Supreme Lord

Chapter 2169

“Is this really the Valley of the Sunken Sun?”

“Are you…unbelievable or unacceptable?”

I have to say, Bai Chou’s words are completely Gu In Qingfeng’s heart, he neither dare to believe it nor accept it.

It doesn’t feel so real, it feels like a dream.

He never thought that the mysterious Sun Valley would be a wild ancient vestige.

What I didn’t even expect was that in this wild black hole, I would once again come to the Valley of the Sun.

He always feels something is wrong.

But what’s wrong can’t be said for a while.

Remembering what Bai Chou said just now, Gu Qingfeng asked again: “How did you know that I will come here?”

“There is a providence in the dark, you Both of me belong to this place. We are both born because of this. Karma has long been doomed. Whatever should come will come…no one can hide.”

“Causality…is also cause and effect.”

Gu Qingfeng has a headache when he hears the word cause and effect. This thing is too illusory, invisible and intangible, but it feels everywhere, cutting constantly, unable to avoid, unable to escape.

“I thought you were a variable, and the biggest variable, the root of all wrong causality. You can avoid causality, at least not among causality.” Bai Chou muttered, staring at the valley of the sunken sun. Said: “When you came here, I finally understood something that has puzzled me for a long time.”

“What is it?”

“Wrong cause and effect is also cause and effect , Even if the variable is the biggest, no matter how deep the original sin is, it will not jump out of cause and effect.”

Besides, when the monk heard this, his face changed slightly, as if he realized something, and looked up. He gave Gu Qingfeng a glance, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

And Gu Qingfeng whispered to Bai Chou’s words, as if he had some enlightenment and was silent in thought.

“Guy boy, don’t be too long-winded, I think what she said may be true. No matter how wrong the cause and effect are, it is also cause and effect. After all, you can’t jump out of the law of cause and effect.”

In the end, the monk did not live in Annai, and said: “In other words, you brat most likely may really be the destined God of Original Sin, and once you brat is destined… then it means everything from the very Beginning is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to obliterate you and completely get rid of the original sin.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head.

He is not denying the monk.


Gu Qingfeng can think of this even if he doesn’t say anything about it.

Especially Bai Chou said that no matter how wrong the cause and effect are, it is also cause and effect. After all, the law of cause and effect cannot be jumped out. If all this is true, then the things the monk said may become reality. It means the destined original sin Allah, from the very beginning is a conspiracy to get rid of original sin.

The question is, who is the destined God for the original sin?

Are you really yourself?

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t think so.

He has always felt in his heart that Little Jin’er is the destined God of Original Sin.

He believes in his own feelings, even if all the signs show that he is the destined God of Original Sin.

He never doubted how he felt.

Even now, it is no exception.

But if Little Jin’er is the destined God of Original Sin, why do all the signs show that he is the destined God of Original Sin?

I still say that I feel wrong. Little Jin’er is not the destined God of Original Sin, he is.

I don’t know.

As the more experienced, Gu Qingfeng became more and more confused.

After a long time.

“If I remember correctly, there seems to be a well in the Canopy Valley.”

“You are looking for Wuyou Empress, right?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded.

He still clearly remembers that a drop of blood of the original sin floated out of a well in the Valley of the Sun, and the sleeping Wuyou Empress was also lying in the hole, but he did not know the Valley of the Sun. Is there any hole in it? Wuyou Empress is not there yet.

For this.

Bai Chou just slightly shook his head not at all to answer, I don’t know if I don’t want to answer, or she doesn’t know.

Gu Qingfeng not at all stayed for too long, but went to look for that well.

Because he really has too many doubts in his heart to find answers, he may not know whether Wuyou Empress can answer his own doubts, but one thing is certain, all this is related to that Wuyou Empress related.

“Gu boy, I think we should leave this place.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You brat really intends to find Wuyou Empress Huh?”

Gu Qingfeng heard that the monk has hidden meaning, and asked: “What do you mean, just say it.”

“I just remembered something Come on, do you brat remember the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand?”

When I heard the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, Gu Qingfeng suddenly startled. Of course, he remembers the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, he ignited the original sin in Wudao Mountain. Karma Huo, awakened in the Secret Realm of Quicksand after ten thousand years of sleep.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng also remembered one thing.

He has always wondered why he would wake up in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand. Later, he knew from the Daxing Monk that after lighting the fire of original sin karma in Wudao Mountain, he was unknown Xuanji, including Wuyou Empress, have all been to the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand. The monk said that after lighting the original sin karma fire, it seemed that the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand had another original sin variable. As for why he would wake up in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand , The Daxing Monk can’t say clearly, he doesn’t even know.

“I remember when I met in the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line, I seemed to have told you about the secret world of quicksand?”

The monk said: “I used to I always thought that it was Wuyou Empress who used that drop of blood of original sin to conceive the variables of original sin. Later I thought that it was not Wuyou Emress that was conceiving, but that drop of blood of original sin was conceiving by itself, and then I knew that it was neither. Wuyou Empress is conceiving, not the blood of original sin is conceiving, but causal destiny is conceiving you, the variable of original sin.”

paused, Daxing Epilogue continued: “Causal destiny is pregnant The purpose of transforming your original sin variable is very simple. It is to let you aspire to Allah of Original Sin, and then obliterate you, so as to completely get rid of original sin.”

“Back then, you brat ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain. , The Secret Realm of Quicksand immediately gave birth to a variable of original sin. I didn’t understand what was going on before, but later I gradually realized that it must be you brat. After lighting the fire of original sin karma, the causal fate thought you were dead. If you brat died. , Then no one aspires to the Allah of Original Sin, and it is impossible to get rid of original sin. Therefore, the fate of causality immediately creates an original sin variable like you to replace you.”

“The problem is… “Gu Qingfeng pondered then said: “I didn’t die.”

“Why you brat didn’t die, I don’t know why, but this is not impossible. After all, you brat is the original sin variable, even if you jump Without the law of causality, cause and effect cannot absolutely dominate your destiny. Variables must be beyond the definite and unpredictable. Therefore, when you brat lit the fire of original sin karma, cause and effect thought you were dead.”

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