald donkey said is reasonable, at least, Gu Qingfeng can’t find it. To the reason for the rebuttal.

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