Supreme Lord

Chapter 2164

To say that the old bald donkey, the Daxing Monk, is really a strange flower in the world.

He said that he became a woman. Gu Qingfeng thought he was joking. He didn’t expect next moment. This old bald donkey really changed into a woman.

Moreover, she is also a charming and charming girl.

Don’t say it, it’s really like that. If you don’t look carefully, I’m afraid you won’t be able to tell that you are a monk.

“Uncle Gu, your servant, can this beauty come back to your eyes?”

The monk act coquettishly, not speaking, it’s okay, this opening is very vivid The kiln sister in brothel.

“Uncle Gu, you are talking.”

The big monk twisted his butt and walked forward and pulled Gu Qingfeng’s arm, which made Gu Qingfeng sick. It’s broken. With a flick of his hand, he directly pushed the Daxing monk out, and yelled: “Fuck, you damn pervert.”

“I said Gu, your motherfucker didn’t make Laozi a motherfucker. Are you guys? Now I have changed into a lady, what kind of upright gentleman is your motherfucker pretending to be an upright gentleman!”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t bother to pay attention to him, jumped up and left.

“Motherfucker, wait for me!”

The Daxing monk got up from the ground and hurriedly pursued it.

Soon, the two came to the vicinity of a beam of light.

This beam of light is also a turbulent vortex, and it seems to be much larger than the previous turbulent vortex of Taixu Sword Tomb. At this time, a group of grandiose people flew here.

There are 20-30 people in this group. Most of them are cultivation realm. They have access to the mysterious Old Senior who don’t know how many years of cultivation. Among them, there are four Thrones of Destiny and six A Star Monarch and a Destiny Emperor.

Gu Qingfeng glanced over and saw two or three old acquaintances among the crowd.

A enchanting lithe and graceful woman, a beautiful and quiet woman.

Gu Qingfeng still remembers that these two women were the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing who met in the sky in the Great Wilderness.

If you remember correctly, both the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian belong to the Changsheng Pavilion, one of the seventy two blessed places.

This is indeed the case.

This group of people are all from the Changsheng Pavilion, and they are all the Old Senior of the Changsheng Pavilion, such as the famous Old Master of the Changsheng Pavilion.

Apart from this, there is also a destiny.

The Mandate of Heaven is a woman.

In the Great Wilderness.

Although the female destiny does not have that many male destiny, it does not mean that there is no. On the contrary, since ancient times, the female destiny is not small, and there are also many famous female destiny, such as the queen’s wind. Month by month, the female emperor Tang Hsiao, the female sect Ye Tianlan, etc. are all famous female streamers, like the destiny empress of the Changsheng Pavilion in front of them, they are also famous.

Personally known as the Shuijing Emperor, also known as the Shuijing Empress.

Gu Qingfeng may not have heard of the Great Shui Jing, but the Daxing Monk knows that Shui Jing Empress in the Great Wilderness is definitely one of the female emperors of Heaven and Earth. In Ancient Era Including Ancient Era can be described as the representative of the Changsheng Pavilion. When he was young, it was also known as the existence of the female hero.

She also has a more commendable identity, that is, the Master of the Floating Emperor.

That’s right!

Is the floating emperor who is known as the hero of modern and ancient times.

“Oh, isn’t this the big sister of centrifugation and the little sister of Qingqing?” Gu Qingfeng took the initiative to step forward and smiled and said hello: “It’s a coincidence, I actually ran into this place “

On the opposite side, among the crowd, the two of Xianzi Fairy and Qingqing were obviously shocked when they saw Gu Qingfeng. None of them expected to meet Gu Qingfeng here, to be precise. They didn’t even know that Gu Qingfeng was also in this ridiculous black hole.

“Centrifugation, Qingqing.”

Shui Jing Empress looks like a very serious woman. While looking at Gu Qingfeng, she asked: “This is you Friend?”

“Ancestor Master……he……” Qingqing came back to his senses from deep shock, and responded: “He is……you emperor.”

When I heard the words Youdi, the Old Ancestors of the Changsheng Pavilion were so scared that the complexion greatly changed, the instinctive took out the magic weapon, and the operation spirit strength, even though it was the Master Water Mirror Empress of the Floating Emperor, I heard the name of the Youdi, The expression has also changed and changed.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Youdi’s prestige, throughout the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth, no one knows known to everyone.

Ordinary person fears the name of Emperor You, and what he fears is his terrifying power.

After all, in ancient times, Emperor You was the master who burned nine days, cut across the sky, and traversed the avenue. Needless to say, in the ancient times, in Lingluo Tianyu not long ago, You Emperor died alone. Not to mention the incarnation of the giant Old Ancestor, it is to obliterate the destiny in front of Heavenly Dao. Under such circumstances, who is not afraid?

People like the Old Ancestor of the Changsheng Pavilion are afraid of the name of Youdi, not only the power of Youdi, but also the mysterious and unknown of Gu Qingfeng.

Because they all know that Gu Qingfeng ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain and awakened the original sin. It is very likely that the original sin is recorded in the book of destiny.

This is where they really fear.

“Your Excellency is You Emperor?”

Shui Jing Empress stared at Gu Qingfeng solemnly asked.

“Yes.” Gu Qingfeng casually responded: “What advice?”

“I don’t dare to teach.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed, no Talking, at this time, the Daxing Monk came over and said: “I said Gu Xiaozi, you should not frighten others, you should leave quickly.”

Gu Qingfeng confronted the two of them. Waved his hand and said: “Two big girls, we’ll meet again some day.”

After that, he turned around and jumped into the vortex.

The Daxing Monk wanted to jump in with him, but suddenly remembered something, and said: “By the way, the floating boy is not with you?”

The Daxing Monk is now She is a totally charming and enchanting kiln girl. Gu Qingfeng is very ugly to see her identity, let alone other people. Empress looks at the monk, browses slightly wrinkle, and asks: “I don’t know who your Excellency is. ?”

The Daxing Epilogue and Emperor Fusheng know each other, but the relationship is not good. As for the other people in the Changsheng Pavilion, they all know each other, but they only know each other, not at all.

When the Huangtian Old Ancestor was born last time, the Daxing Monk patronized and chased Gu Qingfeng, but he forgot about the Emperor Fusheng, and he also had something to ask the Emperor Fusheng. The emperor’s Master and discipline are here, so I want to inquire about the whereabouts of the floating emperor.

Finding that Shui Jing Empress was so cautious, the Daxing Monk changed his body and regained his true body, saying: “It’s me!”

“You are…” Shui Jing Empress was shocked. , Said: “The Great Sage Monk?”

“It is Lao Na.”

“Why are you… how are you incarnation a woman, and… why are you with You Emperor? “Shui Jing Empress asked the doubt in his heart.

“Speaking of which is a bit complicated.” Da Xing lunatic asked: “Is that kid floating with you?”

“Floating has other things I have to do it.”

“That’s it.” The monk worried that the delay was too long. When the time comes, he couldn’t find Gu Qingfeng and said: “When you see the boy floating, just say I’m looking for something to do with him, so be sure to let him see me.” After that, the monk threw a letter to the water mirror Empress.

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