Supreme Lord

Chapter 2168

The Daxing Monk doesn’t know how powerful Gu Qingfeng’s strength is. He only knows that it is terrifying and cannot imagine.

He also knows that if Gu Qingfeng makes a move, Bodhisattva, who is in a tender dress, is definitely not an opponent. The father and mother who will surely be beaten by Gu Qingfeng do not know him.


If Gu Qingfeng wants to kill Jingyi Bodhisattva, in the eyes of the monk, it may not be an easy task.

Because he knows that Bodhisattva this realm is almost an Undying and Inextinguishable existence, even if he can obliterate his fleshy body, he cannot obliterate his soul, or his soul, nor his spirit. , The spirit can be obliterated, but the divine sense cannot be obliterated.

As long as there is a sense of divine presence, Bodhisattva will not die or die.

Not only Bodhisattva, but also the Destiny Great Emperors are similar, including some golden arhats, and some Destiny Thrones, etc., it is difficult to absolutely obliterate them.

even more how, whether it’s Bodhisattva or Destiny, which one is not a powerful good fortune? Which one has no magic weapon for trump card? Which guy has no life saver?

To kill them, I have to say that it is really difficult.

At least, with the ability of a great monk, he has no absolute certainty or confidence to obliterate any Bodhisattva or Destiny.

Furthermore, if these existences are really so easy to kill, since ancient times, that many people would not have been beaten into the ruins.

Because they can’t be completely wiped out, they have to enter the ruins.


Gu Qingfeng does not understand these words.

He naturally knows that the higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to kill.

He can say that he has a deep understanding of this. The most impressive thing is that he fought with the Great Emperor Changfeng in the past, from nine days to Nine Nether, and he didn’t know how long he fought until the end, but his mother collapsed. It has not been able to kill the Great Emperor Changfeng. With this, one can imagine how difficult it is to obliterate an Emperor of Destiny.

Although Gu Qingfeng’s strength today doesn’t even he knows what the situation is, but then again, because he doesn’t know, he has always wanted to find someone to try.

Originally, the Daxing Monk is definitely a good opponent to learn from. However, this old bald donkey always likes to hide and tuck him, and he can’t try to fight him.

Nowadays, I finally meet a Bodhisattva, Gu Qingfeng really feels itchy. Looking at the ancient vestige that looks like the setting sun, I think about it and forget it.

Not only is there some evil in this place, but the more you observe, the stronger the feeling of deja vu, which makes him very puzzled.

Gu Qingfeng can be said to be very sensitive to the inexplicable feeling of deja vu.

In his impression, every appearance of deja vu is often related to his own cause and effect.

This is true for both people and things.

Is it also related to my own cause and effect?

Shook his head.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t think about it for a while.

“Guy boy! That seems to be someone!”

The voice of the big monk came, Gu Qingfeng looked over, and sure enough, he was standing on a mountain in the distance. Holding a person.

That may be a person.

The entire body of this person was entangled with white cloth, only a pair of dark eyes appeared.

Seeing this person, Gu Qingfeng first startled, and wondered: “Why is she here?”

The Daxing monk asked in confusion: “Do you know?”


Gu Qingfeng jumped up, and instantly shouted Bai Chou’s name.

When Bai Chou saw Gu Qingfeng, a hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes, but he was relieved quickly and said: “You… really are here.”

This is a thought-provoking sentence.

Gu Qingfeng asked puzzledly: “Do you know I will come?”

“Everyone who should come will come, like you, like me…”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you think this place is familiar?”

“Do you feel this way too?” Gu Qingfeng couldn’t bear it, and asked: “Where is this place?”

“You have been to this place.”

“I have been?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, I really don’t remember when I came to this place, and I think it is impossible again. This is the ancient vestige of motherfucker, and he has never been to any ancient vestige before.

“Hehe, your forgetfulness is really big enough, you don’t even remember the place where you merged with the blood of original sin.”

When I heard this, Gu Qingfeng More puzzled inside.

What is the place where I merged with the blood of original sin?

Gu Qingfeng still remembers that the place where he merged with the blood of original sin was in the secular world, and it was in the northwest of the secular world.

Is this place the great northwestern part of the secular world?

Impossible right?

How could the great northwestern part of the secular world appear in the ancient vestige?

“The setting sun is like the world, stumped…can’t you remember it?”

Bai Chou’s words came again, Gu Qingfeng heard the word setting sun, and his heart suddenly moved , Looked at the turbulent vortex glowing with golden red color brilliance in the sky, and looked at the barren ancient vestige like the setting sun.

Muttering the word “Sunset” in his mouth, he finally remembered, and said in astonishment: “This is… This is the valley of the sunken sun?”

“You finally remembered It’s up.”

“Good fellow!”

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath.


He finally remembered.

He finally realized why he felt this place was so familiar from the moment he came in.

This barren ancient vestige motherfucker turned out to be the Valley of the Sun.

Remnant Yang Valley is a mysterious place.

It looks like it is located in the northwestern part of the secular world, but it is only what it looks like. The real Rising Sun Valley does not belong to the northwest or the secular world. As for where it belongs, Gu Qingfeng does not know.

If it is in other places, it will not let Gu Qingfeng lose self-control like this.

In fact, there are too many secrets in the Valley of the Sunken Sun, and these secrets are all related to Gu Qingfeng. It can even be said that his life experience includes the blood of original sin within the body and even him All of the causal fate and so on are related to the Rising Sun Valley.

Are you exaggerating?


No exaggeration at all.

Gu Qingfeng was born in the northwestern part of the secular world.

And from the day he was born, he was the person of original sin.

Later he learned that his birth was related to the drop of original sin blood in the Valley of the Sun.

Later, he came to the Valley of the Sun and found the drop of original sin blood and merged with it. It was not that he wanted to merge or had to merge, but that drop of original sin blood was in summon him, just like It belonged to him originally.

Until now, he still doesn’t understand the relationship between himself and that drop of blood of original sin.

The only thing I know is that guarding that drop of original sin blood is a woman named Wuyou Empress.

Before, he heard people say that it was Wuyou Empress who used the blood of original sin to conceive the original sin, and he was one of them.

Later, he saw Wuyou Empress once, and Wuyou Empress said that it was not that she used the blood of original sin to conceive the person of original sin, but the drop of blood of original sin was conceiving herself.

What is the truth of the matter, Gu Qingfeng has not figured out until now.

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