Supreme Lord

Chapter 2171


Gu Qingfeng was looking for the well in the memory of the Sun Valley, while chatting with the Daxing Monk, and said, “I didn’t know what happened just now. Suddenly I found something very interesting.”

The Daxing monk grinned and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“You look like an old bald donkey I’ve always been implying that I’m the destined God of Original Sin, no! It’s not just a hint, it’s more like always persuading me to believe that I’m the destined God of Original Sin, and no matter what happens, you fucking seem to be able to talk at the end On this matter.”


Gu Qingfeng’s words are like stepping on the tail of a monk, the angry monk is furious Endlessly, he yelled: “Do you brat have a conscience, Lao Tzu is kind to you, your motherfucker suspects Lao Tzu is fooling you?”

“Then you are talking about it, why do you keep suggesting that I am destined Allah of Original Sin?”

“What is Lao Tzu suggesting you? When did Lao Tzu suggest you? Lao Tzu is just analyzing it for you, let you brat be careful, don’t motherfucker caught in other people’s traps and don’t know how What’s going on.”

“It’s true, but why do I always feel that your old bald donkey has no good intentions? I’ve been pouring ecstasy soup for Laozi, and I am confused all day long. Yes, I am increasingly suspicious that I am really the destined God of Original Sin!”

“I have no conscience! I am really unconscience!”

Daxing’s monk beats his chest and feet. , Pointed at Gu Qingfeng and yelled at him for having no conscience, and angrily said: “I have always been brat for you, okay, your motherfucker doesn’t appreciate me, and motherfucker suspects Laozi. It’s really unconscionable, and you brat don’t want to think about it. What do you do for Lao Tzu to fool you? Implying that you are the Allah of Original Sin, is there any benefit to Lao Tzu?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said: “It’s also, it doesn’t seem to be good for you!”


“Nonsense! It’s definitely no good, what’s the matter, do you still suspect that Lao Tzu and Ji Gu Wuming wear a pair of pants? If I wear a pair of pants with Ji Gu Wuming, I need to remind you that brat is the destined God of original sin Waiting for you brat to ask the Lord of Original Sin, I just stand by and watch, when the time comes, just look at the excitement. Will you talk so much nonsense to you brat here?”

“The problem lies here, you say I’m not your father, what do you do to me so nicely?”

“Oh, your surname is ancient bastard! I am wrong with you?”

” I’m not saying it’s wrong, I just have some Can’t understand. “

“Good! Now that you brat said so, then I will break with you! Lao Tzu said that you fucking came to the ancient black hole was brought in by Lao Tzu. Although Lao Tzu didn’t want to, it has become a fact. In other words, there is cause and effect between you and Lao Tzu. To put it bluntly, you brat is here. Everything done in the ancient black hole will have an impact on Lao Tzu. If you brat die here, Lao Tzu will not survive. Lao Tzu saves you to save Lao Tzu himself. Your motherfucker really thinks Lao Tzu is idle pain in the balls? In your words, you are not Lao Tzu’s father, why do I worry about your safety, and motherfucker is not for Lao Tzu’s own life! If it weren’t for Lao Tzu’s carelessness, tied to the cause and effect of you brat, I wouldn’t bother to care about your life and death! “

Gu Qingfeng squinted said with a smile: “It’s not just that, right?” “

“What’s more? That’s it! “

“Daxing, tell me honestly, are you still typing some selfish calculations?” Don’t worry, even if you say it, I won’t blame you. “

“What selfish calculations! I just said perfectly clear, saving you brat is also to save I myself, apart from this, nothing else! “

“Is there really no other selfish calculations?” For example, use me to do some activities. In fact, our friendship is so good. As long as you speak, I will definitely help. For example, the remains of your Zen Sect. Don’t worry. If you need help when the time comes, you will definitely be unconditional. help. “

“Yes! I really want to ask you to help me to protect the remains of our Zen Sect, but there is nothing else besides these! “

“Really not? “

The head of the monk shook like a rattle, resolutely said: “No! Absolutely not! If so, there will be thunder and thunder! Besides, you brat has said so clearly just now. If I really need your help, I will definitely speak, and still need to use you? Unfortunately, you brat can really tell, what can I do with you! “

Gu Qingfeng patted the shoulder of the monk, lightly said with a smile: “It’s just a joke, don’t take it seriously. “

“Your joke is not funny at all, I wonder, why would you suspect Lao Tzu to use you, tell me what I can do with you brat? To put it bluntly, you brat is now powerless to defend himself. It is unknown whether you can leave this ridiculous black hole alive. What do you think I can use you? “

“Come down, Lord, I’m not just kidding!” “

Although Gu Qingfeng said so, his inner suspicion about the monk not at all diminished. He always felt that the monk must have another plan, and he must have some selfish calculations. Hey, what kind of selfish calculations he did, the monk doesn’t admit it, and he can’t guess it.

This old bald donkey has always been unprofitable, and always likes to hide it. , Especially good at pretending to be confused, and definitely a deep and unmeasurable master.

Don’t look at the old bald donkey, the monk, who is harmless to humans and animals, solemnly vowed. What his own life is closely related to him.

These words are okay to listen to, don’t take it seriously.

What else did he do in the ancient black hole have caused him Impression, what cause and effect.

These may be true.

But the monk must know beforehand that he will definitely not lure himself into the ancient black hole like he said. I realized the problem of causality. This old bald donkey was impossible to know beforehand. Even Gu Qingfeng suspected that he might have jumped into the pit dug by the monk after leaving Lingluo Tianyu.

He still remembers When I met the Daxing Monk in the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line, the Daxing Monk deliberately revealed that a prophet of Buddhism and Taoism had appeared in the Thousand Chance Domain. The old bald donkey must have known that he would definitely guess that the Buddhism and Taoism prophet was the doctor. And he is expected to go to Thousand Chance Sky to find a doctor, so this old bald donkey has dug a hole in Thousand Chance Sky a long time ago, and let his discipline wait for him there, so as to lure himself into it and lie about what he needs. Help protect the ruins of Zen Sect.

As a result, when we got there, the ruins of Zen Sect disappeared, and then fell into an ancient black hole.

These things seem like accidents at first glance, and everything is reasonable. The problem is that it is too reasonable. Reasonable is the same as well-arranged. It is estimated that it is most likely to be an illusion created by the old bald ass, the monk, in order to make these carefully arranged things look like reasonable accidents. Happened.

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