Supreme Lord

Chapter 2163

The army that resisted Gu Qingfeng took out the sword array. Although the monk did not suffer any injuries, he was really exhausted and exhausted. It felt like fighting an evenly matched object for three days. It was the same for three nights, exhausted, sat on the ground and never wanted to stand up again.

“Gu boy! I ask you, the sword array was really made on a whim by you brat?”

“Yes!” Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said with a smile: “How is it, it feels okay?”

“Then it’s so fucking…it’s so painful, just the thing you made can tire people to death!”

Thinking of the sword array just now, the Daxing Monk still has some lingering fears. He has seen many formidable power and mysterious sword arrays in his life, and he has never been as suffocated as he is today.

No matter how powerful other sword arrays are, as long as the formation eye is broken, even if it is broken, even if the formation eye cannot be broken, the monk can see the profound mystery, get rid of the sword array and take 10,000 steps back Said, even if the formation eye cannot be broken, it will not break the mystery. Even if it is consumed, the Daxing Monk can afford it by virtue of his vast power.

And what about the word array of Rao Shizi just now.

The Daxing Monk can’t see any profound mystery.

Consumption with sword array?

He has already consumed it just now. He almost collapsed and sacrificed all the fans of great mercy and compassion, but it still doesn’t work. The more you fan the Flying Sword, the more you fan, and the more you fan the sword array, the crazier you are. How do you spend it? Can’t afford it at all.

The most annoying thing is that he clearly knows that Gu Qingfeng is the formation eye, and it is right in front of his eyes, so he just can’t go there.

But then again, even if I walked over, facing such a formation eye as Gu Qingfeng, the Daxing Monk was helpless.

This has to be called Daxing Lian Seng sigh, sigh the mysterious of the sword dao too virtual.

Gu Qingfeng’s existence itself is enough terrifying, and now it is too imaginary sword dao. Throughout the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that few people can help this brat.

This may be bad news for the existence of all those prying eyes on the existence of Allah of the original sin, such as those great wilderness giants, Nine Nether, Holy Land forbidden land, Guixu ruins and so on.

It’s good news for the big monks, and great news.

After all, he neither hoped that Gu Qingfeng would aspire to Allah of Original Sin, nor did he want Gu Qingfeng to die here. The best result is that Gu Qingfeng neither aspired to Allah of Original Sin, but was able to leave alive.

“Daxing, do you want to see the Nine Swords of Taixu?”

When I heard this, the Daxing monk suddenly became energetic, poking his head and asking: “you brat Have you really realized the Nine Swords of Taixu?”

“What lie to you!”

“Then you show it to let Lao Tzu see it, in the words of you brat, Let us also open our eyes and have a long experience.”

The monk Daxing has not awakened in his previous life, and his memory of his previous life is also very vague, but his impression of Taixu Nine Swords has always been very deep. at all I have seen Taixu Nine Swords, even if there is no one in the previous life. Most of the Taixu Nine Swords were heard from Master in his previous life. The most impressive sentence is Taixu Nine Swords, Heaven and Earth Nine Changes.

“It is reported that Taixu Nine Swords and every sword will change this world. I have always wanted to see it.”


Gu Qingfeng lightly said with a smile: “Don’t say you want to see, I want to see too.”

“You brat said that you have realized it?”

“It’s just nothing serious.” Gu Qingfeng stood up, stretched his waist, and said: “This Taixu sword dao mysterious is extremely mysterious, and Taixu Nine Swords can be called the essence of it. How can you understand it by saying it.”

“You brat did not realize the Nine Swords of Taixu, ah?”

“Today, I am able to wander too far, and understand the sword dao, I am already very happy. As for the legendary Taixu Nine Swords…Let’s talk about it if it is destined.”

The two not at all stayed in this ruin for too long, and left after drinking two jars of fine wine.


The huge turbulent vortex in the sky is still spinning crazily, like the boundless barren ancient vestige flashing bright and dark, and the wind swept the yellow sand wantonly.

Count until the beam of light is particularly conspicuous in the yellow sand.

The two of Gu Qingfeng followed a beam of light to enter the Taixu Sword Tomb opened by the Taixu Sword Saint, and the Taixu Sword Saint still belongs to the existence of the pre-desolate ancient times. It will be those wild ancient vestige.

“I don’t know what the relics are in this world. Let’s go and take a look, if something happens, don’t be robbed.”

Gu Qingfeng said I am not greedy for money, and I am not very interested in the treasures of those laborers. However, what do you say about this stuff? No interest does not mean disgust. No one is too much of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Gu Qingfeng is no exception. Maybe someday It can be used. If you take 10,000 steps back, even if you don’t use it, you can keep it as a gift in the future.

even more how, this place is a wild ancient vestige, even a lump of shit thrown into the great wasteland will rob your head. If it is good luck, if you grab an Innate Supreme Treasure, then you won’t need it in this life. Worried.

Furthermore, the ruins that were born may not be the Innate Supreme Treasure, it may be Divine Consciousness, or good fortune.

For example, the Taixu Sword Tomb that Gu Qingfeng broke into just now can be regarded as his chance and his good fortune. Once a sudden enlightenment, he wanders too imaginarily, and has a too imaginary sword dao.

Even people like Gu Qingfeng who have no desires and desires are like this, let alone a great monk.

Before witnessing Gu Qingfeng wandering too vaguely and understanding too vaguely sword dao, he really envied the great monk, but he also knew that chance this stuff was not envious, it was you It’s yours, it’s not yours or you can’t grab it.

“I’m thinking we’d better act separately, you also go to other ruins to see.”

hearing this, the Daxing Monk said uncomfortably: “What happened? Baby, are you still afraid that I will snatch it with you?”

“Master is not afraid of you snatching it, I’m afraid you can’t snatch it.”


Although the monk didn’t want to, he had to admit that this was the truth. He really thought about it carefully. If he meets a terrible treasure, I am afraid he will not be able to snatch Gu Qingfeng.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that it’s not a bad thing to leave Gu Qingfeng and go to other ruins by myself. Maybe you really have some treasure.

After thinking about it again, the Daxing lunatic thought it was better to forget it.

For the time being, let’s not talk about whether we can meet any baby, even if we do?

For the Daxing monk, leaving alive is the most important thing.

Whether he can leave alive depends entirely on whether Gu Qingfeng can leave alive.

So, following Gu Qingfeng is the most important thing.

Although he also knows that he may not be able to change with Gu Qingfeng, but at least it makes him feel a little bit safer, not to worry about it.


The Daxing monk sighed then said, “Forget it, I don’t expect anything, anyway, I am going to follow you brat all the time.”

“Lord is wondering, what your motherfucker always does with me, you said that if you are a lady, you will follow, your old bald donkey has been following the master, what a thing, People who don’t know think that the Lord has the addiction to Longyang!”

“Why, should I become a woman?”

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